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World of Warcraft or Everquest 2?
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Joined: 19 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:40 am    Post subject: World of Warcraft or Everquest 2? Reply with quote

Hi, i know this isn't a support thread, but i believe that there isn't a better place on these forums than here to ask this.
I've been asked by a friend to ask this question to an international audience so please bear with me here :)
Which of those 2 games in the title would you choose, and why? Could you give me a little insight about each game, and the pros and cons of each? Wich is the best bang for buck of the 2?
Well thanks in advance and i hope i'll get some feedback.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 12:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't compare the games as I haven't played EQ2 but from all that I've heard no other MMORPG can match with WoW. Here in Germany the game has been sold out since the first day. A friend of mine desperately wants a copy but even amazon is sold out for 4-6 weeks.

I've played World of Warcraft since the european final beta and it's simply put the best game I've ever played, It just doesn't get boring.

The graphics are amazing and the game runs fine even on low end systems. There is massive amounts of gameplay until you reach lvl 60. Once you thought you finished the game you can actually just create another combination (race, profession, class) that makes for a totally new game experience. This is my first MMORPG but I've been totally hooked, playing with so many other people is extremely fun. Especially when you get to higher levels you'll enjoy playing with friends (and also friends you make in the game) in dungeons or against others in player vs. player.

The game really is worth its monthly fee. If you enjoyed games like Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights, Gothic or the Warcraft series then I'm pretty sure you'll like WoW. Everyone else that's interested, just give it a shot, as this is definately the best MMORPG out there.

Basic overview:
Choose between the alliance or horde with 4 unique races each. (Trolls, Undead, Orcs, Tauren - Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Night Elves)
Get mounts (Horses, Wolves, Rams)
Learn professions. (Mining, leatherworking)
Play against and with other players.
Create a guild.
Sell and buy stuff through the auction house.
Mail stuff to other players.
Explore a vast landscape that is unique for every area.
Complete loads of quests, alone or with friends.

If your still not sure , look at the reviews for WoW and EQ2 at gamespot or some other game site.

If you have some other questions about WoW, feel free to ask.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:02 am    Post subject: Off-Topic Reply with quote

I'd like to fill a motion to change "players" in the forum description to "Playas".
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I have played both. I've been playing WoW since the day it was released, and took about a month break from it during that time. In that time I tried out EQ2 which lasted all of about 4 days... talk about a waste of money. Now I'm back to WoW and considering it plays almost flawlessly under wine ( ) you know where my vote is at =) No more windows and no more EQ2 for me =)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let the numbers speak for themselves. :-)

WoW is the fastest rising MMORPG since sliced bread.

Mmm, sliced bread was a good MMORPG, but the graphics were... grainy. ;-)

- shazow
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The charts says you should play Lineage II.

WoW is getting the number of subscribers it is because 1. it's Blizzard, 2. it's the horde that's registering....

Objectively, EQ2 and WoW are the same quality game; the difference lies in WoW being easier, faster and less complex - you'll get more satisfaction here over a short period of time.

EQ2 is more complex and involved, but you'll have to invest much more time and "work" into this game.

Technically, graphics are better in EQ2.
Artistically, the WoW graphics are cartoon, colorful eastern-style, while EQ2 graphics are greyer and more the "realistic" approach. Each to his own preference, I love both.

The only pro/con is that EQ2 doesn't play on Linux yet, while WoW does. (Wine/Cedega).
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EQ2 hands down. Myself and anyone else i know who played WoW thought it was awesome for about 2 weeks. It just gets REAL old real fast. Full of 15 year old kids, cartoonish graphics and no real sense of achievement when you complete something. I'm now in EQ2 and the Heritage quests have me hooked. Quests in general are more interesting than WoW and the community/gameplay is worlds ahead.

Wow is great if your 15 or enjoy really easy games, but for me i find much more mature players and more of a challenge in EQ2.


oh and EQ2 is the only reason i still have Win XP on my machine. If it played under linux (natively or wine/cadega) i'd ditch windows 100%. But then i've been saying that of linux for 4+ years .. if onlymu games worked...

pity when the PC was driven by games.. and linux lags behind alot.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've played a few MMORPGS, and have to say WoW is one of the best. Blizz is a little slow on content at times, but they always have a high quality game. Havn't played EQ2, but I loved the original. I'd say WoW is the better of the 2, cause from what I've heard, EQ2 is Everquest with a better Graphics Quality.

