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Where can I get the config for the 2004.3 kernel?
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Joined: 07 Apr 2003
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:02 am    Post subject: Where can I get the config for the 2004.3 kernel? Reply with quote

I'm having an interesting problem.

I've installed Gentoo on a new laptop (Sager 4750, the third laptop I've installed Gentoo on) and am getting strange CPU behavior. That is, when I access the network interface for any length of time -- say, by emerging xorg-x11 -- the CPU fans start spinning like crazy, and the CPU temperature climbs quickly, from about 36 deg to 84 deg, at which point, the kernel Oopses and locks up. Another symptom, which I'm sure is related, is that downloads are much, much slower than they are than when I boot with the install CD.

The really strange thing is that this doesn't happen with the kernel supplied with the 2004.3 install CD. That is, I can boot with the CD, chroot to my install, and merrily emerge huge packages like X and KDE indefinitely; I can't check the CPU temperature (since ACPI is not available from the CD), but the fan stays reasonable and the system never locks up. I also get several orders of magnitude faster transfer rates when booting the install CD than when I boot with my custom kernel.

I must point out that the 4750 has an Athlon64 in it, so I'm using the x86_64 install CD, which boots to 2.6.9-r1. I've compiled my new kernel (the one that locks up) with the 64 options, and obviously there are differences aside from the obvious ones (such as ACPI support), but I'd like a better idea of what those differences are -- hence my request for a .config file from the 2004.3 x86_64 kernel.

Beyond that, if anybody has any idea why I'd be seeing this behavior -- it is certainly a software, not a hardware, problem, then by all means -- give me a clue :-)

Thanks, in advance,

--- SER
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Joined: 05 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Boot from the LiveCD, mount your partitions, then run
gzcat /proc/config.gz > .config
Copy that to your kernel source tree on your proper partition and run
# make && make modules_install
to compile the kernel with that configuration.
~~ Peter: Programmer, Mathematician, STEM & Free Software Advocate, Enlightened Agent, Transhumanist, Fedora contributor
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i think they use genkernel, so u will need that in order for it to work
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Joined: 07 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:22 pm    Post subject: 2.6.10 fixed it Reply with quote

Well, more or less. Anyway, thanks, Peter.

I'm having a lot of trouble getting this machine set up, unfortunately. I'm not sure what is going on, but I've discovered a number of things:

Under boot CD:
* /proc/cpuinfo reports the correct CPU, but a clockspeed of 801MHz
* Networking works fine
* Thermal seems fine

under custom 2.6.9:
* /proc/cpuinfo reports the correct clockspeed of 2200 GHz
* Any networking activity causes the CPU temperature to climb, until it overheats
* ACPI enabled
* powernowd works fine (/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq exists)

Under custom 2.6.10
* /proc/cpuinfo is back to reporting 801MHz
* Networking is fine
* Core temperatures seem fine
* ACPI enabled
* powernowd segfaults (/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq does not exist)

Not only that, there are several other things I haven't worked through yet. For example, every time I do a host lookup, the first time fails, and the next time succeeds. Occasionally, it'll "forget" a host, and will fail to resolve it. Then there's the fact that the USB bus is flakey, and won't recognize any USB 2.0 devices (I'm not certain that it is a high-speed USB issue, but all of the low-speed USB devices I've tried work fine).

Anyway, I just got the laptop two days ago, so I haven't tried everything.

--- SER

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