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Pine play sound on new mail
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:33 pm    Post subject: Pine play sound on new mail Reply with quote

I would like Pine to play a sound when a new mail arrives, but I can't find anything in the documentation....

Is anyone doing this?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Pine play sound on new mail Reply with quote

jax1 wrote:
I would like Pine to play a sound when a new mail arrives, but I can't find anything in the documentation....

Is anyone doing this?


When you say play a sound, do you mean a sampled media file, or a system beep/bell?

Are you viewing the mail on the console, or from a computer remote to the one which is actually running pine?

If you are on the same computer, perhaps something like procmail could help by running a program to play a sound when it finds new mail, although that runs on a cronjob and is polled as opposed to event driven as far as I know.

Also - if you want bells and whistles (if you will excuse the pun), are you really sure Pine is for you? I like pine when remote as it is small, competant and fairly comprehensive, but it is not a full gui multimedia mail client, and maybe evolution, kmail or thunderbird are more what you require.

Danny Staple, curator of
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Pine play sound on new mail Reply with quote

Hey dude! 8)

When you say play a sound, do you mean a sampled media file, or a system beep/bell?

no, I meant pretty much any sound.... or rather "run any program when mail arrives".

Are you viewing the mail on the console, or from a computer remote to the one which is actually running pine?

I do both.

If you are on the same computer, perhaps something like procmail could help by running a program to play a sound when it finds new mail, although that runs on a cronjob and is polled as opposed to event driven as far as I know.

I do run procmail on my mailserver, but not for playing sounds.... since my workstation needs to play the sound(s). And procmail is event driven. It has nothing to do with cron.

Also - if you want bells and whistles (if you will excuse the pun), are you really sure Pine is for you? I like pine when remote as it is small, competant and fairly comprehensive, but it is not a full gui multimedia mail client, and maybe evolution, kmail or thunderbird are more what you require.

I've been using pine a very long time, but not until recently did I want it to play a sound when mail arrives. One solution is to use a mailchecking (biff-like) program to take care of the "sound playing" when mail arrives.
I've tried graphical mailclients before, but I always end up going back to pine. I need something that is keyboard-driven, ya know.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:52 pm    Post subject: Re: Pine play sound on new mail Reply with quote

When you say play a sound, do you mean a sampled media file, or a system beep/bell?

no, I meant pretty much any sound.... or rather "run any program when mail arrives".

Ah - I see - so playing a sound was just an example of the kind of thing you might want..


Are you viewing the mail on the console, or from a computer remote to the one which is actually running pine?

I do both.

Interesting, well depending on the action you want to perform, it would be slightly different, because unless you are using ESD (the Enlightened Sound Daemon), then your remote machine would not be able to play audio on a local machine. What kind of mail service is it - imap or pop3 or both? There may be no issue in having a client like biff (or kbiff if you were so inclined) running on your workstation, and non destructively checking incoming mail (that is without pulling it off the spool).


I do run procmail on my mailserver, but not for playing sounds.... since my workstation needs to play the sound(s). And procmail is event driven. It has nothing to do with cron.

My mistake, thats why I said as far as I know. Again, you could take a local workstation biff route, or try doing some ESD cleverness, maybe forwarding the ports...


I've been using pine a very long time, but not until recently did I want it to play a sound when mail arrives. One solution is to use a mailchecking (biff-like) program to take care of the "sound playing" when mail arrives.
I've tried graphical mailclients before, but I always end up going back to pine. I need something that is keyboard-driven, ya know.

I agree with biff, or similar on the client machine. I used pine for a long time, but I started getting into fancier clients myself, I (ducking) actually use gmail myself - because I like their interface. Although I do long for something with similar conversation grouping and labelling abilities that is on my desktop and not relying on google, and something I can use the keyboard with more. Cake and eat it?

Danny Staple, curator of
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

so I gave gnubiff a try... but it doesnt seem to work for me...
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