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[conf][RISOLTO] Aggiunta moduli
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:06 am    Post subject: [conf][RISOLTO] Aggiunta moduli Reply with quote

Ogni tanto posto per qualche problema assurdo: abbiate pazienza... :roll:
All'atto del boot vengono caricati i segueni moduli da un kernel preparato con genkernel...


» Loading modules
 : Scanning for ehci-hcd...usbcore, ehci-hcd loaded.
 : Scanning for hid...hid loaded.
 : Scanning for usb-storage...usb-storage loaded.
 : Scanning for ehci-hcd...uhci-hcd loaded.
 : Scanning for ohci-hcd...ohci-hcd loaded.
 : Scanning for s1811-hcd...s1811-hcd loaded.
 : Scanning for ieee1394...ieee1394 loaded.
 : Scanning for ohci1394...ohci1394 loaded.
 : Scanning for sbp2...sbp2 loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_promise...libata, sata_promise loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_sil...sata_sil loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_si124...sata_si124 loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_suw...sata_suw loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_uia...sata_uia loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_nu...sata_nu loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_sx4...sata_sx4 loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_sis...sata_sis loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_uli...sata_uli loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_usc...sata_usc loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_gstor...sata_gstor loaded.
 : Scanning for ahci...ahci loaded.
 : Scanning for ata_piix...ata_piix loaded.
 : Scanning for sata_mu...sata_mu loaded.
 : Scanning for pdc_adma...pdc_adma loaded.
 : Scanning for loaded.
 : Scanning for loaded.

...che ovviamente, in caso di controller SATA, consentono la fase di boot anche da questi dispositivi. Disposizioni ''superiori'' mi impongono di aggiungere a questa serie di moduli altri moduli SATA e SCSI per permettere il boot anche con altri controller. Ignorando, volutamente, il senso di una simile richiesta (basterebbe ricompilare il kernel con i driver richiesti non come moduli) potreste gentilmente delucidarmi su come inserire tra questi elencati anche i moduli dei driver per l'utilizzo di alcuni controller SCSI (già compilati come moduli all'atto della preparazione del kernel)?

Wide Open

Gianluca ''BaNdit400''

Last edited by BaNdit400 on Fri May 05, 2006 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Premetto che non ho mai usato genkernel. Ma probabilmente per moduli che devono fare
accesso a parti hardware come controller SCSI, dovresti usare mkinitrd (emerge mkinitrd) per
creare un file initrd e porlo in /boot. Quindi in grub.conf o lilo.conf inserisci una riga,
dopo quella che definisce il caricamento del kernel, del tipo:

root (hd0,3)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3
initrd /boot/vmlinuz.inirtd

Parlo da ignorante... :wink:

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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Forse è da fare come dici te, ma volevo sapere se è possibile seguire una procedura basata su genkernel, se è solo un problema di configurazione o quant'altro. Sono nelle vosre mani... :wink:

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Gianluca ''BaNdit400''
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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dovresti passare il parametro "doscsi" mentre booti il kernel oppure modificare manualmente il linuxrc dell'initramfs.
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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Location: Italy, Paliano (FR)

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Provato e notifico che il parametro doscsi è quanto stessi cercando.
Le domande, a questo punto, sorgono spontanee:

(1) Quali parametri di questo genere è possibile passare al kernel e/o dove trovarne documentazione
(2) Volendo modificare lo script linuxrc (immagino sia /usr/share/genkernel/generic/linuxrc), cosa doveri modificaer di preciso?

Attendo prima di inserire il TAG risolto... :D

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Gianluca ''BaNdit400''
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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BaNdit400 wrote:
(1) Quali parametri di questo genere è possibile passare al kernel e/o dove trovarne documentazione

La documentazione la trovi nel readme all'interno del livecd gentoo, il kenrel del livecd è compilato pure con genkernel.
(2) Volendo modificare lo script linuxrc (immagino sia /usr/share/genkernel/generic/linuxrc), cosa doveri modificare di preciso?

Non saprei, non ci ho mai messo mano.
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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BaNdit400 wrote:
Provato e notifico che il parametro doscsi è quanto stessi cercando.
Le domande, a questo punto, sorgono spontanee:
(1) Quali parametri di questo genere è possibile passare al kernel e/o dove trovarne documentazione
(2) Volendo modificare lo script linuxrc (immagino sia /usr/share/genkernel/generic/linuxrc), cosa doveri modificaer di preciso?

in realtà non si tratta di parametri per il kernel, ma per lo script linuxrc presente nell'initramfs di gentoo.
dove si possa trovare documentazione specifica non ne ho idea. probabilmente dove è mantenuto tale script e/o genkernel.

personalmente sarei tentato di smembrare un initramfs alla ricerca dello script e guardarmi come è fatto, a scanso di equivoci.
la questione è comunque aggirabile includendo "built-in" nel kernel i moduli vitali per il funzionamento della macchina. secondo me è una soluzione molto più sensata che farli caricare dall'initrd/initramfs
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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Location: Italy, Paliano (FR)

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Luca89 wrote:
BaNdit400 wrote:
(1) Quali parametri di questo genere è possibile passare al kernel e/o dove trovarne documentazione

La documentazione la trovi nel readme all'interno del livecd gentoo, il kenrel del livecd è compilato pure con genkernel.
Esatto, ottima informazione...

This file lists the possible command line options that can be used to tweak
the boot process of this CD.  This lists the Gentoo-specific options, along
with a few options that are built-in to the kernel, but that have been proven
very useful to our users.  Also, all options that start with "do" have a "no"
inverse, that does the opposite.  For example, "doscsi" enables SCSI support
in the initial ramdisk boot, while "noscsi" disables it.

