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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 12 Jun 2005
Posts: 101

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:13 am    Post subject: CUPS printing question... Reply with quote

I have set up CUPS and the PPD file for my HP 1320n printer. For some reason whenever I print, from linux (gentoo), I have to hit the green button on the printer to get it to print. Otherwise it works fine.

Is there a way to get the printer to print the print job automatically? I can't seem to figure this out.


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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 12 Jun 2005
Posts: 101

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 1:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, any ideas anyone? It's probably some configuration with the ppd file. Here it is, in case it might help:

*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
*% =======================================================
*% Disclaimer: The above statement indicates
*% that this PPD was written using the Adobe PPD
*% File Format Specification 4.3, but does not
*% intend to imply approval and acceptance by
*% Adobe Systems, Inc.
*% =======================================================
*% Printer Description File
*% Copyright 1992-2003 Hewlett-Packard Company
*% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
*% a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
*% "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
*% without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
*% distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
*% permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
*% the following conditions:
*% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
*% included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
*% [this is the MIT open source license -- please see]

*% PPD for HP LaserJet 1320 Series
*% For Macintosh only
*% PPD File Version Information
*FileVersion: "1.0.0 X"
*FormatVersion: "4.3"
*LanguageEncoding: MacStandard
*LanguageVersion: English
*PCFileName: "HP1300_6.PPD"
*APDialogExtension: "/Library/Printers/hp/PDEs/hpColorOptions.plugin"
*APDialogExtension: "/Library/Printers/hp/PDEs/hpEdgeToEdge.plugin"
*APDialogExtension: "/Library/Printers/hp/PDEs/hpFinishing.plugin"
*APDialogExtension: "/Library/Printers/hp/PDEs/hpImageQuality.plugin"
*APDialogExtension: "/Library/Printers/hp/PDEs/hpProofAndPrint.plugin"
*APPrinterIconPath: "/Library/Printers/hp/Icons/hp LaserJet 1300 series.icns"

*% Product Version Information
*ModelName: "HP LaserJet 1320 series"
*ShortNickName: "HP LaserJet 1320 series"
*NickName: "HP LaserJet 1320 series Postscript (recommended)"
*Product: "(hp LaserJet 1320 series)"
*Manufacturer: "HP"
*PSVersion: "(2014.116) 0"

*% Device Capabilities
*ColorDevice: False
*DefaultColorSpace: Gray
*FileSystem: False

*LanguageLevel: "2"
*Throughput: "22"
*TTRasterizer: Type42
*?TTRasterizer: "
42 /FontType resourcestatus
{ pop pop (Type42)} {pop pop (None)} ifelse = flush

*% Emulations and Protocols
*Protocols: TBCP

*SuggestedJobTimeout: "0"
*SuggestedWaitTimeout: "120"
*PrintPSErrors: True

*% Installable Options
*OpenGroup: InstallableOptions/Installed Options

*OpenUI *HPOption_Tray2/Tray 2: Boolean
*DefaultHPOption_Tray2: False
*HPOption_Tray2 True/Installed: ""
*HPOption_Tray2 False/Not Installed: ""
*?HPOption_Tray2: "
currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 known
{(True)}{(False)} ifelse = flush
restore "
*CloseUI: *HPOption_Tray2

*OpenUI *HPOption_Tray3/Tray 3: Boolean
*DefaultHPOption_Tray3: False
*HPOption_Tray3 True/Installed: ""
*HPOption_Tray3 False/Not Installed: ""
*?HPOption_Tray3: "
currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 1 known
{(True)}{(False)} ifelse = flush
restore "
*CloseUI: *HPOption_Tray3

