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[solved]routing problem (rogue entry in routing table)
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Joined: 10 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:24 pm    Post subject: [solved]routing problem (rogue entry in routing table) Reply with quote

Hi everyone,

I've got 2 servers running Gentoo (happily I might add). Now they both share most of their configuration (one machine replaced the other), and now that I have one at my desk for upgrading/testing/etc I'd like to solve a little annoyance:

Both machines have a routing problem, this is the routing table after a reboot:

> route -n
Destination     Gateway      Genmask            Flags    Iface     U         eth0         U         eth0         UG        lo           UG        eth0

(I left out the Metric, Ref and Use colums, all entries of those were 0 (zero))

Now most of those entries seem fine to me, but I think it is implying that is a local network, causing all those packets not to be routed via the gateway.
I have a number of visitors on my servers from 83.x.x.x addresses located on the internet.
Currently I manually delete the rogue entry by issuing this command after every reboot:

> route del -net netmask

which removes it, and solves the problem. Now I don't reboot often, so it's not really a problem, but it is still annoying.

But I don't know where that entry is coming from. Could anyone help me here?
I suppose you'll need the following info:

/etc/conf.d/net: (stripped all comments for clarity)

iface_eth0="83.219.66.Y broadcast netmask"
alias_eth0="83.219.66.Y+1 83.219.66.Y+2 83.219.66.Y+3 83.219.66.Y+4 83.219.66.Y+5 83.219.66.Y+6 83.219.66.Y+7 83.219.66.Y+8 83.219.66.Y+9"

(replaced my actual address with Y and Y+1, Y+2 etc )

I'm grateful for any ideas/tips/etc.
If I can supply more info, just let me know

Last edited by SilverOne on Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Its this line.
iface_eth0="83.219.66.Y broadcast netmask"

The netmask is wrong unless you have all 256 IP addesses on 83.219.66.x
The broadcast is suspect too, unless your happen to have that 256 IP subnet or the last part of it.

e.g. I have a /29. My net address ends in .136 and my broadcast is ends in .143


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, thanks for answering.

I "only" have 10 addresses, so the mask is wrong indeed.
The reason I'm using it, is because I don't know what other addresses are being used by local machines (on the same switch as I am).
Anyhow, the line you quoted:

iface_eth0="83.219.66.Y broadcast netmask"

I can see how it causes the entry (with genmask but not how it creates the entry.

Also I understand /29 as being an address mask with the 29 least significant bits variable. (which would mean nearly all possible addresses)
Could you please explain the relation between /29 .136 and .143 to me?
(my networking knowledge is a bit rusty :( )

Thanks a lot!
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


/29 means the network address is 29 bits leave 3 bits for hosts.
The network address is the lowest IP in your subnet and always ends with one or more binary zeros.
In my case, with 3. 136 is 1000 1000
The broadcast address is by tradition, the highest IP in the subnet, which for me, is 143 or 1000 1111
Someone elses network starts at 144, which is 1001 0000. That may be either a /28 or a /29.
/30 is never used. It wouldl be a block of 4 IPs of which only two could be allocated to hosts.

My netmask is, which is equilvelent to /29

So I may write
route add -net x.y.z.136/29 gw ...
to point something at my public subnet.

With 10 IPs you are in a bit of a mess - Its not a complete subnet. Subnets are always 2^n IP addresses, so that would be 8 (a /29) or 16 (a /28)
Do you have a subnet at all?

I missed your
Code:         U         eth0
when I responded first. I cannot spot what causes that.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm... indeed that must be why everybody frowns when I say I've got 10 addresses :)
But I do. I guess that's due to the inexperience of the person who gave them to me....

So that would explain the odd (large) subnet that I seem to claim. Though that should only affect communication with other machines with 83.219.66.XXX addresses, right?

I'm thinking it may have something to do with the aliasses. I'm not setting explicit broadcast/netmask settings for the aliases. Could it be that the assumed default is as the netmask?
If so, (or to rule it out), how do I set the aliases to fixed broadcast/netmask settings? I didn't understand the syntax used as an example in the default /etc/conf.d/net file.

I think I had your /29 confused with mask settings that are used in other places (samba / iptables configuration) where /8 means a whole subnet (i.e. the last 8 bits always match).
Thanks for clearing that up for me. Also the broadcast explanation helps a lot!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Play here
Read here and following pages.
The 83.x.x.x is a class A network so its defualt netmask is indeed

I don't use aliaes so I don't know the syntax for them in /etc/conf.g/net. However, there at three different sets of syntax rules out there, depending on which version of baselayout you have.

If you got your IPs from an ISP, you would get a subnet, then the admin is your problem.
If you got them from a network admin, then 10 is OK but the admin should have told you whet network address and broadcast to use too, since you were just allocated 10 IPs to use in a larger network you have no control over.

You need to ask whoever allocated you the IPs for the mising information.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Linuix will tend to default to old classful behavior when you don't specify the subnet. I recently did something similar to what you're doing and got the full class A showing up in the routing table even through the real address had been configure correctly as part of a /24. You'll need to specify the netmask and broadcast for each IP you add or you'll get the again.

Also if you check your ifconfig output you'll see that the interfaces you originally added have a netmask of and broadcast of

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the links, it certainly helped!

I think now that it is indeed the default behaviour that is assigned to the aliases (which I don't specifically limit to a particular subnet) which causes the problems
kashani wrote:

Also if you check your ifconfig output you'll see that the interfaces you originally added have a netmask of and broadcast of

ifconfig shows the correct (well, the 256 address subnet) settings for eth0, while it assigns the full 83 class A to each alias.
My guess is that finding the correct syntax for supplying broadcast/subnet settings for aliases will solve the problem.

I'll go look for the correct syntax now, and report back.

Thanks to both of you for helping!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The syntax for the broadcast/netmask settings of the aliases was actually quite simple: just create the settings like so:


broadcast_eth0="  "  and so on for all aliases (so 9 times in my case)
netmask_eth0=" " and so on (once for every alias.  9 in my case)

Ofcourse this is not 100% correct as this assumes that all 83.219.66.X addresses belong to my local network.
I'm not sure what the exact settings should be, I should clear that up with my network provider.
But at least it prevents the complete 83.X.X.X net to be seen as the local network!

Thanks again, this solved it!
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