bosu n00b

Joined: 21 May 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:28 am Post subject: typing traditional characters (HKSCS encoding) w/ xcin? |
has anyone been able to use xcin or chinput to input hong kong characters? i can read them, but i can't input them. launching xcin, i...
Code: |
export LC_CTYPE=zh_HK
export XMODIFIERS="@im=xcin"
export XIM=xcin
But xcin returns:
Code: |
XCIN (Chinese XIM server) version xcin
(module ver: 20000831, syscin ver: 20000210).
(use "-h" option for help)
xcin: locale "zh_HK" encoding "big5-hkscs"
xcin: error: /etc/xcinrc:
locale section "zh_HK": DEFAULT_IM: value not specified.
Note I can use xcin to type simplified in oo and thunderbird, but not in firebird(!). There is a defined section for the HKSCS characters in /etc/xcinrc. zh_TW, which is not what I want, complains about the font. Not sure what font I _should_ use for this, actually. fcitx does nothing when i start it. chinput segfault (i am runnning gentoo on a PPC)
thank you. --bosu |