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dependencias circulaes por USEs globales
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
Posts: 492

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:38 am    Post subject: dependencias circulaes por USEs globales Reply with quote

no se por que pasa esto pero desde que intale gentoo para amd64 me aparecen mil problemas por las benditas dependencias circulares

en mi use no puedo poner el flag doc porque me malogra todo el arbol de dependencias

por cierto perdon por no poner los uses :( no se como usar bien el elinks y con el gpm no pueo hacer un paste :(

PD:no tengo instalado el modo grafico
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Joined: 30 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:21 pm    Post subject: Re: dependencias circulaes por USEs globales Reply with quote

el_macnifico wrote:
no se por que pasa esto pero desde que intale gentoo para amd64 me aparecen mil problemas por las benditas dependencias circulares

en mi use no puedo poner el flag doc porque me malogra todo el arbol de dependencias

por cierto perdon por no poner los uses :( no se como usar bien el elinks y con el gpm no pueo hacer un paste :(

PD:no tengo instalado el modo grafico

Las dependencias, salvo por los paquetes emul-*, son exactamente iguales en amd64 y en x86, así que el problema no es amd64. Si nos dices al menos cuales son los paquetes que te dan problemas, quizás podamos ayudar.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2005
Posts: 304

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

¿Qué razon puede existir para que quieras poner doc en tu USE global. Normalmente tiene sentido ponerlo en los paquetes que realmente te interesan.
Hazmereir, un menéame de humor: Hazmereir
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Joined: 03 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

el_macnifico wrote:
no se como usar bien el elinks y con el gpm no pueo hacer un paste

Con el click izquierdo presionado, "pintas" lo que quieres pegar, te cambias al tty corriendo elinks y presionas el boton del medio del mouse, el de la ruedita por lo general... (siempre y cuando tu mouse tenga 3 botones, no?)

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Joined: 09 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

inodoro_pereyra wrote:
Con el click izquierdo presionado, "pintas" lo que quieres pegar, te cambias al tty corriendo elinks y presionas el boton del medio del mouse, el de la ruedita por lo general... (siempre y cuando tu mouse tenga 3 botones, no?)


Recuerdo cuando descubri esto, fui feliz :)
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:17 pm    Post subject: Re: dependencias circulaes por USEs globales Reply with quote

el_macnifico wrote:
no se por que pasa esto pero desde que intale gentoo para amd64 me aparecen mil problemas por las benditas dependencias circulares

Todas las dependencias circulares que encuentres deben ser informadas como un error via bugzilla, en caso de que no estén ya allí (como dice el manual)

No deberías encontrar muchas o tendremos que tirar de las orejas a alguno :)
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
Posts: 492

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

holas gracias por las repuestas, vi el bugzilla y hay un bug parecido por no decir igual y aun no llegan a una solucion real:

si coloco un nuevo bug me lo marcarian como repetido.

en fin esto es lo que me aparece con la USE="doc" y mi variable USE es la misma que tenia en mi sistema x86 y aki no me daba problemas. ojo que elimine mi sistema de 32 bits porque tenia algunos problemas que podia reparar el reiserfsck e instale el de 64bits en la misma particion. pero me di con esta desafortunada sorpresa. ahora estoy en liveCD y la siguiente info la consegui por un chroot


