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Aministration of a Gentoo cluster
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Joined: 23 Jul 2002
Posts: 1339
Location: Baltimore, MD

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:39 pm    Post subject: Aministration of a Gentoo cluster Reply with quote


I am in the process of switching our 15-nodes cluster to Gentoo.
I'm using Gentoo for a year now, so I know enough about a single PC. But I am concern about management of a cluster.

I already read different threads about building binaries packages and sharing that folder to compile package only once and then emerge with binaries packages but I still don't know what to do about config files. The most boring part on my PC is to go through the etc-update (~45 config files to update one by one after upgrade to Gnome-2.2). Ok, these clusters will not have X or any WM, but I'm still curious what would be the best way : etc-update on each cluster one by one (tedious!) , or a brutal copy of /etc from a cluster already updated (dangerous?!).

As the only differences between clusters are the IP and the hostname, am I right to think that the two files that are cluster specific are /etc/conf.d/net for the IP and /etc/hostname for the hostname ? Is there any other I should be aware of ?

I would also appreciate any other advice about cluster management if you encounter specific problem with Gentoo.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2003
Posts: 234
Location: haninge, swe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i don't see why management on a gentoo cluster would be any diffrent from any other distro, other then the points you make :)

i thought of it and one solution to your problem when copying the whole /etc would be to make symlinks for /etc/hostname and /etc/conf.d/net to, let's say /root/etc/hostname and /root/etc/conf.d/net, and there's where you keep the computer specific files ..
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Joined: 09 Nov 2002
Posts: 1361

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


# Saving the kernel attributed hostname to a file for future
        # initialisation selection: see /etc/init.d/switch.
        get_bootparam "adelie" && cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname > ${svcdir}/hostname

        get_bootparam "adelie" && einfo "Server/Node low-level initialisation..."
        if checkserver
                get_bootparam "adelie" && einfo "Server detected."
                # swap needs to be activated *after* devfs has been mounted and *after*
                # devfsd has been started, so that the fstab can be properly parsed
                # and only if the server is initialized
                ebegin "Activating swap"
                /sbin/swapon -a &>/dev/null
                eend 0
                # Low-level Node Initialisation
                einfo "Node detected."
                ebegin "Importing local userspace on node"
                try mount -t tmpfs none ${shmdir}

Looks pretty suspicious to me... Here are all the mentions of adelie in /sbin:

Code:    See the boot section of /sbin/rc for more details. {   # Only do check if 'gentoo=adelie' is given as kernel param   if get_bootparam "adelie"   then      [ "`cat ${svcdir}/hostname`" = "(none)" ] || return 1   fi
rc-157-   # Saving the kernel attributed hostname to a file for future
rc-158-   # initialisation selection: see /etc/init.d/switch.
rc:159:   get_bootparam "adelie" && cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname > ${svcdir}/hostname
rc:161:   get_bootparam "adelie" && einfo "Server/Node low-level initialisation..."
rc-162-   if checkserver
rc-163-   then
rc:164:      get_bootparam "adelie" && einfo "Server detected."
rc-166-      # swap needs to be activated *after* devfs has been mounted and *after*
rc-167-      # devfsd has been started, so that the fstab can be properly parsed

Something to do with clusters I'd imagine, so I'm told.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2002
Posts: 1361

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Found it at last:

Has the mysterious gentoo corporate sponsor been revealed? This could be it.

Anywho, it seems that all the ebuilds and scripts on the site have been integrated into gentoo
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