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openafs-1.4.0-r1 update won't mount /afs [SOLVED]
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Joined: 01 Apr 2005
Posts: 217
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:55 am    Post subject: openafs-1.4.0-r1 update won't mount /afs [SOLVED] Reply with quote

I just upgraded to the latest openafs (from 1.4.0 to 1.4.0-r1). Emerge went fine, during which I had openafs-client shutdown. I did a dispatch-conf to update to the new
openafs config file. When I attempt to run it now, however I get:


 # /etc/init.d/openafs-client start 
 * Starting OpenAFS client ...
 *   Loading OpenAFS kernel module ...                                    [ ok ]
 *   Starting OpenAFS daemon ...                                          [ !! ]

If I try to run the daemon manually, I get:


/usr/sbin/afsd -verbose
 [...a bunch of messages saying it's creating cache files]
All AFS daemons started.
afsd: Forking trunc-cache daemon.
SScall(137, 28, 3)=0 afsd: Mounting the AFS root on '/afs', flags: 0.
afsd: Can't mount AFS on /afs(2)

I have plenty of room on /. Googling around I found a link from IBM saying
You can have both AFS and AdvFS on the same machine, but you must
keep them separate. That means that AdvFS should not be on the
root (because of /afs), usr, or vicepx (if it's a server) partitions.

While a perhaps more helpful link from MIT suggested
"Can't mount AFS on %s(%d)" -- the stuff in ()'s is an errno.
2 means "ENOENT", so trying to recreate /afs certainly made
sense. "afsd" has a -verbose option that might be slightly
helpful here, but probably it will just complain after it
%s: Mounting the AFS root on '%s', flags: %d.
AFS vfs slot number is %d
which won't tell you much more.

It looks like the mount process can return ENOENT if something
about accessing the root volume fails. Some things to try include:
(1) delete all the files in the cache on the workstation,
(2) make sure there's enough free disk space for the
cache on the workstation
(3) restart it.
If that doesn't succeed, then the next thing might to be to
start suspecting something weird in AFS. Perhaps the volume
is somehow damaged (if it's replicated, perhaps other copies
aren't affected.) The "-rootvol" parameter of afsd can be used
to select another volume to mount; that might change things.

It would also make sense to review any other considerations.
If the network configuration got damaged, perhaps it
doesn't know where the local router is, or some other weirdness.

Tools such as "rxdebug", "cmdebug" and "xstat_cm_test" might
also give you more information on what's happening, "rxdebug"
can be used to tell what servers the machine is talking to.
"cmdebug" can be used to remotely examine the cache.
"xstat_cm_test" returns a vector of call counts, which might be
useful in telling where the kernel part is hanging. If the long list
of calls in <afs/afs_stats.h> doesn't make sense, then
"xstat_cm_test" is probably not for you, and it might make the
most sense to just reload the machine from backups.

I took it as far as removing the files from cache and starting again. Still no luck. Anyone else had this problem or have any idea what's going on?


Last edited by iMike on Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is caused by a bug in the code that's supposed to make sure /afs is created when installing, and is removed when uninstalling. The difficulty in this is that you cannot create a directory or remove it when it's being used as a mount-point. The code to circumvent this however seems to create a problem in an upgrade when /afs is not mounted anymore. A fix is in the pipeline. If you encounter this problem, simply do
mkdir /afs
as root, and try starting openafs-client again.
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Joined: 01 Apr 2005
Posts: 217
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you, Stefaan!

Yes, this worked perfectly. (Sorry it took me awhile to reply to this.) OpenAFS (with Heimdal) has been running fine all day. :D

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