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qmail question - allowing relay from local LAN? [SOLVED]
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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Location: NL

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

j-m wrote:
Plain vanilla qmail does not contain any of those patches.

If it contained these patches (or rather incorporated them) then there would be no need for the ebuild to patch, thats what patching is dude. I never claimed otherwise, I simply pointed out that this is not such an alien procedure. You had stated that without "loads of third-party patches [qmail] is missing the basic functionality of modern MTA", and I pointed out that this is not something specific to qmail, many many other ebuilds are also patched during install (in fact the great majority of them.)

j-m wrote:
Please look at the ebuild and the obnoxious number of patches it downloads and applies for you. You would have to do all the work yourself, if you downloaded vanilla qmail from its (largely unmaintained) homepage.

Thats why I prefer to use a packaging system. Besides, this is not something specific to qmail, patching is prolific within the *nix world, and again the great majority of packages on a gentoo system are patched. And if you think that qmail is excessive ITR take a look at glibc or gcc.

j-m wrote:
Without those patches, the package is basically unuseable. Think of this like if you downloaded vanilla kernel and would have to patch it with ext2/ext3. Now if you could look at postfix ebuild and compare. This is really funny.

I am not going to get into a postfix versus qmail debate with you, however much you might want it.

j-m wrote:
It´s a hodgepodge mess.

Again, your opinion.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, ending this debate. Software should be useable as-is when downloaded from vendor homepages - qmail is not. The current "design" is simply insane. It´s like: OK, I need this, others have had this for years. Oh sure, grab it from my homepage. And what about that feature, it really should be in there. Wait, John Doe has something like that on his web on Geocities. Try grabbing that...

Necessary patches should make it to mainstream releases of the software or the maintainers should come up with better ones. Leaving the software intact and relying on those patches you can Google for somewhere is crazy do-it-yourself-we-authors-are-simply-lazy-to-maintain-and-develop-this-package approach. All right, if so, declare clear and loud that it as abandonware and R.I.P.

P.S. And please don´t compare this with glibc or gcc, that is ridiculous, pure demagogy. How on earth can you compare such complex packages with MTA?
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Joined: 26 Feb 2004
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Location: Salt Lake City, UT USA

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was having the same problem as the original post, and I solved it the first time by adding -ipv6 to my USE flags. It just happened again a few moments ago, and I resolved it by copying my tcp.smtp.cdb file to /etc/tcprules.d instead of leaving it in /etc. I felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me when I found that. What's especially odd is that it stopped functioning even though I hadn't installed any new packages between the time it was working and the time it stopped working. Weird.
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