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fdisk Maxtor SATA disk -Asus a7n8x Deluxe, Sil 3112 - SOLVED
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Joined: 24 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:22 am    Post subject: fdisk Maxtor SATA disk -Asus a7n8x Deluxe, Sil 3112 - SOLVED Reply with quote

Hi everybody

I've been playing with gentto inside a VmWare running on Xp, and now I want to give it a real try. :lol:

I'm trying to install Gentoo 2004.3 on a Maxtor 6 Y080M0 SCSI Disk Device, with dual boot option with XP

I'm booting the livecd with smp-nofb

A couple of seconds after booting up, I get the folowwing message:

ata1: DMA timeout, stat 0x4
p1 p2 <

then I can´t fdisk /dev/hde (that's what knoppix 3.6 recognizes) nor /dev/sda

I've already tried the doataraid stuff, but it didn't work

Been thru several posts at this forum, and everybody is talking about recompiling the kernel with such and such option, but I'm stuck far before that stage.

Please, help...

P.S Thanks in advance, and take into acount that I'm a gentoo newbie, so don't take any knoledge of my part for granted :oops:

Last edited by opensas on Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have the same motherboard with a similar sata disk (maxtor 6Y120M0).

You can try to install from knoppix: do the chroot, make all the partition stuff on hde and so on... and finally compile a 2.6 kernel (gentoo-dev-sources is a good choice).

Make sure that you enable on that kernel...


   Device Drivers
     <*> SCSI device support
     <*>    SCSI disk support
          SCSI low-level drivers
             [*] Serial ata support
             <*> Silicon Image SATA support 

This will make the disk work with the libata controler on reboot (the disk should be recognized as sda in this case).

Also make sure that Device Drivers->ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support->Support for SATA is NOT selected in the kernel config (only the last option --Support for SATA--, the "ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support" option can be enabled).

Compile the kernel and verify that in your fstab your partitions are of the form "sdaX" instead of "hdeX"

Do the grub config (with the current hde disk device) and when done, change in grub.lst, the line kernel /kernel-<kernel version> root=/dev/hdeX with kernel /kernel-<kernel version> root=/dev/sdaX and reboot.

If you use genkernel I think you have to change de root device on the real_root keyword (I've never used genkernel so I'm not sure of this)

Hope it helps

PS: Sorry for my english :oops:
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks lunatc

I saw that gnoppix uses the following


<6>ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
<6>NFORCE2: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:09.0
<6>NFORCE2: chipset revision 162
<6>NFORCE2: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
<6>NFORCE2: 0000:00:09.0 (rev a2) UDMA133 controller
<6>    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
<6>    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA
<4>hda: DVD-ROM DDU1621, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
<4>hdb: SONY CD-RW CRX225E, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
<4>ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
<6>SiI3112 Serial ATA: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:01:0b.0
<6>SiI3112 Serial ATA: chipset revision 1
<6>SiI3112 Serial ATA: 100% native mode on irq 18
<6>    ide2: MMIO-DMA , BIOS settings: hde:pio, hdf:pio
<6>    ide3: MMIO-DMA , BIOS settings: hdg:pio, hdh:pio
<4>hde: Maxtor 6Y080M0, ATA DISK drive
<4>ide2 at 0xe0815080-0xe0815087,0xe081508a on irq 18
<4>hdg: no response (status = 0xfe)
<4>hdg: no response (status = 0xfe), resetting drive
<4>hdg: no response (status = 0xfe)
<4>hde: max request size: 64KiB
<6>hde: 160086528 sectors (81964 MB) w/7936KiB Cache, CHS=65535/16/63
<6> hde: hde1 hde2 < hde5 >
<7>libata version 1.02 loaded.


But I didn´t know how to make it work with gentoo

Now I'll give it a try :lol:

I'll tell you later how I did

P.S. Don't waste your time crying about your english. You'll never write worse than me. (Hey, maybe we both speak spanish ) :mrgreen:
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Joined: 24 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, it´s me again.

I managed to boot from Knoppix 2.6, I followed the Gentoo Linux/x86 Handbok installation, and then configured the kernel like lunatc told me to.

I Couldn´t find any Support for SATA option inside Device Drivers->ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support, so I decided to disable the ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support.

While booting up, I get the following message


ata1: dev 0 ata, max UDMA/133
ata1: dev 0 configured for UDMA/100
scsi0: sata_sil
ata2: no device found
scsi1: sata_sil
Vendor ATA      Model: Maxtor 6y080m0      Rev: yar5
Type: Direct-Access    Ansi SCSI Revision: 05
scsi device sda: 160086528 512-byte hdwr sectir (81964 MB)
scsi device sda: drive cache: write back
/dev/scsi/hos0/bus0/target0/lun0: <3>ata1: DMA timeout, stat 0x4
p1 p2 <

and then it freezes...

Any idea?

Willl it help if I paste here my whole .config file?

By the way, can anybody tell me the pros and cons of the IDE SATA driver used by knoppix and the SCSI one I´m still trying to get to work?

