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Bonding / vconfig - could anyone help out?
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Joined: 07 Apr 2005
Posts: 14

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:56 am    Post subject: Bonding / vconfig - could anyone help out? Reply with quote

I must be missing something on the configuration front:

The system has two physical network cards that become eth0 and eth1
I need to configure two separate vlans (100 and 101) in conjuction with bonding driver in such a way that
vlan 100 traffic uses eth0 as a primary and eth1 as a secondary
vlan 101 traffic uses eth1 as a primary and eth0 as a secondary.

Doing this in broadcom basp driver was a non-issue. With bonding I'm having issues getting it to work.

Here is what I tried:
create a bond0 interface and enslave eth0 and eth1 - (eth0 active/eth1 passive configuration)
create eth0.100 interface through vconfig and bind it to bond0
This works.
What I cant seem do is to create bond1 interface and enslave eth0 and eth1 with eth1 active and eth2 passive. The response I'm getting from the bonding driver states the interface is already running in slave mode.

I though of setting up eth0.100 & eth1.100 along with eth0.101 and eth1.101 and then creating bond0 and bond1 per respective vlan - but after reading bonding driver documentation that explicitly states that the bonding driver must reference hardware and not a VLAN virtual interface i thought of hold off on experimentation.

I understand that bonding driver wants to gain control over eth0 and eth1 to ensure the interfaces go down when the bond0 interface is taken down (that part makes perfect sense) is there a way to allow multiple bonds to access the same phyiscal interfaces?

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