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Joined: 05 May 2002
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Location: Uppsala, Sweden

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 2:15 pm    Post subject: Quake 3 probs Reply with quote

I'm having problems wth Quake 3 under gentoo. When I try to run it at my default resolution (1280x1024) I just get a blank screen. I now that q3 is still running, because I can hear the sound the menue-choices make when the mouse passes over them. It's not so fun to play the game though if you can't see anything... ;(

If I start it up in 640x480 resolution I can get a small version of q3 in the lower left corner of the screen, but as soon as I change the resolution I get the same blank screen (even if I only change to 800x600).

I'm running the latest point release (1.31) and I have a GF3 TI200, and I'm using the nvidia drivers.

Any thoughts?

//Andreas Lundin
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

is 1280x1024 a supported resolution in your XF86Config file (in /etc/X11). Also what are you doing to make it run in 640x480?

I've got Quake3 working fine running it in a window (not full screen) if that's any help
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Joined: 05 May 2002
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Location: Uppsala, Sweden

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

denny wrote:
is 1280x1024 a supported resolution in your XF86Config file (in /etc/X11). Also what are you doing to make it run in 640x480?

Yes, 1280x1024 is my regular resolution in X. To make it run in 640x480 I just deleted my users .q3a directory, then q3 defaults to 640x480. However X is still in 1280x1024 so q3 only takes up a small part of the screen. ;(

denny wrote:
I've got Quake3 working fine running it in a window (not full screen) if that's any help

How did you do that?

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Joined: 09 May 2002
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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You should edit the q3aconfig file, located in your home dir


then you want to search for :

seta r_fullscreen "1"

if you change that option to 0, q3 will start in a window

if it's any good to you, right above, there's another option

seta r_mode "6"
This changes the resolution. 6 = 1024x786, duno the rest of them, but I think 7 = 1152x864 or smth sim. ;) and 8 = 1280x1024, 4 = 800x600 and so on

Everything working fine here (no trouble to fullscreen), I'm using the latest nvidia drivers. My card = Leadtek geforce2 mx 400

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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i am not sure why you would ahve to do that...i think you might need to edit your xf86config file and add mode lines to your depths...possibly add also a horizontal sync and vertical refresh range that is corrct for your monitor...go look over the xf86config tutorial under articles....i have loaded quake3 on many linux boxs usually the first thing i do after i get x running and i have never had to alter the .q3 config
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2002 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


another q3-thing. ive tried to install it but theres somthing with glibc2.2 (wants 2.1??)
can anyone give me a hint?

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Joined: 05 May 2002
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Location: Uppsala, Sweden

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2002 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

JefP@@ wrote:

seta r_mode "6"
This changes the resolution. 6 = 1024x786, duno the rest of them, but I think 7 = 1152x864 or smth sim. ;) and 8 = 1280x1024, 4 = 800x600 and so on

Well, I managed to get into quake3 by setting seta r_mode to 8, but I don't seem to have any textures ;)
When I check the output from quake3 I see this:

Initializing OpenGL extensions
...GL_S3_s3tc not found
...GL_EXT_texture_env_add not found
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array not found

I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not, but something seems to be f*cked up with my gl setup.

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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2002 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The bit about GL extensions not being found should be OK.

Quake3 supports numerous extensions to the OpenGL spec,
when it says things like "GL_S3_s3tc not found", it simply
means that your video card (or you video card's drivers) do
not support S3's texure compression extension.

Quake3 (I'm pretty sure) will run at a plain vanilla OpenGL
setup, without any extensions. The extensions add extra
functionality or speed, but it should still run.

So I would venture to say that that is not the reason there
are no textures in Quake3 for you. Unfortunately I can't
find my Quake3 cd and so haven't been through the process
of install and using it under linux, much less gentoo.

