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Roaming between IPv6 Networks and SHFS-mounted portage tree
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Joined: 25 Sep 2004
Posts: 247
Location: Overland Park, KS

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:34 am    Post subject: Roaming between IPv6 Networks and SHFS-mounted portage tree Reply with quote

Okay, I have been trying to come up with a solution to this for quite some time, but I am unable to find a good answer, so I thought you wise gentoo forumers might know something I can try.

I have two ipv6 networks, one in my apartment in KC and one in my home in Chanute. When I travel between the networks, I take my laptop with me, whose portage tree is mounted via shfs from either my desktop in KC or my server in Chanute. I would like for it to be able to automatically choose which server to mount from.

My original thought was to have both servers join a multicast group and have the laptop mount from that multicast address. The problem is ip maddr won't accept an ipv6 address to join, and I can't seem to figure out how else to join a group.

I then thought I could use a group that the machines were already in, such as ff02::2 since they are both dhcp servers. The problem here is that these are link scoped groups, and ssh can't be told which interface to mount from.

The workaround solution I have now is using /etc/hosts, I change the entry for shfsserver to match the address of whichever server I need. The problem here is that a) I have to modify /etc/hosts every time I change networks (which I suppose I could work around with dns) and b) I have to change the known_hosts file every time too.

If anyone has any sort of suggestion, please let me know. I am open to any opinions.

By the way, if you are wondering why I chose shfs, it appears to be the only network filesystem that supports ipv6. If you know of another fs that I can use, let me know that too.

Thanks in advance.
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