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help with firewall rules .. ipfilter<-->iptables
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Joined: 02 Jul 2005
Posts: 382
Location: Serbia

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:58 pm    Post subject: help with firewall rules .. ipfilter<-->iptables Reply with quote

I have Efficient Networks 5861 DSL Router with, as far as i know, IP Filter. I say "as far as i know" cuz i have read the iptables and ipfilter howto`s and the syntax doesn`t match to neither of them. I`m trying to configure only the firewall on that router and protect 3 computers in lan connected to it .. i have gentoo on all machines in lan and my plan is not to setup any fw on them since the router has ipfilter.
I want as little as possible trafick in and out. Beside standard/basic ports, I need P2P, chat, ssh, nfs, samba, but nfs and samba only in lan.
I found a little fw script which ipfilter uses as default one and i have changed it to suite my needs.
Now .. i`m not sure if I did it right, so PLEASE, if anyone knows how to setup this or has any idea help .. cuz this editing is pure logic ..
if there is any "faster"/"better" way for this script to function .. please share .. :lol:


# Maxsec Firewall script - 6/7/01
# For DSL router
# Allow protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, SNTP, Telnet,
#                  DNS, FTP (passive), L2TP, IPSec, IKE

# Flush all existing filters
remote ipfilter flush input internet
remote ipfilter flush output internet
remote ipfilter flush transmit internet
remote ipfilter flush receive internet
eth ip filter flush input 0
eth ip filter flush output 0
eth ip filter flush transmit 0
eth ip filter flush receive 0

# No incoming connections
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -tcp syn internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 22 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 22 internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6881 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6881 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6882 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6882 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6883 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6883 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6884 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6884 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6885 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6885 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6886 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6886 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6887 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6887 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6888 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6888 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6889 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6889 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 4662 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 4662 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 10124 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 10124 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 17626 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 17626 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 1214 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 1214 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6346 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6346 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 6347 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 6347 internet

# Windows / Samba / NFS / PORTMAP
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 445 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 445 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 426 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 426 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 137 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 137 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 138 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 138 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 139 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 139 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 2049 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 2049 internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 5190 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 5190 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 5050 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 5050 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 1863 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 1863 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 5222 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 5222 internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 80 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 80 internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 443 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 443 internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 25 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 25 internet

# POP3
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 110 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 110 internet

# - allow requests and responses to the router only
remote ipfilter append receive accept -p udp -dp 8123 -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append transmit accept -p udp -dp 123 -sp 8123 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 123 internet
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -sp 123 0
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -dp 123 0

# Telnet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 23 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 23 internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 53 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 53 internet

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 20:21 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 20:21 internet

# L2TP
# - allow requests and responses to the router only
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 1701 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 1701 internet
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -sp 1701 0
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -dp 1701 0

# Allow IPSec, IKE packets
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 500 -dp 500 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p 50 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p 51 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -sp 500 -dp 500 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p 50 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p 51 internet

# Drop all other traffic not listed above
remote ipfilter append input drop internet
remote ipfilter append output drop internet

# Watch the results
remote ipfilter watch on internet


10x in advance

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

no idea .. thought .. advice ?? :roll:
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Joined: 14 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:43 pm    Post subject: Hmmm Reply with quote

Why would you allow incoming server ports like in:

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp -sp 80 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp -dp 80 internet


Its been awhile that i have comp'ted with iptables but i think that was the general way (i'd like to say: as you did)

DENY evryth.
DENY rst.

I've seen a some iptables code-snippets for nice little gimmicks like flood protection, been around the web

--besides this incomming-issue,--
erm, i would have nothing more to say.

I'm no longer angry,for having to truncate my sig because it got to long with the following reminder:
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co chaoid sounds
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well .. the problem is that i`m still a heavy newbie concerning iptable/ipfilter configuration ..
I've seen a some iptables code-snippets for nice little gimmicks like flood protection, been around the web

i can`t put that kind of script into my router .. :)

but i have, kind of, made a script but i`m not sure if it is working . .:(
the script below says that all ports that are not explicitely mentioned are closed, right ??
but i have tried to connect to irc server (6666,6667,6668 port) and it worked, even though those ports suppose to be closed ???

now, i`m not sure if this script is working :cry:

so, i was wondering if anyone can point me to right direction ..

