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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes i have ubuntu
i am a memger of the forums too
tags depend on the poster
what he defines will be searched for.
anyways more helpful in that part of it.
i found less answering people :(
reach out a little bit more to catch it (DON'T BELIEVE the advocate part under my user name)
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Joined: 21 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm... after adding the gentoo forums to firefox' Search bar I never had any problems any more with searching and finding the stuff I am looking for...

...but then, it is too much to ask for to click on a button and on "Add Gentoo Forums" and use that instead...

Why I use Gentoo:
Full Compile of a 2.6.26 Kernel under Debian: 74 Minutes
Full Compile of a 2.6.26 kernel under Gentoo: 35 Minutes
Edited 220,176 times by Yamakuzure
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yamakuzure wrote:
Hmmm... after adding the gentoo forums to firefox' Search bar I never had any problems any more with searching and finding the stuff I am looking for...

...but then, it is too much to ask for to click on a button and on "Add Gentoo Forums" and use that instead...

Why I use Gentoo:
Full Compile of a 2.6.26 Kernel under Debian: 74 Minutes
Full Compile of a 2.6.26 kernel under Gentoo: 35 Minutes

Obviously you haven't bothered to actually read what has been said, or at least you didn't understand. Google no longer indexes the gentoo forums becuase the Gentoo servers have been configured to prevent it in recent months. I don't care what tool you have added to firefox. If it relies on google to provide the results, you will find that they are becoming less and less since the indexing has stopped.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

its the nicest distri ...
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yabbadabbadont wrote:
Yamakuzure wrote:
Hmmm... after adding the gentoo forums to firefox' Search bar I never had any problems any more with searching and finding the stuff I am looking for...

...but then, it is too much to ask for to click on a button and on "Add Gentoo Forums" and use that instead...

Why I use Gentoo:
Full Compile of a 2.6.26 Kernel under Debian: 74 Minutes
Full Compile of a 2.6.26 kernel under Gentoo: 35 Minutes

Obviously you haven't bothered to actually read what has been said, or at least you didn't understand. Google no longer indexes the gentoo forums becuase the Gentoo servers have been configured to prevent it in recent months. I don't care what tool you have added to firefox. If it relies on google to provide the results, you will find that they are becoming less and less since the indexing has stopped.

that's the most unfriendly decision I've read about for a long time concerning gentoo :(

Hardcore Gentoo Linux user since 2004 :D
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there a way to change that ?
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Joined: 21 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yabbadabbadont wrote:
Google no longer indexes the gentoo forums becuase the Gentoo servers have been configured to prevent it in recent months.
Interesting enough that I get results showing posts not older than a minute...

As a matter of fact, I do not use "a tool", but the addition that is provided by the gentoo website. If you'd looked, you wouldn't've needed to crash out like that. (In a very insulting, unfriendly and rather arrogant tone)
Edited 220,176 times by Yamakuzure
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been using Gentoo for a long time now, since 1.3 days I think. I've just become so used to Gentoo that it's the easiest for me to use. I've been trying to use Kubuntu here and there, but when something doesn't work, it's a big mystery to me what to do. The desktop I have now is fast enough (quad core) that compile times are insignificant.

My laptop is getting aged, and it has become a real drag to compile packages, so I tried Kubuntu. For some reason, even though the essid of my access point was in the config file, it would never connect to my ap unless I manually specified the essid with iwconfig every time I booted. I got frustrated with this and went to FreeBSD, since it can install binary packages with pkg_add.

FreeBSD is nice. It's really easy to manage and oddly familiar :) The only problem I have with it is that the binary package system is not very powerful. It will install a package and its dependencies, but there doesn't seem to be an upgrade world/system of sorts, or ways to easily clean old packages. Ports can, but if I wanted to compile things I would just use Gentoo.

Actually I never liked Debian much to begin with. The location of config files and startup scripts seems mystical. It's also a drag when a .deb doesn't have a feature enabled and you want to recompile it, which seemed to happen often to me, especially when mplayer was involved.

I really liked Slackware way long ago before Gentoo came out, but the lack of a package manager eventually made me go back to Debian.

Does anyone remember Storm Linux 2000? Kind of like an old time Ubuntu. Worst day of my life was the morning I woke up and I couldn't update my repository anymore. The company had gone bankrupt and shut off all their servers.

RedHat was never appealing, maybe it's better now, I don't know. RPMs introduced me to real dependency hell. RedHat was the first distro I was able to get a usb mouse working in.

Mandrake was actually my first distro, back in 2000 I believe. During the install, it would successfully print a test page on my Lexmark win printer, but it wouldn't work after. Actually, in no linux distro was I able to get that crap printer to work, except for during the Mandrake install.

Now that I think about it, man, using linux sucked bad back then. Getting something like sound or usb working was a major feat. While I'm reminiscing of the past... I used to run Warcraft III in wine on my laptop. These days, running a web browser makes it feel like trudging through laffy taffy. That one I don't understand very well.