Hardware options:

acpi=on         This loads support for ACPI and also causes the acpid daemon to
                be started by the CD on boot.  This is only needed if your
                system requires ACPI to function properly.  This is not required
                for Hyperthreading support.
acpi=off        Completely disables ACPI.  This is useful on some older systems,
                and is also a requirement for using APM.  This will disable any
                Hyperthreading support of your processor.
console=X       This sets up serial console access for the CD.  The first
                option is the device, usually ttyS0 on x86, followed by any
                connection options, which are comma separated.  The default
                options are 9600,8,n,1.
dmraid=X        This allows for passing options to the device-mapper RAID
                subsystem.  Options should be encapsulated in quotes.
doapm           This loads APM driver support.  This requires you to also use
dobladecenter   This adds some extra pauses into the boot process for the slow
                USB CDROM of the IBM BladeCenter.
dopcmcia        This loads support for PCMCIA and Cardbus hardware and also
                causes the pcmcia cardmgr to be started by the CD on boot.
                This is only required when booting from a PCMCIA/Cardbus device.
doscsi          This loads support for most SCSI controllers.  This is also a
                requirement for booting most USB devices, as they use the SCSI
                subsystem of the kernel.
hda=stroke      This allows you to partition the whole hard disk even when your
                BIOS is unable to handle large disks.  This option is only used
                on machines with an older BIOS.  Replace hda with the device
                that is requiring this option.
ide=nodma       This forces the disabling of DMA in the kernel and is required
                by some IDE chipsets and also by some CDROM drives.  If your
                system is having trouble reading from your IDE CDROM, try this
                option.  This also disables the default hdparm settings from
                being executed.
noapic          This disables the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
                that is present on newer motherboards.  It has been known to
                cause some problems on older hardware.
nodetect        This disables all of the autodetection done by the CD, including
                device autodetection and DHCP probing.  This is useful for doing
                debugging of a failing CD or driver.
nodhcp          This disables DHCP probing on detected network cards.  This is
                useful on networks with only static addresses.
nodmraid        Disables support for device-mapper RAID, such as that used for
                on-board IDE/SATA RAID controllers.
nofirewire      This disables the loading of Firewire modules.  This should only
                be necessary if your Firewire hardware is causing a problem with
                booting the CD.
nogpm           This diables gpm console mouse support.
nohotplug       This disables the loading of the hotplug and coldplug init
                scripts at boot.  This is useful for doing debugging of a
                failing CD or driver.
nokeymap        This disables the keymap selection used to select non-US
                keyboard layouts.
nolapic         This disables the local APIC on Uniprocessor kernels.
nosata          This disables the loading of Serial ATA modules.  This is useful
                if your system is having problems with the SATA subsystem.
nosmp           This disables SMP, or Symmetric Multiprocessing, on SMP-enabled
                kernels.  This is useful for debugging SMP-related issues with
                certain drivers and motherboards.
nosound         This disables sound support and volume setting.  This is useful
                for systems where sound support causes problems.
nousb           This disables the autoloading of USB modules.  This is useful
                for debugging USB issues.

Volume/Device Management:

dodevfs         This enables the deprecated device filesystem on 2.6 systems.
                You will also need to use noudev for this to take effect.
                Since devfs is the only option with a 2.4 kernel, this option
                has no effect if booting a 2.4 kernel.
doevms2         This enables support for IBM's pluggable EVMS, or Enterprise
                Volume Management System.  This is not safe to use with lvm2.
dolvm2          This enables support for Linux's Logical Volume Management.
                This is not safe to use with evms2.
noudev          This disables udev support on 2.6 kernels.  This option requires
                that dodevfs is used.  Since udev is not an option for 2.4
                kernels, this options has no effect if booting a 2.4 kernel.
unionfs         Enables support for Unionfs on supported CD images.  This will
                create a writable Unionfs overlay in a tmpfs, allowing you to
                change any file on the CD.
unionfs=X       Enables support for Unionfs on supported CD images.  This will
                create a writable Unionfs overlay on the device you specify.
                The device must be formatted with a filesystem recognized and
                writable by the kernel.

Other options:

debug           Enables debugging code.  This might get messy, as it displays
                a lot of data to the screen.
docache         This caches the entire runtime portion of the CD into RAM, which
                allows you to umount /mnt/cdrom and mount another CDROM.  This
                option requires that you have at least twice as much available
                RAM as the size of the CD.
doload=X        This causes the initial ramdisk to load any module listed, as
                well as dependencies.  Replace X with the module name.  Multiple
                modules can be specified by a comma-separated list.
noload=X        This causes the initial ramdisk to skip the loading of a
                specific module that may be causing a problem.  Syntax matches
                that of doload.
nox             This causes an X-enabled LiveCD to not automatically start X,
                but rather, to drop to the command line instead.
scandelay       This causes the CD to pause for 10 seconds during certain
                portions the boot process to allow for devices that are slow to
                initialize to be ready for use.
scandelay=X     This allows you to specify a given delay, in seconds, to be
                added to certain portions of the boot process to allow for
                devices that are slow to initialize to be ready for use.
                Replace X with the number of seconds to pause.

k.gothmog wrote:
...personalmente sarei tentato di smembrare un initramfs alla ricerca dello script e guardarmi come è fatto, a scanso di equivoci...
...ho provato, ma ho ottenuto solo delle cartelle vuote...

gunzip initramfs.gz && cpio -iv < initramfs

...te come faresti?

Aggiungo comunque il tag [RISOLTO]: queste sono più curiosità che argomentazioni legate al mio (ex)problema... :D

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Gianluca ''BaNdit400''
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