*% Fit to Page
*OpenUI *HPOption_PaperPolicy/Fit to Page: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *HPOption_PaperPolicy
*DefaultHPOption_PaperPolicy: PromptUser
*HPOption_PaperPolicy PromptUser/Prompt User: "
<</DeferredMediaSelection true>> setpagedevice"
*HPOption_PaperPolicy NearestSizeAdjust/Nearest Size and Scale: "
<</DeferredMediaSelection false>> setpagedevice
<</Policies << /PageSize 3 >> >> setpagedevice"
*HPOption_PaperPolicy NearestSizeNoAdjust/Nearest Size and Crop: "
<</DeferredMediaSelection false>> setpagedevice
<</Policies << /PageSize 5 >> >> setpagedevice"
*?HPOption_PaperPolicy: "(PromptUser) = flush"
*CloseUI: *HPOption_PaperPolicy

*OpenUI *InstalledMemory/Total Printer Memory: PickOne
*DefaultInstalledMemory: 16_31MB
*InstalledMemory 16_31MB/16 - 31 MB: ""
*InstalledMemory 32_47MB/32 - 47 MB: ""
*InstalledMemory 48_79MB/48 - 79 MB: ""
*InstalledMemory 80_143MB/80 - 143 MB: ""
*InstalledMemory 144MB/144 or more MB: ""
*?InstalledMemory: "
currentsystemparams /RamSize get
524288 div ceiling cvi 2 div
/size exch def
size 144 ge
{size 80 ge
{size 48 ge
{size 32 ge
{(16_31MB)} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse = flush
*CloseUI: *InstalledMemory

*CloseGroup: InstallableOptions

*% =================================
*% Watermark Printing
*% =================================
*OpenGroup: HPWaterOverlayPanel/Watermark/Overlay

*OpenUI *HPwmSwitch/Watermark/Overlay: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10000 AnySetup *HPwmSwitch
*DefaultHPwmSwitch: Off
*HPwmSwitch Off/None: ""
*HPwmSwitch Watermark/Watermark: "
% Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Co 1997
/HPwm where { pop }{
userdict begin
true setglobal /HPwm 5 dict dup begin /HPwmOn true def end def false setglobal
userdict /HPwmLocation known not {/HPwmLocation true def} if
userdict /HPwmText known not {/HPwmText (Draft) def} if
FontDirectory /HPwmFont known not {
/Helvetica-Bold findfont dup length dict begin
{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
/MacEncoding where
{ pop /Encoding MacEncoding def }
{ /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def } ifelse
/HPwmFont exch definefont pop
} if
userdict /HPwmSize known not {/HPwmSize 48 def} if
userdict /HPwmAngle known not {/HPwmAngle 45 def} if
userdict /HPwmSaturation known not
{ /HPwmSaturation
{ [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .55 mul } forall setcolor } def
} if
userdict /HPwmColor known not
{ /HPwmColor { 0 setgray HPwmSaturation } def
} if
userdict /HPwmStyle known not
{/HPwmStyle { HPwmText false charpath HPwmColor .48 setlinewidth stroke } def
} if

{ HPwm /HPwmOn get
{ gsave
0 setgray 1 setlinewidth true setstrokeadjust 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap [] 0 setdash
currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop 2 div exch 2 div exch translate
HPwmAngle rotate
/normland where {
pop /normland load dup type /booleantype eq { { 90 rotate } if } if
} if
/HPwmFont HPwmSize selectfont
HPwmText stringwidth 2 div neg exch 2 div neg exch HPwmSize .25 mul sub moveto
HPwmStyle HPwmLocation not {true setglobal HPwm /HPwmOn false put false setglobal} if
} if
} bind def
/md where {
pop /initializepage where {
/LWinitializepage /initializepage load def
/initializepage { HPwminitialize LWinitializepage } put
} if