Gentoo is just good :/
"I know it's only rock and roll but I like it."

Last edited by Bogo on Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

  • Portage

  • The Community - I've gotten some great answers to some not so great questions from people much smarter than myself

  • Comfort - I grew up in the DOS days and that makes it easy for me to be a "Windows Power User" not because its such an intuitive OS, but rather because I get what's going on under the hood more so than someone who started out with 98, XP, etc. Gentoo gives a new linux user a much better grasp of what is going on under the hood. That certainly wouldn't be mass appeal, but it definitely appeals to me.

  • I like the little pacman logo. If there's ever a successful fork of Gentoo, I hope the logo is a ghost monster so they can battle it out.

Kris Edwards
kris edwards at g mail dot c0m
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

elvisthedj wrote:

I like the little pacman logo. If there's ever a successful fork of Gentoo, I hope the logo is a ghost monster so they can battle it out.

First time that I see this one :P
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


- Customization. No need to install something you really don't need/want
- Need of certain level of interest in your operating system. I don't like everything being "out-of-the-box and ready to use"
- Support of "not top 10 in distrowatch" (probably never will be..) distribution
- Feeling of being "gentoo bad ass" :D
- Very good documentation pages and supporting forum

These are for starters.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) Great learning experience. I started Linux with Gentoo and even if not everything was easy at first I did learn a lot thanks to Gentoo.
2) Being able to install what you want/need and only that
3) Command line configuration for about everything. More difficult at first, but when you get used to it so much more powerful (and faster) than all the nice GUI you see around.
4) Lean and mean when you want it. I have 4 computers with Gentoo, and even the smallest one (Sempron 2400) is fast and perfectly usable.
5) Great community. Never had the need to ask any question, reading the forum was enough to find all the answers I needed.
6) Very stable. I run ~amd64 on all my computers ( ~x86 on the sempron) and even so, never had a problem that wasn't fixed by an update or a solution posted on the forum within 24 hours.
7) "versionless", by that I mean, provided you update regularly you don't have to worry about a 'Gentoo 12' is out, I'll have to update, time to backup my data and reinstall the system.
I did play with some distros after installing Gentoo, but none were as much fun to use and none gave me as much control.

Thanks to the devs, long live Gentoo :)
"Please, forgive my bad English"
Gentoo made me love using my computer again. Thank you to the Gentoo devs and more generally to all the people who makes GNU/Linux possible :)
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1)because have the best community ever!!!All people here give there life to this os.
2)because i am a pc maniac.that i want to make in my life is to create a kernel (is a dream =[=[=[),to be a sysadmin to a datacenter (is a dream too =[=[=[) or to help linux (especially Gentoo) to be more better and stronger =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]!!!!!!!!
3)because is free
4)because is the harder and the most "modified" distro.i can do anything and learn really a lot of things!!!!!before i install Gentoo i have read in internet than only install will learn you a lot of things.Is completely true.only installation is a great experience
5)because portage is one of the best package managments with over 11000 packages
6)because i can intall only that i want
7)because i can trust it 100%
8)because during the installation i learn my system from point to point.
9)terminal gets life.the power to live in bash
And 1000000000000 other things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For me is the best operating system in the universe and i will never change it!!!!!!!
Compile The Universe

Last edited by sk8harddiefast on Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:08 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Simply Gentoo has become my everydays drug............. :lol:
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I began to use gentoo when, one day, i had a talk with a gentoo user (in this forum). I was a mandriva user at work (kubuntu at home) and always was terribly simple, but when i had problem every time i were not able to find a solution without the help of people who knows linux. I was very curious to try gentoo linux and i did a great thing deciding to use it at work.

I had a lot of difficulties during installation, the time i had was very short and i finally used the live-cd.
But i kept using, and using... and making other gentoo box beginnning to install gentoo in the command line and i began to learn.

Now every day i learn something, and when i put my hands on a unix system i feel at home because i can start the konsole to see how the things are. I'd never change gentoo with another linux system (or windows) because:
- there's a lot of documentation and wiki which explain in details how and why do things
- i learned a lot, and sometimes i'm able to solve my problems by myself (and friend's ones)
- my system is always updated, and i don't need to change version of gentoo in the years, i install it one time, and i'm updated
- great tool to compile ebuilds on my box with the right dependencies (and i can understand what dependencies really are!!)
- people ready to help and teach something when i don't know a thing or there isn't a help tool... great community
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In fact, the gentoo doc and the community is awesome.

I learn new stuff everyday too :P
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I came to Gentoo for the same thing I came to linux for Knowledge.
I started out on *buntu and then went to Sabayon great communities and great distros.
I have run the minimal cd lots of times and tried the alternate install lots of times, but this time I have not only made it to startx(even though it's not working yet, but that's in another post.) I have really started to understand things on the hardware side and software side and how they work together.

