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network unreachable after updates [SOLVED]
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 6:19 pm    Post subject: network unreachable after updates [SOLVED] Reply with quote

After a bunch of updates, my network is unreachable.

The cards were NOT being seen, although I have fixed that. (restored links in /etc/init.d/
ifconfig now shows both onboard ethernet ports, and they are getting an IP from dhcp

BUT, they dont find the internet... maybe the gateway isn't defined anymore?
I have searched forums, and I added a line in /etc/conf.d/net defining the gateway for eth0/192.168... and for eth1/192.168... (same gateway, my router) but I still dont get or anything

This is really frustrating, as I have been trying to get my Hauppauge card working and this is just an extra trouble.

FYI, I can see the internet when booting the 2006.0 LiveCD

I am using an Asus A7N8X-Deluxe mb, with NVIDIA Nforce ethernet and Marvel Giabit ethernet. Both were working before, and both are apparently at least getting to the router to get an IP.


Last edited by infoport on Sun May 28, 2006 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 30 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had a similar mysterious problem where my NICs would stop receiving data although they would send data out. I found that updating to kernel 2.6.16 (from 2.6.15) fixed my problem.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:46 pm    Post subject: network unreachable after updates [SOLVED] Reply with quote

well I still havent pushed the kernel update up, but fixed my problem by updating the system via a chroot. Somewhere I found a link suggesting this for some problem, and it fixed another issue previously. Also involved was turning off the first non-working card to that the other card would connect
Apparenly one card was misconfigured, and after an update something on my network was funny and the other card didnt connect. (except when booting the LiveCD :-) )

<p>here's how it went:
  1. booting with the LiveCD
  2. getting to root by login into graphical screen with root and empty password
  3. didnt seem to get to the network everytime/with every app, found that first card's IP was misconfigured on the router (don't know how this suddenly happened/became an issue)
  4. shut down first card so that second card was automatically used for everything with
    ifconfig eth0 down

  5. login to router and fix IP for first card
  6. edit /etc/conf.d/net and add

  7. reboot to get new IP and re-enable first card eth0
  8. refresh the emerge lists
     emerge --sync

  9. update system
     emerge --update world

  10. update configurations

  11. reboot
  12. then maybe do
     emerge --update --deep world

anyway, now my badly configured network is fixed and back up...I guess part of what mystified me was that the cards connected under other OS's. I think that my Ubuntu installtion probably had the gateway correct. I didnt notice the missing digit in the IP address for that first card using ifconfig, and with the missing digit, it wasnt on the same network as the router and couldnt connect for maintenance.
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