/LWinitializepage where { pop }{
{ pop HPwminitialize } bind
>> setpagedevice
} ifelse
} ifelse"
*HPwmSwitch Overlay/Overlay: "
% Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Co 1997
/HPwm where { pop }{
userdict begin
true setglobal /HPwm 5 dict dup begin /HPwmOn true def end def false setglobal
userdict /HPwmLocation known not {/HPwmLocation true def} if
userdict /HPwmText known not {/HPwmText (Draft) def} if
FontDirectory /HPwmFont known not {
/Helvetica-Bold findfont dup length dict begin
{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
/MacEncoding where
{ pop /Encoding MacEncoding def }
{ /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def } ifelse
/HPwmFont exch definefont pop
} if
userdict /HPwmSize known not {/HPwmSize 48 def} if
userdict /HPwmAngle known not {/HPwmAngle 45 def} if
userdict /HPwmSaturation known not
{ /HPwmSaturation
{ [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .55 mul } forall setcolor } def
} if
userdict /HPwmColor known not
{ /HPwmColor { 0 setgray HPwmSaturation } def
} if
userdict /HPwmStyle known not
{/HPwmStyle { HPwmText false charpath HPwmColor .48 setlinewidth stroke } def
} if
2 eq { pop false }{
pop HPwm /HPwmOn get
{ gsave
0 setgray 1 setlinewidth true setstrokeadjust 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap [] 0 setdash
currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop 2 div exch 2 div exch translate
HPwmAngle rotate
/normland where {
pop /normland load dup type /booleantype eq { { 90 rotate } if } if
} if
/HPwmFont HPwmSize selectfont
HPwmText stringwidth 2 div neg exch 2 div neg exch HPwmSize .25 mul sub moveto
HPwmStyle HPwmLocation not {true setglobal HPwm /HPwmOn false put false setglobal} if
} if
} ifelse
} bind
>> setpagedevice
} ifelse"
*CloseUI: *HPwmSwitch

*% =================================
*% Watermark Pages
*% =================================
*OpenUI *HPwmPages/Watermark Pages: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 67 AnySetup *HPwmPages
*DefaultHPwmPages: AllPages
*HPwmPages AllPages/All: "userdict /HPwmLocation true put"
*HPwmPages FirstPage/First Only: "userdict /HPwmLocation false put"
*CloseUI: *HPwmPages

*% =================================
*% Watermark Text
*% =================================
*OpenUI *HPwmTextMessage/Watermark Text: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 65 AnySetup *HPwmTextMessage
*DefaultHPwmTextMessage: Draft
*HPwmTextMessage Draft/Draft: "userdict /HPwmText (Draft) put"
*HPwmTextMessage CompanyConfidential/Company Confidential: "userdict /HPwmText (Company Confidential) put"
*HPwmTextMessage CompanyProprietary/Company Proprietary: "userdict /HPwmText (Company Proprietary) put"
*HPwmTextMessage CompanyPrivate/Company Private: "userdict /HPwmText (Company Private) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Confidential/Confidential: "userdict /HPwmText (Confidential) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Copy/Copy: "userdict /HPwmText (Copy) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Copyright/Copyright: "userdict /HPwmText (Copyright) put"
*HPwmTextMessage FileCopy/File Copy: "userdict /HPwmText (File Copy) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Final/Final: "userdict /HPwmText (Final) put"
*HPwmTextMessage ForInternalUse/For Internal Use Only: "userdict /HPwmText (For Internal Use Only) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Preliminary/Preliminary: "userdict /HPwmText (Preliminary) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Proof/Proof: "userdict /HPwmText (Proof) put"
*HPwmTextMessage ReviewCopy/Review Copy: "userdict /HPwmText (Review Copy) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Sample/Sample: "userdict /HPwmText (Sample) put"
*HPwmTextMessage TopSecret/Top Secret: "userdict /HPwmText (Top Secret) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Urgent/Urgent: "userdict /HPwmText (Urgent) put"
*HPwmTextMessage Set/Custom: "userdict /HPwmText (Custom) put"
*CloseUI: *HPwmTextMessage

*% Allows LW 8.5.1 to use custom strings
*RBISetHPwmTextMessage Data: "(Custom) 50"
*RBISetHPwmTextMessage Code: "userdict /HPwmText 3 -1 roll put"