It took me 2 years to go from the point of I want to "install" gentoo to where I am right now and actually installing gentoo. this time is different, I KNOW I will accomplish this and even if my present install is crippled and retarded, I am already prepping for a second more optimized install on my laptop and I also will eventually put gentoo on my desktop box also

to summarize: Gentoo used to be an unattainable phantom, now it is a monster and it has it's claws in me, someday I will be it's master or a least a pretty good gentoo admin.

live CD/DVD installable distros are great and give you a progress bar, the progress bar in Gentoo, it's in your head! ( this is an important concept to me and the levels of comfort I am experiencing with gentoo ). this sounds very negative, but it is a very positive thing for gentoo, who needs a progress bar when you know where you are at in the install because you built it yourself.

oh yeah the community is amazing , I used to be scared of you guys. now I am one of you and amazed by what I have learned and expierience.

plus is there any end to the documentation? Even on gentoo's docs page, I am finding things that meant nothing to me days ago, mean a lot to me today.

So thanks to gentoo, I am happy with what you have done to me, I just wish I had more time in my life it sucks when your life gets in the way, and you have to shut down and put gentoo away at this stage of the game.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sabayon != Gentoo
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cokehabit wrote:
Sabayon != Gentoo

Funtoo != Gentoo since Funtoo use a lot of concept from FreeBSD (netif etc...)
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

7) "versionless", by that I mean, provided you update regularly you don't have to worry about a 'Gentoo 12' is out, I'll have to update, time to backup my data and reinstall the system.
Yeah, that is one of my main reasons.

That, and I just think it is fun to maintain a Gentoo system. With the other distros it is too much like work :)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

d2_racing wrote:
cokehabit wrote:
Sabayon != Gentoo
Funtoo != Gentoo since Funtoo use a lot of concept from FreeBSD (netif etc...)
Jay-Z != Gentoo
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

d2_racing wrote:
cokehabit wrote:
Sabayon != Gentoo

Funtoo != Gentoo since Funtoo use a lot of concept from FreeBSD (netif etc...)

I am too new to say this as definite, Sabayon is based off of Gentoo but that's also like saying Ford=mercury=Lincoln, yes they are but no they are not. I came here because I figured it would be alot easier to understand Gentoo because Sabayon's CLI syntax is approximately equal to Gentoo's and I thought it would be more comfortable here than Arch or Slackware.

and it is, but really what makes it easier is reading and rereading while you are working on the install. I probably learned as much about or more in a week on Gentoo as I have in the past 2.5 on Linux as well as Sabayon. Sabayon is a Great distro, and I use it as my stable desktop at this time but I don't know how to ask questions because I never had any way of knowing what I was talking about, becuase everything is provided for you and removing stuff and working backwards is not the best way to learn. Now that I am on Gentoo and building from as close to scratch certain things like the CLI and /etc/make.conf are no longer scary and actually more friendly than I could possibly imagine.

The progress bar in Gentoo?... it's in your head.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

People need to look into the Gentoo/Sabayon/funtoo relationship more for analogies.

    /      \
Sabayon   Funtoo
If skoda bought the chassis off a Ferrari 430, unless they market it as a Ferrari and put a Ferrari badge on it then it's a Skoda (or a VW)
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Coke has a good point, technicaly they use ebuild.

So they are related, but can we say that Funtoo is Gentoo based, I think so because it's based on the portage tree but it uses git instead of cvs.

So, Funtoo is Gentoo based and that's about it.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been using Linux on and off, whether at home, school or at work for a number of years now. Over the last month or so I decided to give Linux on my desktop a shot after getting a new HD (I had been running Ubuntu on my laptop only). I started off with Ubuntu and as always, was satisfied by the ease of installation and the number of packages available via apt-get. In messing around with trying to get my video card working I ended up putting the system in a somewhat unstable state (which is more a result of me upgrading to Lucid Lynx). I tried Fedora and ArchLinux, and out of the 3 at the time I think AL was my favorite.

But something was missing, and I was reading an older issue of Linux Journal talking about underdogs. It made mention of Gentoo and remembered trying it out years ago, but didn't really have the depth of knowledge of Linux that I have now.

Long story short, instead of celebrating New Years like regular people I was hunched over my keyboard staring at nothing but a console for the better part of the day. After a long session of getting the initial Gentoo system set-up I finally got X, and then XFCE running. My video card is running now, albeit via ATI's proprietary drivers, and my system seems extremely fast - faster than with any other distro. Perhaps its my own mis-perceptions. Needless to say, I've learned as much about Linux in the last 4 days that I have over the last 4 years. For once, I feel like I have control over my system.

So, to summarize:

  • The customization / control over my system that Gentoo provides
  • The community, which has been extremely helpful on IRC helping me with some issues I've had
  • Portage/emerge, which has been the most pleasant means of installing packages I've yet encountered
  • The fact that I'm compiling packages based on my system, so it will be optimized
  • The challenges that Gentoo provides, but the satisfaction that comes with getting everything working they way you wanted and intended
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