Besides, with battlegrounds and the Honor system coming in the next patch, WoW will be the best out there without question. Just to let you know tho, Shamans are getting the nerf next patch, so don't be another Horde Shaman.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EQ sucked... no good for part time players that can only get on a couple hours a night, if that. I'm sorry but I have a life and don't want to invest all my time into a game that should be fun and not "work". EQ2 is simply EQ with nicer graphics and probably improved slightly, based on reviews I've read. A close friend of mine was a die-hard EQ player, and went to EQ2 when it came out. He gave up in a week and said to hell with it because there was nothing there for him that he didn't already do in EQ1... he went to World of Warcraft and never looked back.

I have been playing WoW myself for a couple of months, on and off, and I must say that it is a truly pleasant game to play. Before that I was playing Dark Age of Camelot for a couple of years, and then EQ for a year or so before that. The simplicity, beauty and faithfulness to the original Warcraft games is really great. If you've played your way through Warcraft III then you will be familiar with the geography, characters, classes and spells that are available in the game. The graphics while cartoony (as I originally thought when I first got the game) actually work well because that was the same style of the original warcraft games. The quests are interesting, some are even funny, some just straight hack-n-slash.

Levelling is very doable solo until the much higher levels... EQ and by extension EQ2 forces you to group if you want to advance at all. For the occasional player in an off timezone (JST) finding good people to group with is near impossible. If I want to solo and do quests to level up, why should the game dictate that I can't? I won't even go into Sony's support... but let's just say they suck.

Buy WoW and try it for a month (first month is free). Find someone who plays EQ2 and sit in on a session with them... then compare. I'm sure you won't have to go out and buy a copy of EQ2... the WoW you bought will continue to be of use to you ;)
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Joined: 12 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Septor wrote:
EQ sucked... no good for part time players that can only get on a couple hours a night, if that. I'm sorry but I have a life and don't want to invest all my time into a game that should be fun and not "work". EQ2 is simply EQ with nicer graphics and probably improved slightly, based on reviews I've read. A close friend of mine was a die-hard EQ player, and went to EQ2 when it came out. He gave up in a week and said to hell with it because there was nothing there for him that he didn't already do in EQ1... he went to World of Warcraft and never looked back.

I have been playing WoW myself for a couple of months, on and off, and I must say that it is a truly pleasant game to play. Before that I was playing Dark Age of Camelot for a couple of years, and then EQ for a year or so before that. The simplicity, beauty and faithfulness to the original Warcraft games is really great. If you've played your way through Warcraft III then you will be familiar with the geography, characters, classes and spells that are available in the game. The graphics while cartoony (as I originally thought when I first got the game) actually work well because that was the same style of the original warcraft games. The quests are interesting, some are even funny, some just straight hack-n-slash.

Levelling is very doable solo until the much higher levels... EQ and by extension EQ2 forces you to group if you want to advance at all. For the occasional player in an off timezone (JST) finding good people to group with is near impossible. If I want to solo and do quests to level up, why should the game dictate that I can't? I won't even go into Sony's support... but let's just say they suck.

Buy WoW and try it for a month (first month is free). Find someone who plays EQ2 and sit in on a session with them... then compare. I'm sure you won't have to go out and buy a copy of EQ2... the WoW you bought will continue to be of use to you ;)

some of that used to be true in EQ2 but not anymore. Alot has changed in the last few pathes.. some good.. some bad.. but mainly its much much "casual gamer" friendly now.. i find I can get XP just as fast with or without a group..

i tried wow and i think if i was 10-15 years younger it might apeal to me.. but when i want to spend my spare time gaming and questing..i want a bit of a challenge... i want to know i earned my reward....
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see where you get the "teenager" view from for World of Warcraft. The same thing could be said about ANY online game... don't tell me EQ/EQ2 is only 30+, because that would just be a silly assumption. The people I regularly group with (when I can) are late 20s early 30s. I think the age thing is just a sad excuse not to play a great game ;)

To each their own...

I was a long time Warcraft (1,2 and 3 + expansions)... so naturally I enjoy World of Warcraft. Blizzard support is excellent, always has been and I was happy to see this it carried over into WoW as well. Some people (I have no idea why though) loved EQ, and so they can enjoy EQ2 as well. Me, I had a bad experience with EQ many years ago, so my opinion is that EQ sucks, and EQ2 probably wouldn't be any better... I could be wrong, and things may have improved, but I was disappointed and that is a hard thing to shake.