USE="doc" emerge -pvuDN world

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating world dependencies... done!
[nomerge ] virtual/ghostscript-0
[nomerge ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54 USE="X cups gtk jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11 USE="X doc jpeg tiff -debug -xinerama"
[nomerge ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3 USE="dri nptl sdl xorg xprint (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal" INPUT_DEVICES="joystick keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -evdev -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvidia vesa -apm -ark -chips -cirrus -cyrix -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx -glint -i128 (-i740) -i810 (-impact) (-imstt) -mach64 -mga -neomagic (-newport) (-nsc) -r128 -radeon -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sis -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx -tga -trident -tseng -v4l -vga -via -vmware -voodoo"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.1 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61
[nomerge ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 USE="doc*"
[nomerge ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3
[nomerge ] sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4-r2 USE="doc java tcl -bootstrap -nocxx -test"
[nomerge ] virtual/jre-1.5.0
[nomerge ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa doc -examples -jce (-nsplugin)"
[nomerge ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="doc qt3 unicode -tetex"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2 USE="cups doc gif mysql nas opengl -debug -examples (-firebird) -immqt -immqt-bc -ipv6 -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlite -xinerama"
[nomerge ] net-print/cups-1.2.9 USE="X dbus jpeg nls pam php png ssl tiff -ldap -ppds -samba -slp"
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/dbus-1.0.2-r2 USE="X doc -debug (-selinux)"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="doc -debug"
[ebuild N ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="doc qt3 unicode -tetex"
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2 USE="cups doc gif mysql nas opengl -debug -examples (-firebird) -immqt -immqt-bc -ipv6 -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlite -xinerama"
[ebuild N ] virtual/ghostscript-0
[ebuild N ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54 USE="X cups gtk jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs"
[ebuild N ] net-print/cups-1.2.9 USE="X dbus jpeg nls pam php png ssl tiff -ldap -ppds -samba -slp"
[nomerge ] net-print/cups-1.2.9 USE="X dbus jpeg nls pam php png ssl tiff -ldap -ppds -samba -slp"
[nomerge ] virtual/ghostscript-0
[nomerge ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54 USE="X cups gtk jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11 USE="X doc jpeg tiff -debug -xinerama"
[nomerge ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3 USE="dri nptl sdl xorg xprint (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal" INPUT_DEVICES="joystick keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -evdev -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvidia vesa -apm -ark -chips -cirrus -cyrix -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx -glint -i128 (-i740) -i810 (-impact) (-imstt) -mach64 -mga -neomagic (-newport) (-nsc) -r128 -radeon -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sis -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx -tga -trident -tseng -v4l -vga -via -vmware -voodoo"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.1 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61
[nomerge ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 USE="doc*"
[nomerge ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3
[nomerge ] sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4-r2 USE="doc java tcl -bootstrap -nocxx -test"
[nomerge ] virtual/jre-1.5.0
[nomerge ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa doc -examples -jce (-nsplugin)"
[nomerge ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="doc qt3 unicode -tetex"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2 USE="cups doc gif mysql nas opengl -debug -examples (-firebird) -immqt -immqt-bc -ipv6 -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlite -xinerama"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.9-r1 USE="lcms"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/lcms-1.15 USE="jpeg python tiff zlib"
[ebuild N ] media-gfx/graphviz-2.12 USE="X doc gtk nls perl python tcl tk -examples -gnome -pango -ruby"
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/swig-1.3.31 USE="doc java perl php python tcl tk -guile -lua -mono -ocaml -pike -ruby"
[ebuild N ] virtual/jdk-1.5.0
[ebuild N ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa doc -examples -jce (-nsplugin)"
[ebuild N ] app-text/poppler-0.5.4-r1 USE="jpeg zlib -cjk"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2 USE="cups doc gif mysql nas opengl -debug -examples (-firebird) -immqt -immqt-bc -ipv6 -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlite -xinerama"
[nomerge ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.9-r1 USE="lcms"
[nomerge ] media-libs/lcms-1.15 USE="jpeg python tiff zlib"
[nomerge ] dev-lang/swig-1.3.31 USE="doc java perl php python tcl tk -guile -lua -mono -ocaml -pike -ruby"
