petersonz n00b
Joined: 03 Jun 2005 Posts: 1
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:11 am Post subject: Intel E1000 and low-end switches |
Hi All,
I found out from this site , that there is a known issue with Intel E1000 gigabit cards and low-end gigabit switches.
I have a slow linkup problem as described by this article. It is indicated by several cycles of link up/down events before it finally links up. Sometimes it takes 1 minute, other times it takes 10 seconds. Needless to say, with DHCPCD, this is a nightmare.
The workaround is to compile the e1000 driver with the CFLAGS_EXTRA like so:
Where <n> is:
0 = Hardware default
1 = Master mode
2 = Slave mode
3 = Auto master/slave
Whats the official Gentoo method for this? make.conf setting, then compile kernel modules again?
Thanks in advance. |