About quests: what is so good about EQ quests? WoW quests are sometimes straight-forward kills, collecting items, searching for items, or even simply being a messenger etc.

If you haven't played WoW until at least lvl 20 or 30 (about 2-3 weeks, casual playing) then you haven't given it a fair shot as the first 10-12 levels are VERY easy and DO go very fast. You don't expect it to take a week to go from lvl 1 to 2 do you? Similarly you wouldn't expect an epic quest at lvl 3... Get to lvl 60, go on some Molten Core raids (I have never done this myself mind you) that last quite a few hours, then say whether you think there is any accomplishment or not. Don't judge it because you got to level 5 in 2 hours... It is all part of the learning curve. EQ thrusts you into a new game where you are all but lost, WoW holds your hand for the first little while before giving you the boot... if you are a new player which would you rather have?
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Joined: 12 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Septor wrote:
I don't see where you get the "teenager" view from for World of Warcraft. The same thing could be said about ANY online game... don't tell me EQ/EQ2 is only 30+, because that would just be a silly assumption. The people I regularly group with (when I can) are late 20s early 30s. I think the age thing is just a sad excuse not to play a great game ;)

To each their own...

I was a long time Warcraft (1,2 and 3 + expansions)... so naturally I enjoy World of Warcraft. Blizzard support is excellent, always has been and I was happy to see this it carried over into WoW as well. Some people (I have no idea why though) loved EQ, and so they can enjoy EQ2 as well. Me, I had a bad experience with EQ many years ago, so my opinion is that EQ sucks, and EQ2 probably wouldn't be any better... I could be wrong, and things may have improved, but I was disappointed and that is a hard thing to shake.

About quests: what is so good about EQ quests? WoW quests are sometimes straight-forward kills, collecting items, searching for items, or even simply being a messenger etc.

If you haven't played WoW until at least lvl 20 or 30 (about 2-3 weeks, casual playing) then you haven't given it a fair shot as the first 10-12 levels are VERY easy and DO go very fast. You don't expect it to take a week to go from lvl 1 to 2 do you? Similarly you wouldn't expect an epic quest at lvl 3... Get to lvl 60, go on some Molten Core raids (I have never done this myself mind you) that last quite a few hours, then say whether you think there is any accomplishment or not. Don't judge it because you got to level 5 in 2 hours... It is all part of the learning curve. EQ thrusts you into a new game where you are all but lost, WoW holds your hand for the first little while before giving you the boot... if you are a new player which would you rather have?

hehe.. okies..i dont want to start a flame fest.. or get heated.. you like wow..i like EQ2.. but i'd def like to keep discussing this.

The teenager view I guess comes from about 2 weeks worth of play... and from the comments of alot of my guildmates who played Wow for longer than I did. I am sure there are plenty of older more mature folks playing Wow and I can certainly attest to their being lots of immature people playing EQ2... my generalisation wasnt really warranted.. appologies.

i too had a bad experience with EQ.. and i totally agree.. EQ sucks.. luckily EQ2 is about as close to EQ as Wow is to warcraft 3. .. similar concepts.. same "world" but along way apart in terms of enjoyability and gameplay.

Quests: Keep in mine i come from SWG aswell. EQ2 quests just feel like they have a story to them.. that what I am doing matters.. early on some of the quests are exactly like you describe wow quests.. take this here.. go get this.. kill 20 of these.. blah blah.. i am betting wow and eq2 both have the same kinds of quests... EQ2 has me hooked with heritage quests though.. quests that take me and a group days to complete.. with many side quests.. and a very nice.. house mountable item at the end.. house mounting was only added recently for heritage items.. but its really nice ot be able to mount it in my apartment when i out level it.. i also really like the "Legend and Lore" creature quests.. a nice mountable weapon for my wall and a book to go in my apartment...

anyhow.. i wasnt inferring Wow has sucky quests... SWG has sucky quests.. wow has the same kinda of low level quests as eq2.. higher level.. dunno..

i think my main dislikes about wow (which it sounds like are your main likes with wow) are its too easy to level.. even as a casual gamer.. (which i am).. and the cartoonish graphics.. also i dont think it has enough classes.. i find more of a challenge in EQ2 .. i'm a lvl 36 Ranger - Ogre .. and i can level about 1 level a week .. while just poking along at my own pace.. doing heritages.. harvesting.. chatting.. if i decide to group and get some XP i can level about 1 level every 3-4 nights.. if i am playing 3-4 hours a night.. that to me is a fine speed.. any faster and i'd miss too many quests.. Wow seems like its much easier and quicker to level.. EQ2 was at the start.. up to about lvl 15 then it slows down.. late 20's it slows again.. probably because up until recently solo content wasnt that plentiful.. thats being fixed though.

