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restless laptop w/ apm
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Joined: 21 Apr 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject: restless laptop w/ apm Reply with quote

My Thinkpad 240 is running gentoo, and I'm having issues with the apm features. I have apm compiled in the kernel.
CONFIG_PM, CONFIG_PM_LEGACY, CONFIG_PM_DEBUG, CONFIG_APM, CONFIG_APM_DISPLAY_BLANK, and CONFIG_APM_RTC_IS_GMT are all =y. Any other options in there are not set. The issue that inspired me to post was that I have found out that the 240 comes back from sleep states (just suspend, hibernation isn't set up properly yet, and probably is nto working) with some frequency. It seems every time I open my bag the NIC is blinking trying to find a DHCPOFFER. I have no idea how to debug this.
I have no more than a rough idea of how long the laptop stays asleep before it wakes up; it seems like around half an hour. It falls asleep again if ther is no user interaction. Then it wakes up again later. I don't know how to figure out why it wakes up again or what to do about it. Anyone have a clue? Stabs in the dark are welcome. :)

Also, I have had some scary times with resume while installing the gentoo on the 240. Upon resume from suspend, the screen would come back all white, and there was nothing I could to about it. Happened several times, once it persisted over hard reboots. The BIOS, GRUB, login, anything was running behind a white sheet. I had to pop out the hard drive and move to a computer with a different display, install damn small linux, and use that to boot into Xfbdev on the 240 to get the display back. I think I was using X with the vesa driver for some of these sporadic white-screen-resume errors. (It has a MagicGraph128XD but neomagic_drv.o is buggy in Xorg[/b][/code]6.8 and I haven't patched the ebuild yet) So if you know anything about that sort of behavior, links etc. are helpful because I don't want to ever see that again :P
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Joined: 21 Apr 2006
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, I figure that there is probably some hardware interrupt waking up the laptop, so, who knows where I can find or how I can start a log of this activity?
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