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Joined: 06 Dec 2005
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:07 pm    Post subject: No Primary Network Connection Reply with quote

Ok Gentoo is based around having a network in which to "TAP" in to an internet connection via ASDL or Cable. It also uses emerge to get the sources it needs.

However if your forced to use another source as a primary connection such as "External Modem" via Dial up connection. Your kind of left out in the blue on what sort of packages are included to help out set up a connection.

I have seen other sites that presume you have a network to emerge sources such as "WVDIAL" but basically if you only have a modem, you cant use emerge command because you have no access to download files.

My question is what options do I have to make gentoo work off a primary connection as an "External Modem" what sort of packages will I need or are they already included?

Thanks for the help in advance.

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Joined: 07 Nov 2005
Posts: 33

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, yes... well, assuming you have a ppp connection to your ISP, you'd need something to make that ppp connection. (I _assume_ you aren't using slip, as most everyone... isn't (: )

Now I'm not POSITIVE there's anything on the livecd that will do such, without issues. And as such, you'd need to do an install using the files on the cd... which let me look and see if there's a ppp type thing there... Yes, it appears that ppp is, in fact, there.

So you would do an install using the universal-cd - not the minimum - and be sure to install the ppp packages included. After doing so, you would set up the ppp connection to your isp, using the modem. That would probably be answered somewhere else in the forum.

I would be interested in knowing if you had trouble doing this, as, well, I haven't used a modem to do it, but at some point I can imagine I will, so knowing pitfalls would be good (:
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