symgryph n00b

Joined: 22 Oct 2006 Posts: 1
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:11 am Post subject: Proper arc.cfg file? Problems getting Booting on SGI o2 |
I have used varioius and sundry arc.cfg files with very poor results. I can only boot when I choose 'diaganistic' option from the sgi main screen, then my kernel boots fine.
If I try to boot directly from the hard disk, things don't work. So I have to leave the cd in, and press the 'diagnistic' option to boot to my kernel.
Here is my arc.cfg file:
# ARCLoad Configuration
# Some default settings...
append "root=/dev/sda3";
append "ro";
# Our main definition. ip28 may be changed if you wish.
ip28 {
# Definition for a "working" kernel
# Select this by setting OSLoadFilename="ip28(working)"
working {
description "SGI O2\n\r";
image system "/working";
I copied the working kernel: vmlinux.32 to the partition with the appropriate command, copied the arc.cfg to the same, making sure that the names copied to the sgi boot volume via the dvhtool. I changed my environment variables as according to the docs, changing the examples to reflect the above. Here are my variables in the SGI box: I copied the arcSASH utiliy to the system volume with the name 'arcs', and the above file, with a "working" filename for my kernel. THese are also present in my /boot partition, which corresponds to /dev/sda1. My "/root" partition is /dev/sda3. I have a swap parition on /dev/sda2, I don't have /boot in my fstab, as well. My sgi "boot" partition is on partition nine (/dev/sda4 according to fstab), I followed the docs exactly. I also can see the files on the sgi volume when I go into the prom monitor and type in "ls". Arcload says "file not found", even though I have referenced the files exactly as in the documentation, making sure my names and spelling were correct. I also ran the dvhtool --print-all to see what was in the directory:
my variables:
setenv OSLoadader arcs
setenv OSLoadFilename ip28(working)
So it isn't that bad, just have to use the 'diagnastic' button, leave cd in and it boots. Just curios what I am doing wrong.
THomas |