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Using IBM ASM Processor/interface
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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Location: Ottawa

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:51 pm    Post subject: Using IBM ASM Processor/interface Reply with quote

I was wondering if anybody has any experience/hints to deal with the IBM ASM/RSA processor under Gentoo. I notice under devices->misc in the kernel there is the ibmasm service processor which I compiled as a module and it loads fine. According to what I've read, there's supposed to be an ibmasmfs filesystem and checking /proc/filesystems it is listed. However when I mount the filesystem according to all the code I've seen (mount -t ibmasmfs ibmasm /var/lib/ibmasm) the filesystem is empty. From the documentation I have seen, there should a filesystem which has something to do with the service processor, but I'll be damned if I can get anything out of it.

Since I've got older servers, the stuff on IBM's site is mainly geared at older 2.4 kernels (I'm using 2.6.14-r5). They also only provide RPM's for RedHat and Suse. I have tried to extract and build those items, but the ibmasm code seems to be nearly the same as what's in the kernel tree anyway. IBM forums typically say "use a supported linux" and that's it.

I did notice some older IBM rc-script code looks for an ibmasm device under /proc/devices but I don't seem to have anything here. Newer Suse rc-scripts only look for the filesystems.

I'm basically trying to get some hardware monitoring going and these older IBM's seem to hide all the sensors behind the ASM. I2C sesors only seem to relay the video bus which isn't too useful, but I want to see fan, vrm, cpu, power supply, and temperature status and have some alerting based on that.

Any clues?
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