*% =================================
*% Watermark Font
*% =================================
*OpenUI *HPwmFontName/Watermark Font: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 65 AnySetup *HPwmFontName
*DefaultHPwmFontName: HelveticaB
*HPwmFontName CourierB/Courier Bold: "
/Courier-Bold findfont dup length dict begin
{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
/MacEncoding where
{ pop /Encoding MacEncoding def }
{ /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def } ifelse
/HPwmFont exch definefont pop"
*HPwmFontName HelveticaB/Helvetica Bold: "
/Helvetica-Bold findfont dup length dict begin
{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
/MacEncoding where
{ pop /Encoding MacEncoding def }
{ /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def } ifelse
/HPwmFont exch definefont pop"
*HPwmFontName TimesB/Times Bold: "
/Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin
{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
/MacEncoding where
{ pop /Encoding MacEncoding def }
{ /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def } ifelse
/HPwmFont exch definefont pop"
*CloseUI: *HPwmFontName

*% =================================
*% Watermark Size
*% =================================
*OpenUI *HPwmFontSize/Watermark Size (points): PickOne
*OrderDependency: 65 AnySetup *HPwmFontSize
*DefaultHPwmFontSize: pt48
*HPwmFontSize pt24/24: "userdict /HPwmSize 24 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt30/30: "userdict /HPwmSize 30 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt36/36: "userdict /HPwmSize 36 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt42/42: "userdict /HPwmSize 42 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt48/48: "userdict /HPwmSize 48 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt54/54: "userdict /HPwmSize 54 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt60/60: "userdict /HPwmSize 60 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt66/66: "userdict /HPwmSize 66 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt72/72: "userdict /HPwmSize 72 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt78/78: "userdict /HPwmSize 78 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt84/84: "userdict /HPwmSize 84 put"
*HPwmFontSize pt90/90: "userdict /HPwmSize 90 put"
*CloseUI: *HPwmFontSize

*% =================================
*% Watermark Angle
*% =================================
*OpenUI *HPwmTextAngle/Watermark Angle: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 65 AnySetup *HPwmTextAngle
*DefaultHPwmTextAngle: Deg45
*HPwmTextAngle Deg90/90<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle 90 put"
*HPwmTextAngle Deg75/75<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle 75 put"
*HPwmTextAngle Deg60/60<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle 60 put"
*HPwmTextAngle Deg45/45<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle 45 put"
*HPwmTextAngle Deg30/30<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle 30 put"
*HPwmTextAngle Deg15/15<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle 15 put"
*HPwmTextAngle Deg0/0<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle 0 put"
*HPwmTextAngle DegN15/Ð15<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle -15 put"
*HPwmTextAngle DegN30/Ð30<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle -30 put"
*HPwmTextAngle DegN45/Ð45<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle -45 put"
*HPwmTextAngle DegN60/Ð60<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle -60 put"
*HPwmTextAngle DegN75/Ð75<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle -75 put"
*HPwmTextAngle DegN90/Ð90<A1>: "userdict /HPwmAngle -90 put"
*CloseUI: *HPwmTextAngle

*% =================================
*% Watermark Style
*% =================================
*OpenUI *HPwmTextStyle/Watermark Style: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 65 AnySetup *HPwmTextStyle
*DefaultHPwmTextStyle: Medium
*HPwmTextStyle Thin/Thin Outline: "userdict /HPwmStyle { HPwmText false charpath HPwmColor .24 setlinewidth stroke } bind put"
*HPwmTextStyle Medium/Medium Outline: "userdict /HPwmStyle { HPwmText false charpath HPwmColor .48 setlinewidth stroke } bind put"
*HPwmTextStyle Thick/Thick Outline: "userdict /HPwmStyle { HPwmText false charpath HPwmColor .96 setlinewidth stroke } bind put"
*HPwmTextStyle Halo/Thick Outline with Halo: "userdict /HPwmStyle
{ HPwmText false charpath gsave /DeviceGray setcolorspace 1 setgray 1.8 setlinewidth stroke grestore
HPwmColor .96 setlinewidth stroke } bind put"
*HPwmTextStyle Fill/Filled: "userdict /HPwmStyle { HPwmColor HPwmText show } bind put"
*CloseUI: *HPwmTextStyle