your learnign curve point i think is pointed at EQ.. not EQ2... EQ2 is extremely simple to learn.. the "Trial of the Isle" tutorial was awesome.. in fact i've been back several times to redo it with a new char because it was so much fun.. it takes you through the basics of all the main areas of the game.. and they are constantly tweaking it to make it more enjoyable.. then once you get to your starting city.. it walks you through getitng your aparmtent.. exploring.. and gaining citizenship.. i dont think you could make it any easier.

anyhow.. bottom line is you like WOW i like EQ2... i dont think either is neccisarily better or worse.. both have their strong points and both crap all over SWG (Hate SWG - hate the not fixing anything)...
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow is fast lively. if you liked diablo you will like wow as well. it sure got a lot of time sinks, but then which mmorpg doesnt? wow is full of idiots, wannabe's, leethax0rs, ... you name it. just like the warcraft / diablo community sucks ass, wow community is about the same. avarage 15-30 year old nobodies want to show the world, what they are made of. pathetic... ah yes... support is nonexistent to very annyoing as well and the game is a paid beta in terms of bugs.

i'd suggest waiting for guildwars. no monthly fees and hopefully a more matured community (even though i fear not).
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Septor wrote:
Blizzard support is excellent

sorry but this disqualified you from continuing on the discussion ;)
Blizzard support is horrible, in Europe at least

Zate wrote:
(Hate SWG - hate the not fixing anything)...

you're right, SWG is the buggiest game ever

i also agree with the newbie island, it was really fantastic, and getting citizenship and the whole storyline and graphics are very much better than in wow, altough
wow has some really good quests too, but i dislike the graphics, the cartoonstyled graphics is the main thing that pisses me off in wow. yesterday we fought a daemon
the daemon looked like a teddybear, i was disappointed, even DAOC had better looking daemons.

i think the lack of pvp of any sort in eq2 (not even duels) is what makes more mature players play it, and also creates a more friendly athmosphere.
the wow athmosphere is bad imho, people from your own faction stealing the treasurechest in front of you , you fought so hard to get to, people of the opposite faction attacking you while fighting with mobs, or attacking and corpsecamping you when in bigger numbers. blizzard introducing some stupid rules that prevents you from playing the game the way you like because they are unable to fix some bugs. e.g. rooftop camping, you may not avoid guard aggro in the neutral cities by climbing on the roof of buildings and attacking your enemy from there, no, that's a bannable exploit of gamemechanics. next thing they add outdoor bosses that are in contested areas, but no you can't attack it if the opposing faction is attacking it that's an exploit too, the whole meaning of outdoor bosses is to not let the other faction kill it and get the good loot.
If you ever played AC on darktide , or on a DAOC pvp-server you know what wow is like on the pvp servers (which are the majority) and it will be hell with the honour system, you get honor points for killing players , no matter what level they are, enjoy leveling your lvl20 character with lvl60ies of the opposing faction around, constanly killing you in 1-2 hits, this will be fun yay. i regret having subscribed for 6months in advance. oh yeah , if you chose wow, roll a shaman, they are impossible to kill, don't make the same mistake as i did me and roll a mage.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow - is better :)
I tell this, because I play Warcraft3 TFT and I'd like it :)
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i played warcraft 2 and liked it got warcraft 3 and thought it was the worst game ever. i don't like wow its 2 easy i play EQ2. the graphics in EQ2 are very interesting in that one of my mates at tafe has a 7800 and he struggles to run it at full everything under windows for which it was designed. i haven't got EQ2 running under gentoo yet but will soon hopefully. anyway as for wow its way 2 easy to hit the max level and as has been said the gaphics are crap. one of my friends who played it for longer than i did got bored because of how repetitive it becomes with the quests. i find EQ2 to be far more in depth and alot more satisfying becuase of the time it takes to do something. you actually feel as if all that work has payed off. also the community in EQ2 tends to be of an older age bracket and therfore the socialising tends to be better than a 9yr old in wow.

my vote is obviously EQ2
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sorry but this disqualified you from continuing on the discussion ;)
Blizzard support is horrible, in Europe at least

lol. But it is getting better. At least on german Pages...
The worst is IMHO the winning about what does not work. That gives a realy bad Picture.

