matthead n00b
Joined: 04 Dec 2002 Posts: 63
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:10 am Post subject: Linux Trustees 3.0 for Gentoo users! |
Probably not too many of you are familiar with the Linux Trustees project. Trustees are an alternative security system to your usual UNIX-style mode and ACLs. If you've ever used Novell Netware (or set permissions in Novell eDirectory) then you're used trustees. The Linux Trustees project brings the power and flexibility of trustee permissions to Linux!
Unfortunately, the last version of Linux Trustees in Portage is sys-fs/trustees-2.10, which is far out of date - it works only with 2.4 kernels. Version 3.0 has been out for a while, but until now has required the user to manually install the software. No more! Today (well, tonight; local time is 23:09) I release an ebuild which lets Gentoo users install Trustees for their Linux 2.6 systems with the simplicity and ease of use of the Portage software system.
Since the ebuild in not yet in portage (I've submitted a bug in Bugzilla, which I think is the proper place to get this added), I'm afraid it's not quite as straighforward as "emerge trustees" yet!
First you'll need to download the tarball which contains the ebuild & digest files:
Unzip the tarball: Code: | tar jxvf trustees-3-ebuild.tar.bz2 |
You'll get a directory "sys-fs". This directory should be moved into your local Portage overlay. You're unfamiliar with overlays? You should go read this explanation, but the quick & dirty setup is below.
Creating a Portage Overlay:
Add the following line to /etc/make.conf: Code: | PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage" |
Create the directory: Code: | mkdir -p /usr/local/portage |
Now move the extracted Trustees directory into the overlay: Code: | mv sys-fs /usr/local/portage |
Now you're done!
Caveat Temptor! *
Make sure you're going to get version 3.0, because 2.10 does not work for 2.6 kernels! Be aware that this is not masked as unstable. I think for now this is fine, since you have to go through such rigmarole to install the ebuild before you can emerge. The only keyword I've added is "x86" so if you're using another architecture, add your arch and let me know if it works! You do have to have CONFIG_SECURITY enabled in your kernel to use trustees (this config option enables the kernel to use alternative security methods). The ebuild should check your kernel and tell you if you don't have it enabled. Do you have problems, questions, comments, etc? Let's hear them!
* probably not good Latin; I was trying to say "beware, tester!" _________________ Matt
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