*% =================================
*% WaterMark Brightness
*% =================================
*OpenUI *HPwmBrightness/Watermark Intensity: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 63 AnySetup *HPwmBrightness
*DefaultHPwmBrightness: Medium
*HPwmBrightness Darkest/Darkest: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { null pop } put"
*HPwmBrightness Darker/Darker: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .88 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*HPwmBrightness Dark/Dark: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .77 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*HPwmBrightness MediumDark/Medium Dark: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .66 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*HPwmBrightness Medium/Medium: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .55 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*HPwmBrightness MediumLight/Medium Light: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .44 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*HPwmBrightness Light/Light: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .33 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*HPwmBrightness Lighter/Lighter: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .22 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*HPwmBrightness Lightest/Lightest: "userdict /HPwmSaturation { [ currentcmykcolor ] /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace { .11 mul } forall setcolor } put"
*CloseUI: *HPwmBrightness

*CloseGroup: HPWaterOverlayPanel

*OpenGroup: HPImagingOptions/Image Quality

*% Resolution
*% Select Printer Resolution
*OpenUI *Resolution/Printer Resolution: PickOne
*DefaultResolution: 600x600x2dpi
*OrderDependency: 5 DocumentSetup *Resolution
*Resolution 1200x1200dpi/ProRes 1200: "
<</HWResolution [1200 1200] /PreRenderingEnhance false>> setpagedevice"
*Resolution 600x600x2dpi/FastRes 1200: "
<</HWResolution [600 600] /PreRenderingEnhance true>> setpagedevice"
*Resolution 600x600dpi/600 dpi: "
<</HWResolution [600 600] /PreRenderingEnhance false>> setpagedevice"
*?Resolution: "
currentpagedevice /HWResolution get
0 get
( ) cvs print
= flush
*CloseUI: *Resolution

*% Resolution Enhancement
*OpenUI *Smoothing/Resolution Enhancement: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 20 DocumentSetup *Smoothing
*DefaultSmoothing: PrinterDefault
*Smoothing PrinterDefault/PrinterÕs Current Setting: ""
*Smoothing On/On: "
<< /PostRenderingEnhance true
/PostRenderingEnhanceDetails << /REValue 2 /Type 8 >>
>> setpagedevice"
*Smoothing Off/Off: "
<< /PostRenderingEnhance true
/PostRenderingEnhanceDetails << /REValue 0 /Type 8 >>
>> setpagedevice"
*?Smoothing: "
currentpagedevice /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails get /REValue get
[(Off) (On) (On) (On)] exch get print
*CloseUI: *Smoothing

*% HPEconoMode
*OpenUI *HPEconoMode/HPEconoMode: PickOne
*DefaultHPEconoMode: PrinterDefault
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *HPEconoMode
*HPEconoMode PrinterDefault/PrinterÕs Current Setting: ""
*HPEconoMode True/Save Toner: "
<</EconoMode true>> setpagedevice"
*HPEconoMode False/Highest Quality: "
<</EconoMode false>> setpagedevice"
*?HPEconoMode: "
currentpagedevice /EconoMode get
{(True)}{(False)}ifelse = flush
*CloseUI: *HPEconoMode

*CloseGroup: HPImagingOptions

*FreeVM: "4000000"
*VMOption 16_31MB/16 - 61 MB: "4000000"
*VMOption 32_47MB/32 - 47 MB: "11000000"
*VMOption 48_79MB/48 - 71 MB: "18000000"
*VMOption 80_143MB/80-143 MB: "25000000"
*VMOption 144MB/144 or more MB: "25000000"

*% UI Constraints
*% If A than not B (Also include the reverse constraints if appropriate)

*% No 1200 dpi HPEconoMode.
*UIConstraints: *Resolution 1200x1200dpi *HPEconoMode True
*UIConstraints: *HPEconoMode True *Resolution 1200x1200dpi

*% If an optional 250 sheet tray is not installed, disable access to Tray2
*UIConstraints: *HPOption_Tray2 False *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *HPOption_Tray2 False

*UIConstraints: *HPOption_Tray3 False *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *HPOption_Tray3 False