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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2002 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

be sure your /usr/lib/,,, and all point to the nvidia libGL files which for the newest gentoo version are in /usr/lib/opengl/nvidia/lib/. the version just previous were located in /opt/nvidia/lib/. also be sure you do 'opengl-update nvidia' to be sure you are using the nvidia gl drivers and the the xfree ones. if you are using the nvidia drivers you should not get any error messages about missing gl extensions, i believe. good luck!
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Joined: 19 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2002 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

just curious what did you do prior to the did you load the drivers for your video is x what changes did you make to the moudule path lines....i just loaded q3 and ta lastnight for the gazillionth time in linux...this time in gentoo and it was just the same and runs perfectly.

i have the linux version of q3 so after installing the nvidia kernel and glx and changing the driver to "nvidia" adding the modulespath /opt/nvidia/modules ....echo NVidia >> modules.autoload then mounting the cd sh it installs i exit out of the installation windows then download and install the point relese then mount the ta cd to the missionpack dir cp the pak0.pk3 to the missionpack directory of /usr/local/games/quake3/missionpack

then i exit everything again and can start the game as the normal user...if you run the game before you add ta or the pointrelese you have to delete the config file q3 generates and stores in your home directory under the hidden files/folders .q3 then restart the game after you have added the pr or ta.

in your x setup the screen size shifting has to do with the modes enabled in your XF86Config and that particualr depth....make sure you have added support for your monitors particualr horiz-sync and vertical refresh rates under the "screens section" and add the addition mode lines you want to run quake3 at under that specific depth.

check your xf86config and i would delete q3 completely and start over...or atleast delete the config file in the .q3 dirctory after configuring x over and re run q3.

good luck
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Joined: 18 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2002 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

with the latest nvidia drivers in gentoo, you no longer need to add the /opt/nvidia... path to your x config file, there is no /opt/nvidia anymore. if you have it, it is a holdover from the last nvidia driver version.
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Joined: 19 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2002 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

that i wasnt sure about...but i just followed the directions as they were and its all working fine with the /opt/nvidia/modules path so i just left it....i never had to do that with any other linux distro and nvidia...usually the glx install would move and link the right stuff
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Joined: 10 May 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2002 4:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Burzmali, you are the man! I thought I was going crazy or something. Ther is an opt dir but nothing in it. SO what you are saying is that you do not have to modify the modules section of the xfconfig file at all? Cool, cause I decided better not to add the path to a non existant dir than to add it and posibly fck something up. I am pretty sure that all is well with my vid card exceleration too cause all of the ogl screen savers work fine. Havn't tried a game yet but I have to go back the the xfconfig file and add the res options again for 24bit color and I had removed all but 1024X768 for 16bit and all of 8bit cause I couldn't figure out why KDE was starting up in 640X480 :D.
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Joined: 26 May 2002
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2002 4:55 pm    Post subject: quake3 Reply with quote

I am running quake3 with no problems. I have noticed that the kde sound server interferes with quake3 as you mentioned. I got a blank screen too. When I turn off the kde sound server. The problem goes away. After that q3 works great for me?
Radio Shack, You have questions we have blank stares.
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 29 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2003 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had the same problem and it was caused by the soundsystem. Try
 ./quake3.x86 +set s_initsound 0

no pain, no gain
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 29 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2003 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But this doesn't provide sound, which definitely sucks. So if your blank screen was caused by the soundsystem, like mine was, this would probably help:

Q3A uses the /dev/dsp sound device for sound support under Linux. This
is the default device provided by the sound drivers included with the Linux
kernel. Please note that at the time of this writing, PCI based sound cards
such as the SoundBlaster Live and Diamond Monster MX series were not
supported. They may be supported in the future. Check

for support in the future.

You should make sure that the permissions for the /dev/dsp device are read
and write for your current user ID. Some systems re-assign the owner and
reset to 644 on login. A simple way to get access is to do

"chmod o+rw /dev/dsp"

as root. For the more security conscious, a special sound group could be
created and Q3A could be made setgid to the sound group to access the

Q3A uses mmap() to map the sound buffers on /dev/dsp directly in order
to provide responsive sound needs. Sound cards must be able to support this
feature in order to work. SoundBlaster 16, AWE32 and AWE64 cards are known
to work.

no pain, no gain
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