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DansGuardian tracking/reporting question...
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Joined: 22 Jun 2006
Posts: 392

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:44 pm    Post subject: DansGuardian tracking/reporting question... Reply with quote

I am working on a Dansguardian box for web traffic control.This is for a small home network (Less than 10 computers). I have a cable modem that connects to a VOIP box, which is just a normal home router with added jacks for telephone connectivity. I am connecting the DansGuardian ("DG") box to this router. I am connecting a wireless + wired router to the other eth port on the DG box, which will NAT to provide the network addresses I need. What I would like to do is to configure the DG box so that it logs each attempt from any client computer to access forbidden content, emailing the hostname and web address attempted to a specified email account. I would also like it to place a temporary ban on any individual host that attempts to access forbidden content within a certain number of minutes of each other (i.e. if I try to access forbidden content 9 times in 5 minutes it will allow continued Internet access for all clients, but when that client tries for the 10th time, that client loses Internet whil all other clients continue on as though nothing happened.)

I saw a script on the DG website that loks like it might do something similar, but I don't want to block the whole wireless/wired router when one user decides to abuse the Internet. It also looked like the ban and email functionality happened in one routine, so that emails only go out after the ban is put into effect.

Does anyone know of a script for DG that will do this? I appreciate any advice, and I know that automated systems are no substitute for good parenting. Thanks!
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