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Trouble settup up network card
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:17 pm    Post subject: Trouble settup up network card Reply with quote

Hi there, I have a Gigabyte GN-WP01GS wireless network card. When I do a lspci command I get this result:

00:09.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI

I looked on forums and it seems everyone is using the RT2500 driver for this card, so I followed the instructions here : [url] [/url]. But after I did an emerge rt2500, the ra0 card did not show up. Actually, what showed when I do an iwconfig is:


So instead of an "ra0", I now have an irlan0. Weird. And it doesn't seem to be the network card as I can't configure it. When I try a "iwconfig ra0" it says "no such device". Then when I try an "iwconfig irlan0 essid house", it says "SET failed on device irlan0 ; Operation not supported. I tried following the rest of the instructions on the page (setting it to load on boot and start, etc) but after a reboot still the same. Can anybody help please? Thanks.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking through the forum you pointed at, there is a thread rt61pci fails to works and the poster is not using the RT2500 but the rt61pci. The poster got his card working (the same lspci output as yours) so rt61pci might be worth a try.

It's in portage (perhaps you knew that :) ) net-wireless/rt61 and the ebuild is rt61-1.1.0_beta1.ebuild which seems to correspond with the "Latest BETA rt61 driver: v1.1.0-b1" at
The avatar is jorma, a "duck" from "Elephants Dream": the film and all the production materials have been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, see for details.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moved from Installing Gentoo to Networking & Security.
Please add [solved] to the initial post's subject line if you feel your problem is resolved. Help answer the unanswered

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

wynn wrote:
Looking through the forum you pointed at, there is a thread rt61pci fails to works and the poster is not using the RT2500 but the rt61pci. The poster got his card working (the same lspci output as yours) so rt61pci might be worth a try.

It's in portage (perhaps you knew that :) ) net-wireless/rt61 and the ebuild is rt61-1.1.0_beta1.ebuild which seems to correspond with the "Latest BETA rt61 driver: v1.1.0-b1" at

Hi thanks, that got my interface available, I can see ra0 now. But now I can't get it configured properly. I currently have a wireless router using WEP encryption. I tried to set it up like this:

ifconfig ra0 up
iwconfig ra0 mode managed
iwconfig ra0 essid dd-wrt
iwconfig ra0 channel 11
iwconfig ra0 key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx enc open
/etc/init.d/net.ra0 start

Then I get an error message "Failed to configure wireless for ra0". I'm guessing is it something to do with the WEP key, because for my router there's 4 keys, and I'm using the 3rd one. If I reboot same thing happens, error during the startup sequence. Thanks in advance.

[EDIT]. Also I wanna add I tried to do this:

iwconfig ra0 key [3] key [3] 1111111111 restricted

and when I try an "iwlist ra0 key", it shows me:

ra0 2 key sizes : 40, 104bits
4 keys available:
[1]: off
[2]: off
[3]: 111-111xxxxxxxxxxx (104 bits)
[4]: off
Current Transmit key: [3]
Security mode: restricted

It still does not start. (also I tried changing mode from restricted to open, doesn't help). Also, one weird thing is that if I keep typing "iwlist ra0 key", everyone once in a while the [3] key changes!!! I don't understand why. If anyone can help I would be greatly appreciative.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looking through HOWTO Wireless Configuration and Startup it seems as though you just need (your key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" appears to be in hex) in /etc/conf.d/wireless (or /etc/conf.d/net you can put it in either)
key_dd_wrt="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx enc open"
preferred_aps=( "dd-wrt" )
together with
cd /etc/init.d
ln -s net.lo net.ra0
./net.ra0 start
to get it to start automatically.