10x in advance


# Flush all existing filters
remote ipfilter flush input internet
remote ipfilter flush output internet
remote ipfilter flush transmit internet
remote ipfilter flush receive internet
eth ip filter flush input 0
eth ip filter flush output 0
eth ip filter flush transmit 0
eth ip filter flush receive 0

# Kill tcpmux
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -dp 1 internet
remote ipfilter append input drop -p udp -dp 1 internet
#Allow ssh, smtp, web, ssl, pop3
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 22 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 25 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 80 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 443 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 465 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 995 -p tcp internet

#Allow chat protocols
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 5190 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 5050 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 1863 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 5222 -p tcp internet
# Amule
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 4662 -p tcp internet
# Amule UDP
# remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 4665 -p udp internet
# remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 4672 -p udp internet
# Gnutella
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6346 -p tcp internet
# Gnutella UDP
# remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6346 -p udp internet
# remote ipfilter append output accept -sp 6346 -p udp internet
# Allow Azureus (Bittorent)
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6881 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6881 -p udp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -dp 6881 -p udp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -sp 6881 -p udp internet
# No incoming connections, allow all other TCP
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -tcp syn internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp internet
# - allow requests and responses to the router only
remote ipfilter append receive accept -p udp -dp 8123 -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append transmit accept -p udp -dp 123 -sp 8123 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 123 internet
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -sp 123 0
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -dp 123 0
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 53 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 53 internet
# L2TP
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 1701 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 1701 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 67 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 67 internet
# Allow ICMP Echo Reply, Dest Unreachable, Echo Requests,
# and Time Exceeded from the WAN
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 0 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 3 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 8 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 11 internet
# Allow ICMP Echo Reply, Dest Unreachable, Echo Request to the WAN
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 0 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 3 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 8 internet
# Allow traceroute
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 33434:33500 -sp 1024:6
5535 internet
# Allow IPSec, IKE packets
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 500 -dp 500 internet
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p 50 internet
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p 51 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -sp 500 -dp 500 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p 50 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p 51 internet
# Drop all other traffic not listed above
remote ipfilter append input drop internet
remote ipfilter append output drop internet
# Turn on ip filter watch for debugging
remote ipfilter watch on internet

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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For anyone using iptables, Id suggest shoreline firewall or shorewall for short, it takes some time to get used to, but the options it provides are very useful.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

xante wrote:
For anyone using iptables, Id suggest shoreline firewall or shorewall for short, it takes some time to get used to, but the options it provides are very useful.

this is not configuration for iptables for linux .. this is fw script for my router .. i can`t configure router`s fw that way
the syntax is something between iptables and ipfilter .. :) .. as far as i know .. :)
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

to get a general understanding of how iptables work, and so you might derive commands used by your router-language

Translations available.

I've seen a some iptables code-snippets for nice little gimmicks like flood protection, been around the web

i can`t put that kind of script into my router .. :)

This is not about adding 3rd party code stuff.
It's about using iptables --limit option, quite nifty :)

playahater: have you checked out:

espacially, check
I'm no longer angry,for having to truncate my sig because it got to long with the following reminder:
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co chaoid sounds
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Joined: 02 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

srm wrote:
to get a general understanding of how iptables work, and so you might derive commands used by your router-language

Translations available.
This is not about adding 3rd party code stuff.
It's about using iptables --limit option, quite nifty :)

playahater: have you checked out:

espacially, check

ok .. i`ve been playing with this fw thing in last couple of days :)

well .. yes .. i did kind of read iptables and ipfilter howto ..
i`ll take a look at that iptables code-snippets again :) .. and packet-filtering, too
those linkz are "session expired" :(
but i have downloaded routers configuration pdf handbook .. and there are a LOT of stuff there .. and i have read it .. and .. according to that handbook, i have made the below script but .. i`m not sure if it is working :(, so i thought to get some advices and thoughts about it here .. :)