*% If selected page size is an envelope, Postcard or double postcard
*% disable access to paper trays 2 and 3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize Env10 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvMonarch *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvDL *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvC5 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvISOB5 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize w558h774 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize Postcard *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize DoublePostcard *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize A6 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageSize B6 *InputSlot Tray2
*NonUIConstraints: *CustomPageSize True *InputSlot Tray2

*UIConstraints: *PageSize Env10 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvMonarch *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvDL *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvC5 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize EnvISOB5 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize w558h774 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize Postcard *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize DoublePostcard *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize A6 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageSize B6 *InputSlot Tray3
*NonUIConstraints: *CustomPageSize True *InputSlot Tray3

*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize Env10
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize EnvMonarch
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize EnvDL
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize EnvC5
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize EnvISOB5
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize w558h774
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize Postcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize DoublePostcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize A6
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageSize B6

*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize Env10
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize EnvMonarch
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize EnvDL
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize EnvC5
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize EnvISOB5
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize w558h774
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize Postcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize DoublePostcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize A6
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageSize B6

*UIConstraints: *PageRegion Env10 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvMonarch *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvDL *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvC5 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvISOB5 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion w558h774 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion Postcard *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion DoublePostcard *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion A6 *InputSlot Tray2
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion B6 *InputSlot Tray2
*NonUIConstraints: *CustomPageRegion True *InputSlot Tray2

*UIConstraints: *PageRegion Env10 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvMonarch *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvDL *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvC5 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion EnvISOB5 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion w558h774 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion Postcard *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion DoublePostcard *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion A6 *InputSlot Tray3
*UIConstraints: *PageRegion B6 *InputSlot Tray3
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*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion Env10
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion EnvMonarch
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion EnvDL
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion EnvC5
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion EnvISOB5
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*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion Postcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion DoublePostcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion A6
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray2 *PageRegion B6

*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageRegion Env10
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageRegion EnvMonarch
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageRegion EnvDL
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageRegion EnvC5
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageRegion EnvISOB5
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*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageRegion Postcard
*UIConstraints: *InputSlot Tray3 *PageRegion DoublePostcard
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*% Duplex Constraints
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*ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"

*% For 85 lpi / 600 dpi (5,5,2,6,6,2,20/3,0) ====
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "71.5651"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "18.4349"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "0.0"

*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "84.8528"
*ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "84.8528"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "30.0"
*ColorSepScreenProc ProcessYellow.85lpi.600dpi/85 lpi / 600 dpi: "
{1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch
1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch
abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1
sub }{dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse }"

*% For 106 lpi / 300 dpi =========================
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "71.5651"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "18.4349"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "0.0"

*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "106.066"
*ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "106.066"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.106lpi.300dpi/106 lpi / 300 dpi: "100.0"

*% For 106 lpi / 600 dpi =========================
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "71.5651"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "18.4349"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "0.0"

*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "106.066"
*ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "106.066"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "94.8683"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "100.0"

*% For 212 lpi / 1200 dpi =========================
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "45.0"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "71.5651"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "18.4349"
*ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "0.0"

*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "212"
*ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "212"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "190"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "190"
*ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.212lpi.1200dpi/212 lpi / 1200 dpi: "200"

*% Font Information
*DefaultFont: Courier
*Font AvantGarde-Book: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
*Font AvantGarde-BookOblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
*Font AvantGarde-Demi: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font AvantGarde-DemiOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Bookman-Demi: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Bookman-DemiItalic: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Bookman-Light: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Bookman-LightItalic: Standard "(001.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Courier: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Courier-Bold: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Courier-BoldOblique: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Courier-Oblique: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica-Narrow: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica-Narrow-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
*Font Helvetica-Oblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
*Font NewCenturySchlbk-Bold: Standard "(001.009S)" Standard ROM
*Font NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font NewCenturySchlbk-Italic: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
*Font NewCenturySchlbk-Roman: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Palatino-Bold: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
*Font Palatino-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
*Font Palatino-Italic: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
*Font Palatino-Roman: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
*Font Symbol: Special "(001.007S)" Special ROM
*Font Times-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Times-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.009S)" Standard ROM
*Font Times-Italic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font Times-Roman: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font ZapfChancery-MediumItalic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
*Font ZapfDingbats: Special "(001.004S)" Special ROM
*?FontQuery: "
{ count 1 gt
{ exch dup 127 string cvs (/) print print (:) print
/Font resourcestatus {pop pop (Yes)} {(No)} ifelse =
} { exit } ifelse
} bind loop
(*) = flush

