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Reinserted IPSEC packets and iptable rules
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Joined: 23 Jul 2003
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Location: California

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reinserted IPSEC packets and iptable rules Reply with quote

I was having trouble with getting ipsec working after upgrading a system, and learned that once the packets are decrypted, they are re-evaluated. It is stated on the second to last checklist item from the ipsec-tools site

The problem I see now, is that once they are reprocessed, it is done in a way where the connection tracking no longer works. They appear as new packets I guess. And since the source IP's are ones that should normally be not allowed, I don't know how to tell if the packet is legitimate, or a spoof attempt.

I found a thread on the ipsec-tools mailing list located here that talks about a policy patch to the kernel and netfilter, but the more I read it, I don't think it resolves the issue. It appears to just initially identify whether it is subject to ipsec.

When the packet is re-inserted for evaluation, is there any marker that I can check to make sure it is a valid and not a spoof attempt? I'd rather not just accept any packet on the forward chain that has that source net.

I know the answer is staring me in the face.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2003
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Location: California

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I patched both the kernel and iptables and added the policy support, and as I suspected, it doesn't help. That is unless I'm not using it correctly.

I also forgot to mention that trying to filter the re-inserted packets via mac address doesn't work, since for whatever reason, they aren't there.

Adding a FORWARD rule to allow everything based on the remote lan (a commonly spoofed one btw) doesn't seem to me a very good solution. Is this really what people running vpn gateways on 2.6 are doing? Or have I hit some sort of conntrack bug, and the stuff that is supposed to be there indicating it is part of an established connection isn't there?
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