[nomerge ] dev-lang/php-5.2.2-r1 USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt doc gd gdbm iconv mysql ncurses nls pcre readline reflection session spell spl ssl tidy truetype unicode xml xpm zlib (-adabas) -bcmath (-birdstep) -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -concurrentmodphp -ctype -curl -curlwrappers -db2 -dbase (-dbmaker) -debug -discard-path (-empress) (-empress-bcs) (-esoob) -exif -fastbuild (-fdftk) -filter (-firebird) -flatfile -force-cgi-redirect (-frontbase) -ftp -gd-external -gmp -hash -imap -inifile -interbase -iodbc -ipv6 -java-external -json -kerberos -ldap -ldap-sasl -libedit -mcve -mhash -msql -mssql -mysqli -oci8 (-oci8-instant-client) -odbc -pcntl -pdo -pdo-external -pic -posix -postgres -qdbm -recode -sapdb -sharedext -sharedmem -simplexml -snmp -soap -sockets (-solid) -sqlite -suhosin (-sybase) (-sybase-ct) -sysvipc -threads -tokenizer -wddx -xmlreader -xmlrpc -xmlwriter -xsl -yaz -zip -zip-external"
[nomerge ] media-libs/t1lib-5.0.2 USE="X doc"
[nomerge ] app-text/tetex-3.0_p1-r3 USE="X doc motif tk -Xaw3d -lesstif -neXt"
[nomerge ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3 USE="dri nptl sdl xorg xprint (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal" INPUT_DEVICES="joystick keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -evdev -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvidia vesa -apm -ark -chips -cirrus -cyrix -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx -glint -i128 (-i740) -i810 (-impact) (-imstt) -mach64 -mga -neomagic (-newport) (-nsc) -r128 -radeon -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sis -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx -tga -trident -tseng -v4l -vga -via -vmware -voodoo"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.1 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61
[nomerge ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 USE="doc*"
[nomerge ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3
[nomerge ] sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4-r2 USE="doc java tcl -bootstrap -nocxx -test"
[nomerge ] virtual/jre-1.5.0
[nomerge ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa doc -examples -jce (-nsplugin)"
[nomerge ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="doc qt3 unicode -tetex"
[nomerge ] virtual/ghostscript-0
[nomerge ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54 USE="X cups gtk jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs"
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11 USE="X doc jpeg tiff -debug -xinerama"
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/pango-1.14.10 USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2 USE="cups doc gif mysql nas opengl -debug -examples (-firebird) -immqt -immqt-bc -ipv6 -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlite -xinerama"
[nomerge ] net-print/cups-1.2.9 USE="X dbus jpeg nls pam php png ssl tiff -ldap -ppds -samba -slp"
[nomerge ] virtual/ghostscript-0
[nomerge ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54 USE="X cups gtk jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11 USE="X doc jpeg tiff -debug -xinerama"
[nomerge ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3 USE="dri nptl sdl xorg xprint (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal" INPUT_DEVICES="joystick keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -evdev -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvidia vesa -apm -ark -chips -cirrus -cyrix -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx -glint -i128 (-i740) -i810 (-impact) (-imstt) -mach64 -mga -neomagic (-newport) (-nsc) -r128 -radeon -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sis -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx -tga -trident -tseng -v4l -vga -via -vmware -voodoo"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.1 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61
[nomerge ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 USE="doc*"
[nomerge ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3
[nomerge ] sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4-r2 USE="doc java tcl -bootstrap -nocxx -test"
[nomerge ] virtual/jre-1.5.0
[nomerge ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa doc -examples -jce (-nsplugin)"
[nomerge ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="doc qt3 unicode -tetex"
[nomerge ] media-gfx/graphviz-2.12 USE="X doc gtk nls perl python tcl tk -examples -gnome -pango -ruby"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/gd-2.0.34 USE="jpeg png truetype xpm -fontconfig"
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/php-5.2.2-r1 USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt doc gd gdbm iconv mysql ncurses nls pcre readline reflection session spell spl ssl tidy truetype unicode xml xpm zlib (-adabas) -bcmath (-birdstep) -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -concurrentmodphp -ctype -curl -curlwrappers -db2 -dbase (-dbmaker) -debug -discard-path (-empress) (-empress-bcs) (-esoob) -exif -fastbuild (-fdftk) -filter (-firebird) -flatfile -force-cgi-redirect (-frontbase) -ftp -gd-external -gmp -hash -imap -inifile -interbase -iodbc -ipv6 -java-external -json -kerberos -ldap -ldap-sasl -libedit -mcve -mhash -msql -mssql -mysqli -oci8 (-oci8-instant-client) -odbc -pcntl -pdo -pdo-external -pic -posix -postgres -qdbm -recode -sapdb -sharedext -sharedmem -simplexml -snmp -soap -sockets (-solid) -sqlite -suhosin (-sybase) (-sybase-ct) -sysvipc -threads -tokenizer -wddx -xmlreader -xmlrpc -xmlwriter -xsl -yaz -zip -zip-external"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/t1lib-5.0.2 USE="X doc"
[ebuild N ] app-text/tetex-3.0_p1-r3 USE="X doc motif tk -Xaw3d -lesstif -neXt"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2 USE="cups doc gif mysql nas opengl -debug -examples (-firebird) -immqt -immqt-bc -ipv6 -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlite -xinerama"
[nomerge ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.9-r1 USE="lcms"
[nomerge ] media-libs/lcms-1.15 USE="jpeg python tiff zlib"
[nomerge ] dev-lang/swig-1.3.31 USE="doc java perl php python tcl tk -guile -lua -mono -ocaml -pike -ruby"