Wow might not have the best graphics ever made but the world is atmospheric.
And if you take the Time to read the Quest you get some nice Stories Presented.
The Interface is great. In its basics you have the easiest Interface ever.
It is even possible to play with only one hand. You can do everything with the mouse.

I can not say anything to EQ2 thought. Only that afaik it doesnt run with Linux. WoW does through wine!

quote from Spaceballs:
Dark Helmet:[...] we were told to comb the desert, so we're combing it! [puts down bullhorn] Find anything yet?!
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why has nobody mentioned EVE, this must be the bet MMORPG ever. With an older aged player base (average age is around 30 I believe) good graphics - ok there not the best but space is rather hard to draw, a massive map and good support. Also I believe it now works with Cedega so no need to reboot into a gaming OS ;)
I have played Eve for well over a year, tried SWG just before the majority of the bugs were introduced, tried EQ2 - lasted around 2 months - and have only not tried WoW because it is full of 15 year olds - from what I have been told.
Eve is the only true MMORPG where you can shape the galaxy, the others tend to only allow you to participate in preplanned stories, in Eve the players create the stories with massive Corp wars and growing economies in low security space.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I vote for neither because they don't run natively on Linux.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I vote for neither because they don't run natively on Linux.

That is the only problem with Eve IMHO, even the servers are Windows hence they need to reboot everyday ;)
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 2:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Throw in another vote for EvE.

Great game, and in fact the only MMO I've actually enjoyed enough to play beyond my trial period.
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 2:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saga of Ryzom
It's open source technology, the friendliest community you'll ever find in an mmo, blend between scifi and fantasy.
It's "level less" meaning noone has ever maxed out in all the abilities yet 250 being the higest "level" one can achieve in any skill.
It has crafting rival'ing that of old swg, the world is living; the npc creatures eat whatever it is they eat and move on to greener fields with more food, while carnivores might eat them on the way ;) , you can try it for as long as you like but only on the starter island, which took me a week to "complete" meaning nothing more to do, with 5 hours play everyday.
Theres magic, theres melee, theres ranged weapons like launchers, rifles and erm.. flamethrowers!
3 distinct races and 2 distinct factions
One of the richest universe in lore of ani mmo i've ever played.
A thriving RPG community, which is unusual of most mmoRPG's!
Theres a guide to setting it up in linux here
So try the trial today and see why ryzom is in the top 10 "currently second behind eve" on
Afterall if you live by the ideals which is in alot of the open source community, why not play a game where the technology behind it is open sourced aswell?

Enjoy! :D
Finally, in conclusion, I shall say only this
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A good MUD all the way.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In my Eve trial account now, and I must say--I'm very impressed with the clientele. Comparing a smattering of average "general chat" from WoW and Eve, the Eve crowd does seem on the whole more mature and pleasant.

Having said that, I'm probably not continuing it past my trial period, because my wife plays WoW (we lead weekend raids with a bunch of other old fogeys) and won't want to leave friends to play Eve. And I will say that Eve Player-vs-Environment feels pretty empty compared to WoW (particularly since you give all directions via menus, and at least in the early game a lot of combat is at a distance, so it's very abstract... great that my missiles are killing ships 11 km away, but it's not quite as visceral an experience), but I've heard PvP is fantastic, and the scope and complexity of the game are phenomenal.

I'd be a little surprised if the Eve client couldn't run in Wine, though--it's pretty old...
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

vputz wrote:
In my Eve trial account now, and I must say--I'm very impressed with the clientele. Comparing a smattering of average "general chat" from WoW and Eve, the Eve crowd does seem on the whole more mature and pleasant.

Having said that, I'm probably not continuing it past my trial period, because my wife plays WoW (we lead weekend raids with a bunch of other old fogeys) and won't want to leave friends to play Eve. And I will say that Eve Player-vs-Environment feels pretty empty compared to WoW (particularly since you give all directions via menus, and at least in the early game a lot of combat is at a distance, so it's very abstract... great that my missiles are killing ships 11 km away, but it's not quite as visceral an experience), but I've heard PvP is fantastic, and the scope and complexity of the game are phenomenal.

I'd be a little surprised if the Eve client couldn't run in Wine, though--it's pretty old...

i've been playing for a month, and it runs in cedega quite well.
Neddyseagoon wrote:
The problem with leaving is that you can only do it once and it reduces your influence.

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