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help configuring dlink dwl-g650
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Joined: 25 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:32 pm    Post subject: help configuring dlink dwl-g650 Reply with quote

I've been struggling with this for literally hours now :-/

Firstly, my home network looks like this:

cable-modem (WAN DHCP) ---> router (LAN DHCP/F-W) ---> wireless switch ---> laptop

the wireless switch is really a wireless router with the WAN port disconnected.

The laptop dual boots gentoo and XP and if I use XP, the wireless card (dlink dwl-g650) gets a LAN IP from the router and I can resolve host names on the internet. So, I'm fairly confident my wireless setup and card are OK.

I got the latest madwifi build from cvs, patched it with the 2.6.8 patches and it compiles OK. I can also modprobe wlan, wlan_wep, hal_ath, hal_pci with no problems. I'm trying to use uberlord's wireless-config package and it looks like it's working until it tries to get an IP address and it times out with a msg saying "[dhcpcd] timed out waiting for a valid DHCP server response"
I tried giving it a static IP but it won't talk to the router afterwards.... I also tried configuring via iwconfig with no luck.

Looking on the windows side, I see the following in the settings:

associated bssid = 12:34:56:78 (MAC of wireless switch)
ssid = default
channel = 6
wireless mode = infrastructure
enc = wep
auth mode = shared auth
key = 12121212121212121212121212 (128bit hex key)

does anyone know what I need to put in /etc/conf.d/wireless or is there another way to do this?

My kernel is nitro 2.6.8 r6 and iwconfig etc seems to working so I think it's simply a config issue

Thanks in advance
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Joined: 25 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I decided to try changing the wireless setup and now all is working. I went from restricted authentication to open.... so either the madwifi driver doesn't like restricted or my setup was wrong (the latter is more likely)

Does this now represent a security problem? WEP is still enabled with 128bit hex encyption so I don't think so, but would like some expert opinion.

All I now have in my /etc/conf.d/wireless is:

key_MYNEWESSID="10101010101010101010101010 enc open"
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oliver wrote:
I went from restricted authentication to open.... so either the madwifi driver doesn't like restricted or my setup was wrong (the latter is more likely)

Does this now represent a security problem? WEP is still enabled with 128bit hex encyption so I don't think so, but would like some expert opinion.

Open is actually more secure than restricted even though the name implies otherwise.

Open allows connections from my card regardless of key and just throws the data away if not encrypted with the correct key.

Restricted only allows connections from points with the correct key - so they have to send the key which makes it more insecure.

Neither is totally secure

All I now have in my /etc/conf.d/wireless is:
key_MYNEWESSID="10101010101010101010101010 enc open"

You may want to add preferred_aps=( "MYNEWESSID" ) so that if any other AP's come in range it will prefer yours other the other one.
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Joined: 25 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

UberLord wrote:
Open allows connections from my card regardless of key and just throws the data away if not encrypted with the correct key.

Restricted only allows connections from points with the correct key - so they have to send the key which makes it more insecure.

ahh... that makes sense, thanks for explaining.

You may want to add preferred_aps=( "MYNEWESSID" ) so that if any other AP's come in range it will prefer yours other the other one.

great tip.. will do.

Thanks again.
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