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Authentication directive not working with SSL and Vhosts
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
Posts: 442
Location: South Africa

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 5:21 am    Post subject: Authentication directive not working with SSL and Vhosts Reply with quote

Hi all,

I have setup apache to do vhosts. I reemerged using the vhosts flag. I am using named virtual hosting but have ssl for the one ip address that I have. i.e. I have a mixed environment.

When I added vhosts to apache I already had some sites using the ssl and basic authenticaiton. To get them working with vhosts I had to move all the directives to these locations to /etc/apache2/modules.d/41_mod_ssl.default-vhost.conf under <virutalhost *:443></virutalhost:>

Leaving them under <virtualhost *:80></virtualhost> caused apache to have some problems.

some examples from 41_mod_ssl....

<Location /im>
AuthName "xxxxxxx"
AuthType Basic
LDAP_StartTLS on
LDAP_Protocol_Version 3
LDAP_Server xx.xx.xx.xx
Base_DN ou=people,dc=xxx,dc=xx,dc=xx
UID_Attr uid
require valid-user
options multiviews

These old sites all work fine. When I go to the url I get prompted for a userid and password. When I try to go to the path without https, just using normal http, I get access forbidden messages.

I then added a new site, after apache had been modified to use vhosts, and I cant get ssl or basic authentication to work.
<Location /test>
AuthName "xxxxxxx"
AuthType Basic
LDAP_StartTLS on
LDAP_Protocol_Version 3
LDAP_Server xx.xx.xx.xx
Base_DN ou=people,dc=xxx,dc=xx,dc=xx
UID_Attr uid
require valid-user
options multiviews

If I go to it allows me to access the site without going through ssl and it doesnt prompt for userid and password even if I use https! I managed to get it to insist on using ssl by changing the DocumentRoot variable for port 80 virtual site to something other than the default locaiton of my sites. But still I am not prompted for userid and password.

Is there somewhere else you need to go and change when configuring a virtual ip host in apache to ensure that its sites use ssl and basic authentiction directives? Other than the /etc/apache2/modules.d.41_mod_ssl?
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