Please give me a clue, I have the feeling I´m getting close... :lol:


P.S: How can I copy the contents of the console screen to a text file without having to type the whole thing?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Make sure you're using a recent 2.6 kernel (gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.9....).

On this motherboard I have to enable in the kernel...


Processor type and features
    [*] Local APIC support on uniprocessors
    [*]    IO-APIC support on uniprocessors     

Power management opcions (ACPI, APM)
[*] Power Management support
    ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support -->
         [*] ACPI Support
         --- All options below except laptop ones ---

And add the opcion "acpi=force" in your lilo/grub kernel boot options, and

sdb=none makes the kernel NOT to wait for a long time looking for an inexistent drive on the second sata channel.

in /etc/lilo.conf I have:

    append="root=/dev/sda2 acpi=force sdb=none"

(Change the sda2 device to fit your needs)

The reason to use the libata method is that (IIRC) the IDE driver is now marked as deprecated, so the libata driver is the supported branch right now.
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Joined: 24 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

¡¡¡Great job, lunatc!!! :mrgreen:

I could finally get my sata disk working with my gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.7-r11 sources. :D

Thanks a lot.

Now I'll spend some time trying diferent kernel configurations to strip off any unnecesary stuff.

But first I have a little problem to solve.

I can´t access my cdroms drive anymore

Right after booting, Knoppix recognizes them as

hda     DVD-ROM DDU1321
hdb     SONY CD-RW CDX225E

and then ls -al /dev/cdr* gives the following


/dev/cdrom  -> scd0
/dev/cdrom1 -> scd1

On the other hand, on the gentoo 2004.2 LiveCd, issuing ls -al /dev/cdroms/ gives the following


cdrom    -> ../ide/host0/bus0/target/lun0/cd
cdrom1    -> ../ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd

All this is very confussing to me, and when I boot with my brand new gentoo HD, none of this devices shows up.

I tried with the following configuration


Device Drivers

  <*> ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support
    <M> enhanced IDE/MFM/RLL/CDROM/...
    <M> include IDE/ATAPI CDROM support
    <M> generic/default IDE chipset support
      [*] PCI IDE CHIPSET support
        <M> generic PCI IDE chipset support
        <M> generic PCI BUS-MASTER DMA support

SCSI device support
  [*] Legacy /proc/scsi/ support
  <*> SCSI disk support
  <M> SCSI cdrom support
    [*]      enable vendro-specific...
   <*> SCSI generic support

To tell the truth, I was following my intuition, which obviously gave me very poor results.:oops:

Is there some way to tell which module is using a specific device?

Well if you could help me up with this thing, I´d be terribly grateful.



P.S. Could you paste your .config file so I could see the way you configured your kernel? :?:
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


one other thing that annoyed me

After booting with the LiveCd, I was trying to copy the .config file extracted from /proc/config.gz, but I couldn´t mount the floppy disk.

I had no /dev/fd0, all I had was /dev/fd/0, which didn´t seem to be a block device.

Any ideas?
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

opensas wrote:
¡¡¡Great job, lunatc!!! :mrgreen:

I could finally get my sata disk working with my gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.7-r11 sources. :D

Thanks a lot.


opensas wrote:

I can´t access my cdroms drive anymore

In your current config, I think you should modprobe ide-mod first because you have compiled the following as module (I have this compiled into the kernel).

   <M> enhanced IDE/MFM/RLL/CDROM/...

After that (module+modprobe or compiled-in), if the cdrom's doesn't appear as /dev/cdroms/cdromX, you may try to add one or more hdX=ide-cd to your kernel boot parameters.

Note: On my system I dont use scsi emulation (ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL/Support->SCSI emulation support), but IIRC It doesn't hurt.

opensas wrote:

After booting with the LiveCd, I was trying to copy the .config file extracted from /proc/config.gz, but I couldn´t mount the floppy disk.

I had no /dev/fd0, all I had was /dev/fd/0, which didn´t seem to be a block device.

Any ideas?

Try to make a modprobe floppy first (the device should be /dev/fd0)

opensas wrote:

P.S. Could you paste your .config file so I could see the way you configured your kernel? :?:

I'm not at home now so I'll paste my .config tonight

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Once more, thanks a lot.

Everything worked exactly like you said :wink:

I hope to have a little time to write down a little reminder of the whole process and post it here, in case it could be useful for anybody having a similar HW configuration.



P.S. I've heard a lot about the responsiveness of the Gentoo community... Ey man, now I can see they weren´t kidding :lol: :lol: :lol:
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me alegro de que haya funcionado todo! :D


P.S. I've heard a lot about the responsiveness of the Gentoo community... Ey man, now I can see they weren´t kidding

Es una de las mejores cosas de esta distro!
(This is one of the best things in this distro!)

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Joined: 24 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, thanks again.

Now I´m having troubles with my integrated Algere PCI modem, but that´s another story. :roll:

Anyway, if anybody happens to hace the same mother, I would really appreciate if you´d have a look at the following thread:

As you've seen I proudly edited the subject of this thread to add the SOLVED thing. :mrgreen:

Muchas gracias y saludos

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