shredator Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 14 Apr 2005 Posts: 82
Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:59 am Post subject: emerge xmltv failure |
I get this:
Code: |
Script started on Tue Mar 28 00:54:41 2006
[01;31mkbox[01;34m ~ #[00m emerge xmltv
Calculating dependencies - \... done!
>>> Emerging (1 of 1) media-tv/xmltv-0.5.39 to /
>>> checksums files ;-) xmltv-0.5.37-r1.ebuild
>>> checksums files ;-) xmltv-0.5.39.ebuild
>>> checksums files ;-) xmltv-0.5.34.ebuild
>>> checksums files ;-) files/digest-xmltv-0.5.34
>>> checksums files ;-) files/digest-xmltv-0.5.39
>>> checksums files ;-) files/digest-xmltv-0.5.37-r1
>>> checksums src_uri ;-) xmltv-0.5.39.tar.bz2
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking xmltv-0.5.39.tar.bz2 to /var/tmp/portage/xmltv-0.5.39/work
>>> Source unpacked.
>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/xmltv-0.5.39/work/xmltv-0.5.39 ...
[32;01m*[0m Using ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Choose which optional components of xmltv you want to install. The library and the filter programs such as tv_grep and tv_sort
are installed by default; here you choose grabbers for different
countries and front-ends for managing listings.
Alternative grabber for Britain (tv_grab_uk_rt) [yes]
Fast alternative grabber for the UK (tv_grab_uk_bleb) [yes]
Grabber for North America using DataDirect (tv_grab_na_dd) [yes]
Grabber for North American Channel Icons (tv_grab_na_icons) [yes]
Grabber for Finland (tv_grab_fi) [yes]
Grabber for Spain - Analogic Terrestrial/Cable (tv_grab_es) [yes]
Grabber for Spain - Digital Satellite (D+) (tv_grab_es_digital) [yes]
Grabber for the Netherlands (tv_grab_nl) [yes]
Alternative grabber for the Netherlands (tv_grab_nl_wolf) [yes]
Grabber for Hungary and Romania (tv_grab_huro) [yes]
Grabber for Denmark (tv_grab_dk) [yes]
Grabber for Japan (tv_grab_jp) [yes]
Grabber for Germany (tv_grab_de_tvtoday) [yes]
Grabber for Sweden (tv_grab_se) [yes]
Grabber for Sweden (tv_grab_se_swedb) [yes]
Grabber for France (tv_grab_fr) [yes]
Grabber for Norway (tv_grab_no) [yes]
Grabber for Portugal (tv_grab_pt) [yes]
Program to report exceptions and changes in a schedule (tv_check) [yes]
CGI program to filter listings (to install manually) (tv_pick_cgi) [yes]
Do you want to proceed with this configuration? [yes,no (default=yes)] Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
bad makefile line: ' $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)' at Makefile.PL line 963.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
!!! ERROR: media-tv/xmltv-0.5.39 failed.
Call stack:, line 1565: Called dyn_compile, line 974: Called src_compile
xmltv-0.5.39.ebuild, line 205: Called perl-module_src_compile
!!! compilation failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
>>> Source compiled.
>>> Test phase [not enabled]: media-tv/xmltv-0.5.39
>>> Install xmltv-0.5.39 into /var/tmp/portage/xmltv-0.5.39/image/ category media-tv
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
!!! ERROR: media-tv/xmltv-0.5.39 failed.
Call stack:, line 1565: Called dyn_install, line 1047: Called src_install
xmltv-0.5.39.ebuild, line 209: Called perl-module_src_install
!!! (no error message)
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
[01;31mkbox[01;34m ~ #[00m exit
Script done on Tue Mar 28 00:55:03 2006
any help is appreciated.
Kalen |