[nomerge ] dev-lang/php-5.2.2-r1 USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt doc gd gdbm iconv mysql ncurses nls pcre readline reflection session spell spl ssl tidy truetype unicode xml xpm zlib (-adabas) -bcmath (-birdstep) -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -concurrentmodphp -ctype -curl -curlwrappers -db2 -dbase (-dbmaker) -debug -discard-path (-empress) (-empress-bcs) (-esoob) -exif -fastbuild (-fdftk) -filter (-firebird) -flatfile -force-cgi-redirect (-frontbase) -ftp -gd-external -gmp -hash -imap -inifile -interbase -iodbc -ipv6 -java-external -json -kerberos -ldap -ldap-sasl -libedit -mcve -mhash -msql -mssql -mysqli -oci8 (-oci8-instant-client) -odbc -pcntl -pdo -pdo-external -pic -posix -postgres -qdbm -recode -sapdb -sharedext -sharedmem -simplexml -snmp -soap -sockets (-solid) -sqlite -suhosin (-sybase) (-sybase-ct) -sysvipc -threads -tokenizer -wddx -xmlreader -xmlrpc -xmlwriter -xsl -yaz -zip -zip-external"
[nomerge ] media-libs/t1lib-5.0.2 USE="X doc"
[nomerge ] app-text/tetex-3.0_p1-r3 USE="X doc motif tk -Xaw3d -lesstif -neXt"
[nomerge ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3 USE="dri nptl sdl xorg xprint (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal" INPUT_DEVICES="joystick keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -evdev -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvidia vesa -apm -ark -chips -cirrus -cyrix -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx -glint -i128 (-i740) -i810 (-impact) (-imstt) -mach64 -mga -neomagic (-newport) (-nsc) -r128 -radeon -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sis -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx -tga -trident -tseng -v4l -vga -via -vmware -voodoo"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.1 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61
[nomerge ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 USE="doc*"
[nomerge ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3
[nomerge ] sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4-r2 USE="doc java tcl -bootstrap -nocxx -test"
[nomerge ] virtual/jre-1.5.0
[nomerge ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa doc -examples -jce (-nsplugin)"
[nomerge ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="doc qt3 unicode -tetex"
[nomerge ] virtual/ghostscript-0
[nomerge ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54 USE="X cups gtk jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11 USE="X doc jpeg tiff -debug -xinerama"
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/cairo-1.4.4 USE="X doc glitz svg -debug -directfb -xcb"
[ebuild N ] virtual/xft-7.0
[ebuild N ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3 USE="dri nptl sdl xorg xprint (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal" INPUT_DEVICES="joystick keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -evdev -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvidia vesa -apm -ark -chips -cirrus -cyrix -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx -glint -i128 (-i740) -i810 (-impact) (-imstt) -mach64 -mga -neomagic (-newport) (-nsc) -r128 -radeon -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sis -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx -tga -trident -tseng -v4l -vga -via -vmware -voodoo"
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/font-cursor-misc-1.0.0 USE="X nls"
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/font-misc-misc-1.0.0 USE="X nls"
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.0 USE="X nls"
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/encodings-1.0.0 USE="-debug"
[ebuild N ] x11-apps/bdftopcf-1.0.0 USE="-debug"
[ebuild N ] x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.3 USE="-debug"
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/libXfont-1.2.7-r1 USE="-debug -ipv6"
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.1 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug"
[nomerge ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61
[nomerge ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 USE="doc*"
[nomerge ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3
[nomerge ] sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4-r2 USE="doc java tcl -bootstrap -nocxx -test"
[nomerge ] virtual/jre-1.5.0
[nomerge ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa doc -examples -jce (-nsplugin)"
[nomerge ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="doc -debug"
[nomerge ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="doc qt3 unicode -tetex"
[nomerge ] virtual/ghostscript-0
[nomerge ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54 USE="X cups gtk jpeg2k -cjk -djvu -emacs"
[nomerge ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11 USE="X doc jpeg tiff -debug -xinerama"
[nomerge ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3 USE="dri nptl sdl xorg xprint (-3dfx) -debug -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -minimal" INPUT_DEVICES="joystick keyboard mouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -evdev -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -synaptics -tek4957 -ur98 -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvidia vesa -apm -ark -chips -cirrus -cyrix -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx -glint -i128 (-i740) -i810 (-impact) (-imstt) -mach64 -mga -neomagic (-newport) (-nsc) -r128 -radeon -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sis -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx -tga -trident -tseng -v4l -vga -via -vmware -voodoo"
[nomerge ] media-fonts/font-misc-misc-1.0.0 USE="X nls"
[nomerge ] x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.3 USE="-debug"
[ebuild N ] x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3 USE="-debug"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2 USE="doc xml"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2 USE="X doc zlib -bindist -debug"
!!! Error: circular dependencies:

