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[solved] ADSL timed out after update
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Joined: 16 Apr 2005
Posts: 25
Location: Slovenia

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:28 pm    Post subject: [solved] ADSL timed out after update Reply with quote

Since I had instaled Gentoo adsl connection was working without problem, until yesterday...
I have updated Gentoo to 2005.0 profile and first performed# emerge -u system, everything was working fine, then I left kde compiling during night, emerged new nivida drivers ect. so I have working xorg, and after whole update was complete, I used # etc-update. I checked all files in case it want to change something I had to manualy set at any time during my use of Gentoo, while for files I dont know well I let script do it's work :)
After that I loged my normal account, was surfing on web, everything was working fine. Then when I reboot computer, I noticed error message, I'm not 100% sure what it was, but when Gentoo was shuting down ADSL connection I think it said no connection available or something like that. I didnt put much attention into that until today in the morning when system was booting and I got timed out message when ADSL was starting up.
I checked both cards with ifconfig (running adsl on eth1), everything ok. I set username, pass ect. with adsl-setup again, but everytime I want to start adsl with # adsl-start I got following error message:

# adsl-start
................TIMED OUT
/usr/sbin/adsl-start: line 198: 18513 Terminated              $CONNECT "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1

In /etc/conf.d/net eth1 is set to iface_eth1="up" and everything was configured by the book.

I'm still learning linux, so I'm kinda out of ideas here. Any help appriciated, just please tell solution so even newbie like me will understand what to do:) And it's hard to paste anything on forum, since I have only one computer and must reboot to windows... oh, and I have searched forum couple of times on all possible search strings, didnt find anything that would help, but if this is already solved in some topic, could I get link?

edit: OK, after being depressed for couple of days this is what I did:) I compiled 2.6.11-r6 kernel, and under network drivers I found out that my old Marvel Yukon Chipset driver is DEPRECATED, so I complied New SysKonnekt drivers. After I reboot into new kernel, adsl was still down, I runned adsl-setup and dunno, I always used /dev/eth1 when choosing card, now I just typed eth1, saved, adsl-start and connection was up and running in a second. I still dunno why it stoped working after pefroming world update and about that error message when shuting down first time after update, could be driver but no idea right now, may experiment a bit when I have some time. (or I was just blind and ect-update overruned config file and you should not use /dev/ethX hehe)
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