I have started the router`s sys log and i saw that a lot of packets are being dropped, especially at port 6882, which is definitely closed, but the weird thing is that according to the below fw script, port 6666,6667 and 6668 are closed, but i can still log in to irc servers :roll:
and i went to .. smtp and pop ports are closed, 22(ssh) port is open and the rest port are stealth .. and i think that 22 has to be open ( i have enabled nat settings and forwarded port 22) since i have to be able to log on to my computer over ssh from work

here is the newest version of the fw script


# Flush all existing filters
remote ipfilter flush input internet
remote ipfilter flush output internet
remote ipfilter flush transmit internet
remote ipfilter flush receive internet
eth ip filter flush input 0
eth ip filter flush output 0
eth ip filter flush transmit 0
eth ip filter flush receive 0

# Kill tcpmux
#port 1, router is listening that port by default.
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -dp 1 internet
remote ipfilter append input drop -p udp -dp 1 internet
#Allow ssh, smtp, web, ssl, pop3
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 22 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 25 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 80 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 443 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 465 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 995 -p tcp internet

#Allow chat protocols
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 5190 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 5050 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 1863 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 5222 -p tcp internet
# Amule
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 4662 -p tcp internet
# Amule UDP
# remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 4665 -p udp internet
# remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 4672 -p udp internet
# Gnutella
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6346 -p tcp internet
# Gnutella UDP
# remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6346 -p udp internet
# remote ipfilter append output accept -sp 6346 -p udp internet
# Allow Azureus (Bittorent)
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6881 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6881 -p udp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -dp 6881 -p udp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -sp 6881 -p udp internet
#Iz gorenavedenog vidis sta i kako koristim za p2p, s tim da sam
#ukinuo udp svima osim azureusu, a i ostale sam limitirao na
#minimum porotova. Ispostavilo se da je sasvim dovoljno.
# No incoming connections, allow all other TCP
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -tcp syn internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp internet
# - allow requests and responses to the router only
remote ipfilter append receive accept -p udp -dp 8123 -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append transmit accept -p udp -dp 123 -sp 8123 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 123 internet
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -sp 123 0
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -dp 123 0
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 53 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 53 internet
# L2TP
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 1701 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 1701 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 67 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 67 internet
# Allow ICMP Echo Reply, Dest Unreachable, Echo Requests,
# and Time Exceeded from the WAN
#Seci sta ti se sece ili dozvoljavaj neki drugi ICMP ako ti treba
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 0 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 3 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 8 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 11 internet
# Allow ICMP Echo Reply, Dest Unreachable, Echo Request to the WAN
#Isto kao gore :)
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 0 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 3 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 8 internet
# Allow traceroute
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 33434:33500 -sp 1024:6
5535 internet
# Allow IPSec, IKE packets
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 500 -dp 500 internet
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p 50 internet
#remote ipfilter append input accept -p 51 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -sp 500 -dp 500 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p 50 internet
#remote ipfilter append output accept -p 51 internet
# Drop all other traffic not listed above
remote ipfilter append input drop internet
remote ipfilter append output drop internet
# Turn on ip filter watch for debugging
remote ipfilter watch on internet

10x in advance

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Joined: 14 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sry bout the session :)

what about this one?

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp internet

that will make your following tcp rules obsolete i think
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

srm wrote:
sry bout the session :)

what about this one?

remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp internet

that will make your following tcp rules obsolete i think

yes .. but that will alow all traffic through tcp ports .. tcp woud be completely open .. right ?
that`s not the point ?
i need smoehow .. to tell "him" to drop all that is not mentioned .. and i told him that (last line .. drop internet) .. but he ain`t listening ... :)

according to regular fw rules ..
first rule .. flush .. second .. drop all .. third .. allow specific ..
but that doesn`t work here .. :roll:
when i tried to put drop all right after flush .. i had no conection at all .. :cry:

and when i put this


# Kill irc
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -dp 6666:6668 internet
remote ipfilter append input drop -p udp -dp 6666:6668 internet
remote ipfilter append output drop -p tcp -dp 6666:6668 internet
remote ipfilter append output drop -p udp -dp 6666:6668 internet

irc was gone .. but how come i had to specifically point that ??

hmmm ... :roll:
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've noticed that iptables ( I assume that is what these scripts link to eventually) can have problems with drop as the default policy, set it to accept all and put a drop all rule after all the accept rules.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would never advice to set ACCEPT as default rule!!!!