*?FontList: "
(*) {cvn ==} 128 string /Font resourceforall
(*) = flush

*% Printer Messages (verbatim from printer):
*Message: "%%[ exitserver: permanent state may be changed ]%%"
*Message: "%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%"
*Message: "\FontName\ not found, using Courier"

*% Status (format: %%[ status: <one of these> ] %%)
*Status: "warming up"/warming up
*Status: "idle"/idle
*Status: "busy"/busy
*Status: "waiting"/waiting
*Status: "printing"/printing
*Status: "initializing"/initializing
*Status: "printing test page"/printing test page
*Status: "PrinterError: cover open or no toner cartridge"/cover open or no toner cartridge
*Status: "PrinterError: cover open"/cover open
*Status: "PrinterError: needs attention"/needs attention
*Status: "PrinterError: no toner cartridge"/no toner cartridge
*Status: "PrinterError: warming up"/warming up
*Status: "PrinterError: manual feed"/manual feed
*Status: "PrinterError: out of paper"/out of paper
*Status: "PrinterError: Paper Jam"/Paper Jam
*Status: "PrinterError: paper jam"/paper jam
*Status: "PrinterError: page protect needed"/page protect needed
*Status: "PrinterError: out of memory"/out of memory
*Status: "PrinterError: output bin full"/output bin full
*Status: "PrinterError: resetting printer"/resetting printer
*Status: "PrinterError: toner is low"/toner is low
*Status: "PrinterError: off line"/off line

*% Printer Error (format: %%[ PrinterError: <one of these> ]%%)
*PrinterError: "cover open or no toner cartridge"/cover open or no toner cartridge
*PrinterError: "cover open"/cover open
*PrinterError: "needs attention"/needs attention
*PrinterError: "no toner cartridge"/no toner cartridge
*PrinterError: "warming up"/warming up
*PrinterError: "manual feed"/manual feed
*PrinterError: "out of paper"/out of paper
*PrinterError: "Paper Jam"/Paper Jam
*PrinterError: "paper jam"/paper jam
*PrinterError: "page protect needed"/page protect needed
*PrinterError: "out of memory"/out of memory
*PrinterError: "output bin full"/output bin full
*PrinterError: "resetting printer"/resetting printer
*PrinterError: "toner is low"/toner is low
*PrinterError: "off line"/off line

*% Input Sources (format: %%[ status: <stat>; source: <one of these> ]%% )
*Source: "BiTronics"/BiTronics
*Source: "other I/O"/other I/O
*Source: "AppleTalk"/AppleTalk
*Source: "APPLETALK"/AppleTalk
*Source: "ATALK"/AppleTalk
*Source: "LocalTalk"/LocalTalk
*Source: "Parallel"/Parallel
*Source: "EtherTalk"/EtherTalk
*Source: "DLC/LLC"/DLC/LLC
*Source: "ETALK"/EtherTalk
*Source: "TCP/IP"/TCP/IP

*Password: "()"
*ExitServer: "
count 0 eq
{ false } { true exch startjob } ifelse
not {
(WARNING: Cannot modify initial VM.) =
(Missing or invalid password.) =
(Please contact the author of this software.) = flush quit
} if
*Reset: "
count 0 eq { false } { true exch startjob } ifelse
not {
(WARNING: Cannot reset printer.) =
(Missing or invalid password.) =
(Please contact the author of this software.) = flush quit
} if
systemdict /quit get exec
(WARNING : Printer Reset Failed.) = flush

*% =======================================
*% For "HP LaserJet 1320 Series"
*% =======================================
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