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Problem with hostname and domainname.
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Joined: 25 Feb 2004
Posts: 27
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:03 pm    Post subject: Problem with hostname and domainname. Reply with quote

I have a problem with my web server (apache2) in regards to my hostname/domainname. I have a weird setup so this might be a lengthy post, sorry for that.

To start, here's my setup:

                     /    PC1 NIC1                -  NIC2  PC1           \
INTERNET -  Router -   PC2 NIC1                -  NIC2  PC2           -  SWITCH
                     \    PC3gentoo(server1)eth0  -  eth1  PC3(server1)  /

As you can see, I have 3 computer, each computer has 2 network card, the first one connected into the router (using NAT) and the second one connected into a switch. The nics connected to the router have ips in the 192.168 range and the ones in the switch have ips in the 172.16 (yeah, I used a class B for 3 computers... :twisted: )

Here's my /etc/hosts for my server (PC3) is my dyndns hostname (i replaced most of it by x to protect myself ;) )
Code:       localhost.localdomain   localhost     tzeentch     server1.129A            server1

Here's the result of the "hostname" command
tzeentch@server1 tzeentch $ hostname
tzeentch@server1 tzeentch $

Here's the result of the "dnsdomainname" command
tzeentch@server1 tzeentch $ dnsdomainname
tzeentch@server1 tzeentch $

Here's the result of the "domainname" command
tzeentch@server1 tzeentch $ domainname
tzeentch@server1 tzeentch $

Now for my problem: If I try to connect to my webpage from the internet using it works. But if I use it doesn't work, the browser redirects itself to server1.129a/wfrp, and of course that adresse is impossible to reach from the internet. If I go to, it works.
I'm pretty certain I did something wrong (or multiple things wrong), but I'm stuck on a rut right now and just can't figure it out.

Thank you all in advance for any and all help. Gentoo users are the best.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2004
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Location: Tulsa, OK

PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try setting Servername in your apache2.conf file to fqdn - example, I run - i had been using the localhost name (leonid)

Servername leonid

And whenever someone would attempt to get to a sub page, or for example, my webmail directory, without the /, it would goto a random site linked to the name "leonid"

Upon changing the Servername, to


It works fine now. I don't know if this is the "proper" way, and I don't have an understanding of vhosts, but I know this works for me.
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