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Joined: 21 Apr 2005
Posts: 273

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:45 pm    Post subject: Network gone Reply with quote

Hmm, I probably look like a real n00b, but I have another problem (which probably has an obvious fix): I first installed Gentoo from the liveCD (which had it's own adventures before I got a network). When I managed to boot the system to gentoo, I stumbled to Xorg configuration (and the network was fine). So I though to give genkernel a try. This may have fixed some problems, but first I got a kernel panic. Knowing now how to fix that by adding SCSI support for the kernel. I rebooted. Now the network is gone!
# ping
ping: unknown host

but if I boot from the liveCD it pings just fine. I did add
to /etc/conf.d/net
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Joined: 26 May 2005
Posts: 32

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have the same problem. i also used genkernel
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Joined: 29 May 2004
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Location: San Jose, CA

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:03 pm    Post subject: Re: Network gone Reply with quote

coriolan wrote:
Hmm, I probably look like a real n00b, but I have another problem (which probably has an obvious fix): I first installed Gentoo from the liveCD (which had it's own adventures before I got a network). When I managed to boot the system to gentoo, I stumbled to Xorg configuration (and the network was fine). So I though to give genkernel a try. This may have fixed some problems, but first I got a kernel panic. Knowing now how to fix that by adding SCSI support for the kernel. I rebooted. Now the network is gone!
# ping
ping: unknown host

but if I boot from the liveCD it pings just fine. I did add
to /etc/conf.d/net

See the quick search in the upper corner there?

Enter "eth0 dhcp" to search for related problems and solutions.

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Joined: 21 Apr 2005
Posts: 273

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, I did such a search, and yes, there are oodles of similar messages (does that tell something about the installation process?). The problem with all those is that there are too many of them. I cannot filter out the relevant from the irrelevant.
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Joined: 29 May 2004
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Location: San Jose, CA

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

coriolan wrote:
Yes, I did such a search, and yes, there are oodles of similar messages (does that tell something about the installation process?). The problem with all those is that there are too many of them. I cannot filter out the relevant from the irrelevant.

It helps to look at thread with the [solved] in the title.

Simply put:

You have to have the right module compiled in the kernel for your ethernet controller. To discover it, type 'lspci -v' as root.

Then look for your ethernet interface and guess which module corresponds to it in the kernel.

When in doubt, compile a bunch of them as modules.

Use the command, "modprobe -l | grep net" to list the possible modules for networking and try to load them one at a time.

When you find one that works, you'll be able to see it with 'lsmod'

Then you can ifconfig eth0 up and dhcpcd eth0 to get it working.

Once you have your driver loaded with modprobe, emerge hotplug and rc-update add hotplug default (do coldplug as well), and it should start automatically at boot up (assuming you've rc-update add net.eth0 default).

There's a bit of a learning curve here. Be patient. Gentoo is not for the "I want it now," crowd.

Some day there will only be free software.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2005
Posts: 273

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's a bit of a learning curve here. Be patient. Gentoo is not for the "I want it now," crowd.

Yep, it sure is not. My problem is that at first I did not have a network connection. Now I got that but then I lost it in my installation 8O. So, when I have to jump between a working computer (redhat) and the (wannabe) Gentoo computer, reboot, reboot LiveCD, reboot, go to the other computer etc., I eventually get tired and stay at the other computer. A kindom for a Gentoo that boots AND starts X AND has a functional network! Then I might have more interest to tweak it. The (maybe)Gentoo box is not on right now and since I can't even get X started, I think I'll give Ubuntu a try. Perhaps I leave a partition for Gentoo for the future and when I get smarter I'll give it another try. For now I have to go to bed since I have real work to do tomorrow.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2005
Posts: 273

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, now I'm running Ubunut. Got it up an running in one swing and that took about 1/2 hour. Although the partioning part went by so fast so that there is no free partitions and thus it becomes less likely that I could return to Gentoo in any near future. Well, you have a nice distro here, but it's not for me. Keep up the good work! c u
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