After checking the man, i would suggest the following:

create Accept rules
DROP ALL (all protos)

I believe, thats also better than

(how comes that there are still packets to be processed by allow when there is a DROP ALL in the beginning? as you could see, that makes no sense and will block your connection completely)


I need smoehow .. to tell "him" to drop all that is not mentioned .. and i told him that (last line .. drop internet) .. but he ain`t listening ... :)

see above, again:
create Accept rules
DROP ALL (all protos)

should solve this one.


yes .. but that will alow all traffic through tcp ports .. tcp woud be completely open .. right ?
that`s not the point ?

regarding the input/output accept -p tcp; right, even if you have sepcified several ports before,
these rules will open your tcp completely

So, i think you just have to remove these TCP allow rules from your 2nd version and you should be fine

kind regards
I'm no longer angry,for having to truncate my sig because it got to long with the following reminder:
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co chaoid sounds
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well .. first of all .. 10x to all of you ..
I have been trying to setup this thing and in the end i got to two solutions:

create Accept rules
DROP ALL (all protos)

srm has suggested this .. but .. i tried this solution and it is great .. but some things doesn`t work and that`s not so big problem .. i`ll fill the holles in the run .. and that`s the best solution .. :)

in the mean time i`ll use the second solution

create Accept rules
Accept all outgoing
DROP ALL (all protos)

that way .. my ports are not opened for someone behind the router, but i can use whatever I want ( example why irc worked ) ..

as i said .. i will finish the first solution and make it default cuz that`s just the best solution ..

here`s current script


# Flush all existing filters
remote ipfilter flush input internet
remote ipfilter flush output internet
remote ipfilter flush transmit internet
remote ipfilter flush receive internet
eth ip filter flush input 0
eth ip filter flush output 0
eth ip filter flush transmit 0
eth ip filter flush receive 0

# Kill tcpmux
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -dp 1 internet
remote ipfilter append input drop -p udp -dp 1 internet
#Allow ssh
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 22 -p tcp internet
# Amule
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 4662 -p tcp internet
# Gnutella
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6346 -p tcp internet
# Allow Azureus (Bittorent)
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6881 -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -dp 6881 -p udp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -dp 6881 -p udp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -sp 6881 -p udp internet
# No incoming connections, allow all other TCP
remote ipfilter append input drop -p tcp -tcp syn internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p tcp internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p tcp internet
# - allow requests and responses to the router only
remote ipfilter append receive accept -p udp -dp 8123 -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append transmit accept -p udp -dp 123 -sp 8123 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 123 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 123 internet
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -sp 123 0
eth ip filter append output drop -p udp -dp 123 0
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 53 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 53 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p udp -sp 67 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 67 internet
# Allow ICMP Echo Reply, Dest Unreachable, Echo Requests,
# and Time Exceeded from the WAN
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 0 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 3 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 8 internet
remote ipfilter append input accept -p icmp -sp 11 internet
# Allow ICMP Echo Reply, Dest Unreachable, Echo Request to the WAN
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 0 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 3 internet
remote ipfilter append output accept -p icmp -sp 8 internet
# Allow traceroute
remote ipfilter append output accept -p udp -dp 33434:33500 -sp 1024:65535 internet
# Drop all other traffic not listed above
remote ipfilter append input drop internet
remote ipfilter append output drop internet
# Turn on ip filter watch for debugging
remote ipfilter watch on internet

10x again to all of you .. :) ..

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