('ebuild', '/', 'app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/ghostscript-0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-gfx/graphviz-2.12', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-gfx/graphviz-2.12', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-lang/swig-1.3.31', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/gd-2.0.34', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/t1lib-5.0.2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXfont-1.2.7-r1', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'app-text/tetex-3.0_p1-r3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.3', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/xft-7.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/libmng-1.0.9-r1', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'net-print/cups-1.2.9', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/encodings-1.0.0', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/bdftopcf-1.0.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/ghostscript-0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'net-print/cups-1.2.9', 'merge') (soft)
('ebuild', '/', 'app-text/ghostscript-gpl-8.54', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'net-print/cups-1.2.9', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/font-misc-misc-1.0.0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/encodings-1.0.0', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/bdftopcf-1.0.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/pango-1.14.10', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/cairo-1.4.4', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.5.0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/sun-jdk-', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/sun-jdk-', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-lang/swig-1.3.31', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.5.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-lang/php-5.2.2-r1', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/sun-jdk-', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXfont-1.2.7-r1', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'net-print/cups-1.2.9', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'sys-apps/dbus-1.0.2-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-lang/php-5.2.2-r1', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'app-text/poppler-0.5.4-r1', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'app-text/poppler-0.5.4-r1', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/font-cursor-misc-1.0.0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/encodings-1.0.0', 'merge') (medium)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/bdftopcf-1.0.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'sys-apps/dbus-1.0.2-r2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/encodings-1.0.0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/gd-2.0.34', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/font-misc-misc-1.0.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXfont-1.2.7-r1', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/font-cursor-misc-1.0.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-fonts/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.11', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/pango-1.14.10', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/cairo-1.4.4', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/libmng-1.0.9-r1', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/lcms-1.15', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/cairo-1.4.4', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/xft-7.0', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'app-text/tetex-3.0_p1-r3', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.2.0-r3', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXfont-1.2.7-r1', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-apps/bdftopcf-1.0.0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXfont-1.2.7-r1', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/lcms-1.15', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-lang/swig-1.3.31', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'dev-lang/php-5.2.2-r1', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/freetype-2.3.4-r2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'media-libs/t1lib-5.0.2', 'merge') (hard)
('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/xft-7.0', 'merge') depends on
('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12', 'merge') (medium)

!!! Note that circular dependencies can often be avoided by temporarily
!!! disabling USE flags that trigger optional dependencies.
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