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Errore con framebuffer
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:43 am    Post subject: Errore con framebuffer Reply with quote

Ciao raga',
impostando cosi il mio grub.conf :

 title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.10
root (hd0,0)
kernel=(hd0,0)/boot/kernel-2.6.10 root=/dev/hda3 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr,800x600-16@60 splash=silent,theme:gechi
initrd /boot/fbsplash-gechi-800x600

ottengo al boot della macchina questo errore

vesafb: probe of vesafb0 failed with error -6

Avete suggerimenti da darmi ?
tnx :oops:

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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ragazzi ho risolto mettendo

 title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.10
root (hd0,0)
kernel=(hd0,0)/boot/kernel-2.6.10 root=/dev/hda3 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr vga=788 splash=silent,theme:gechi
initrd /boot/fbsplash-gechi-800x600

Ora il fb parte.. solo che nelle console non ne vedo l'ombra 8O Devo impostare qualcosa all'interno dei settaggi del terminale ? Eppure vedendo questo :

 vesafb: framebuffer at 0xe0000000, mapped to 0xd0880000, using 1875k, total 32768k
vesafb: mode is 800x600x16, linelength=1600, pages=3
vesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:a300
vesafb: pmi: set display start = c00ca345, set palette = c00ca3ca
vesafb: pmi: ports = b4c3 b503 ba03 c003 c103 c403 c503 c603 c703 c803 c903 cc03 ce03 cf03 d003 d103 d203 d303 d403 d503 da03 ff03
vesafb: scrolling: ywrap using protected mode interface, yres_virtual=1200
vesafb: Truecolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
fbsplash: console 0 using theme 'gechi'
fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
fbsplash: console 0 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 0
fbsplash: console 1 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 1
fbsplash: console 2 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 2
fbsplash: console 3 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 3
fbsplash: console 4 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 4
fbsplash: console 5 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 5
fbsplash: console 6 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 6
fbsplash: console 7 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 7
fbsplash: console 8 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 8
fbsplash: console 9 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 9
fbsplash: console 10 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 10
fbsplash: console 11 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 11
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 1
fbsplash: console 1 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 1
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 2
fbsplash: console 2 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 2
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 3
fbsplash: console 3 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 3
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 4
fbsplash: console 4 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 4
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 5
fbsplash: console 5 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 5
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 6
fbsplash: console 6 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 6
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 7
fbsplash: console 7 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 7
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 8
fbsplash: console 8 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 8
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 9
fbsplash: console 9 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 9
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 10
fbsplash: console 10 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 10
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 11
fbsplash: console 11 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 11
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 1
fbsplash: console 1 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 1
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 2
fbsplash: console 2 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 2
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 3
fbsplash: console 3 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 3
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 4
fbsplash: console 4 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 4
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 5
fbsplash: console 5 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 5
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 6
fbsplash: console 6 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 6
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 7
fbsplash: console 7 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 7
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 8
fbsplash: console 8 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 8
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 9
fbsplash: console 9 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 9
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 10
fbsplash: console 10 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 10
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'off' on console 11
fbsplash: console 11 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 11

sembra sia tutto a posto.. invece :(
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Joined: 08 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tu che guida hai usato per settare l'immagine?
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

questa -->

Ora mi funziona benissimo il fb ( impostando la res a 800x600 ) sia in avvio che in chiusura di linux.. l'unica cosa che nn va e nei terminali...
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Joined: 08 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="ivanbenassi978"¨] l'unica cosa che nn va e nei terminali...[/quote]
Che intendi? Comunque hai dato anche un
# rc-update add splash default
Questions are guaranteed in life; Answers aren't.
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

si ho aggiunto splash al run-level di default.. e parte senza darmi errori.. tant'è che se lancio un
 dmesg | grep fb
mi viene fuori
 fbsplash: console 1 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 1
fbsplash: console 2 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 2
fbsplash: console 3 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 3
fbsplash: console 4 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 4
fbsplash: console 5 using theme 'gechi'
fbsplash: switched splash state to 'on' on console 5

Ma nei terminali non c'è ombra del frame buffer...
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