To test by running it manually, you appear to need
ifconfig ra0 down
rmmod rt61pci
modprobe rt61pci
ifconfig ra0 up
iwconfig ra0 key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
dhcpcd ra0

iwconfig ra0 key [3] key [3] 1111111111 restricted
# Tell it Which WEP key to USE
# ============================
# #
# # To change which key is the current active key
# #
# iwconfig ath0 key [0]
# #
# # To change to key 1
# #
# iwconfig ath0 key [1]
# #
# # use key3 as default, "restricted" means ignore all unencrypted data
# #
# iwconfig ath0 key [3] restricted
In your case you would replace "ath0" by "ra0".
The avatar is jorma, a "duck" from "Elephants Dream": the film and all the production materials have been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, see for details.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi there, thanks a lot for the reply. I've tried to follow the instructions, but no luck. After the call to dhcpcd ra0, it times out after a few minutes. I've also tried running[/code]

 /etc/init.d/net.ra0 start

But that didn't work either. I've confirmed that it's WEP that I can't configure, as if I turn off WEP I can get an IP no problem. Maybe I should keep it off? Though I don't really like the idea of my user name and passwords flying around in the air unencrypted (and WPA is not an option as my laptop doesn't have WPA).

Anyways, I've also read that I should try editing the /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/rt61sta.dat file. I've tried setting that to all the values and rebooted the machine, still no luck.

In some cases when I reboot, I get an error message:

ra0 does not support setting keys or the parameter "mac_key_ddwrt" or "key_ddwrt" is incorrect. I'm really stuck here, I guess I can always try ndiswrapper, but I'd rather get the regular driver working, I feel I'm just soooo close.
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Joined: 01 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

After the call to dhcpcd ra0, it times out after a few minutes.
You could try
dhcpcd -d ra0
which will give you debugging output. You might find out more about why it isn't working.

The gentoo-wiki HOWTO also says
To troubleshoot the connection, set RC_VERBOSE=yes in /etc/conf.d/rc for more wireless output.

ra0 does not support setting keys or the parameter "mac_key_ddwrt" or "key_ddwrt" is incorrect.
I was changing the code given in the gentoo-wiki HOWTO
File: /etc/conf.d/wireless snippet

key_ESSID="s:mywepkey enc open"
preferred_aps=( "ESSID" )

Replace ESSID with your ESSID and mywepkey with your WEP key - if it's needed
replacing "ESSID" by the ESSID you gave in
iwconfig ra0 essid dd-wrt
Looking at the comments in /etc/conf.d/wireless.example, I think I may have misread it — perhaps you'd like to have a go :)
# Remember to change ESSID to your ESSID.
# Say that your ESSID is My NET - the line
# #key_ESSID="s:passkey"
# becomes
# #key_My_NET="s:passkey"
# Notice that the space has changed to an underscore - do the same with all
# characters not in a-z A-Z (english alphabet) 0-9. This only applies to
# variables and not values.
# Any ESSID's in values like essid_eth0="My NET" may need to be escaped
# This means placing the character \ before the character
# \" need to be escaped for example
# So if your ESSID is
# My "\ NET
# it becomes
# My \"\\ NET
# for example
# #essid_eth0="My\"\\NET"

Googling for "rt61sta.dat" gives a number of what appear to be useful pages describing how people have set up their rt61's, including editing /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/rt61sta.dat. Some say you should edit it by running vi in binary mode (vi -b) others use dos2unix to convert the end-of-lines from CR-LF to just LF. I don't know if this is important.

It does appear necessary to replace the ESSID in rt61.dat with the correct one though this may be overridden by using iwconfig, again I don't know.

One useful piece of advice is to get it working without WEP, adding WEP when it's OK but you've done that. When you say
if I turn off WEP I can get an IP no problem.
you mean that you change both the router and the card to an open system, don't you?

I can't find confirmation but I think that WEP in a router/access point can be set up to have four keys and, when a node tries to connect, it will try all four keys before giving up. So you can define four keys in your /etc/conf.d/{wireless,net} and both sides will try them in order.
The avatar is jorma, a "duck" from "Elephants Dream": the film and all the production materials have been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, see for details.
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