Blademan Developer

Joined: 05 Oct 2002 Posts: 116
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:19 am Post subject: List of problems/fixes with 1.1iso or Install docs |
After some comments on another thread, I thought that we could at least document what does not work with the 1.1iso (listed in the install doc at or the install docs ( Please feel free to confirm any of the issues listed below, add any others you may know of, and and post your workarounds. Going "by the book." I get:
- Install doc network config Quote: | Code listing 3.3: Network configuration with DHCP
# dhcpcd eth0 | Off the 1.1 iso, this command returns Code: | # dhcpcd eth0
dhcpcd: not found |
- I manually set up the interface, and it's up and running like the docs and I can ping by IP, but DNS doesn't work.- Codelisting 4.1 should include the following before the chroot: Code: | mount -o bind /proc /mnt/root-`uname -m`/proc | - Codelisting 4.1 returns: Code: | # chroot /mnt/root-\`uname -m\` bin/bash
chroot: cannot change root directory to /mnt/root-`uname: No such file or directory | However this works: Code: | # chroot /mnt/root-`uname -m` bin/bash | - Section 4: Mounting partitions does not mention anything anwhere about swap or swapon.
- Codelisting 4.2 Code: | # cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf
cp: cannot stat `/etc/resolv.conf': No such file or directory | - Codelisting 4.2 again: Code: | # nano /etc/resolv.conf | and when I try to save nano bitched: Code: | I Could not open file for writing: Read-only file system | The following was able to be saved: Code: | # nano etc/resolv.conf | - Codelisting 4.4 complains: Code: | # mount -o bind /proc proc
can't create lock file /etc/mtab~99: Read-only file system (use -n flag to override) | so the following works: Code: | # mount -n -o bind /proc proc | - Codelisting 4.7. Quote: | Code listing 4.7
# scripts/
| Needs to be preceded with:- Codelisting 4.6 should be followed by a section on make.conf
- Codelisting 5.1 wasn't necessary, and the presence of egcs64-sparc can be confirmed with:- Codelisting 5.2 can be changed to: Code: | # emerge sparc-sources | if you want the Gentoo sparc patched kernel. Or: Code: | # emerge vanilla-sources | if you want the vanilla kernel sources. And then: Code: | # cd /usr/src/linux |
I hope this helps others, and if anyone has any ideas on where I'm at, please chime in.[/code]
Last edited by Blademan on Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:26 pm; edited 2 times in total |