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Joined: 23 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 6:23 pm    Post subject: Gateway/Domain Question Reply with quote

The situation, I am explaining applies to both Windows and Gentoo, so read on, and if you can help please respond. Here goes:

I currently am running DSL with the possibility of 4 Static IP Addresses. A family member recently purchased a wireless router after donating their computer to the family. I thought I would just give him the same static IP he had earlier until the whole family complained about CAT5 being strung across our living room, so I gave in.

I have 2 network cards in the box I'm posting this message from so I'm posting my new setup here:
Connection 1
DSL from Wall --> Bridged Connection from ISP (Port 1)--> Static IP to this machine
Connection 2
DSL from Wall --> Bridged Connection from ISP (Port 2)--> CAT5 through attic --> Static IP to machine upstairs

Port 3 was used this same way until he decided to move it downstiars and we couldn't hide the cable. Now it is:
Connection 3
DSL from Wall --> Bridged Connection from ISP (Port 3)--> Static IP to the Wireless Router --> DHCP to living room

The first card in my machine is configured this way:
Use the following address:
Static IP seen on the internet
ISP's gateway for my POP

The Second card in my machine is configured this way:
Use the following address:

My Question is this:
How do I go about setting up gateways/subnets so that I dont have to disable the Static IP interface, then Enable the Dynamic?
I would rather have them both up at the same time if I ever need to reconfigure the router, add filters etc. I would also like for the family to be able to share my version of Office 2003 but I can't set that up until I figure out how to resolve the Gateway Question. :?: :?:

Some Ideas
I could make my second interface ask for DHCP but it complains because it looks through my POP's gateway for an unregistered IP (won't work)

If I leave them both enabled, they fight each other and I can't surf anywhere (the registered gatway is conflicting with the unregistered one. I knew this to be true from reading /etc/conf.d/net while setting up Gentoo: Only 1 gateway per machine. Is there a way around this without adding another machine??
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Last edited by eyoung100 on Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 05 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Too many static IPs.

Use one static IP from your ISP on interface 1.
Set up a private static 192.168.x.1 address on card 2.
Run a DHCP server on card 2

Set up iptables to perform firewalling for everyone on your network.
They will all have addresses in your 192.168.x.x subnet assigned by DHCP.

If you have an old PC to dedicate as a firewall, put Smoothwall Express on it. It should be running in about half an hour.


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Joined: 23 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon wrote:

Too many static IPs.

Use one static IP from your ISP on interface 1.
Set up a private static 192.168.x.1 address on card 2.
Run a DHCP server on card 2

I'll do that. I can remove connection 2 and put it on the wireless network. I should clarify Connection 3. Connection 3 was:
DSL from Wall --> Bridged Connection from ISP (Port 3)--> Static IP to the Wireless Router --> DHCP to living room

Connection 3 should have been:
DSL from Wall --> Bridged Connection from ISP (Port 3)--> Static IP assigned to the Wireless Router --> DHCP to living room

This saves me the extra step of a homegrown firwall because the static IP assigned to the router is substituted for every incoming request/return. This "substitution method" is not very well documented in Linksys's documentation. Just like the guy at Best Buy claimed all I had to do was plug my bridge into port 4 of their wireless router. Needless to say I went against his judgement, and put 4 years of college education into practice. I HATE salesman who claim their product will work "right out of the box." :evil: :roll: :!:
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