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[squid] fehler im cache
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Joined: 05 Mar 2004
Posts: 280

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:29 pm    Post subject: [squid] fehler im cache Reply with quote

da mein squid (aktueller 2.6 stable) leider sehr langsam ist bin ich mal auf fehlersuche gegangen und muste feststellen das meine cache.log datei erstmal recht groß ist und sie scheinbar sehr viele fehler enthält.
weiß jemand was diese zu bedeuten haben?

2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:29| eventRun: RUN ID 839
2007/06/21 16:34:29| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 836
2007/06/21 16:34:29| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:29| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:29| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:29| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:29| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: timeout 56
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: timeout 1
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:29| eventRun: RUN ID 840
2007/06/21 16:34:29| eventRun: Running 'ipcache_purgelru', id 826
2007/06/21 16:34:29| eventAdd: Adding 'ipcache_purgelru', in 10.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:29| ipcache_purgelru: removed 0 entries
2007/06/21 16:34:29| comm_select: timeout 941
2007/06/21 16:34:30| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:30| eventRun: RUN ID 841
2007/06/21 16:34:30| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 839
2007/06/21 16:34:30| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:30| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:30| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:30| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:30| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:30| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:31| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:31| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:31| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:31| eventRun: RUN ID 842
2007/06/21 16:34:31| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 841
2007/06/21 16:34:31| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:31| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:31| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:31| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:31| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:31| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:32| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:32| eventRun: RUN ID 843
2007/06/21 16:34:32| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 842
2007/06/21 16:34:32| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:32| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:32| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:32| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:32| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:32| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:33| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:33| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:33| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:33| eventRun: RUN ID 844
2007/06/21 16:34:33| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 843
2007/06/21 16:34:33| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:33| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:33| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:33| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:33| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:33| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| eventRun: RUN ID 845
2007/06/21 16:34:34| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 844
2007/06/21 16:34:34| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:34| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:34| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:34| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:34| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 48
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:34| eventRun: RUN ID 846
2007/06/21 16:34:34| eventRun: Running 'fqdncache_purgelru', id 832
2007/06/21 16:34:34| eventAdd: Adding 'fqdncache_purgelru', in 10.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:34| fqdncache_purgelru: removed 0 entries
2007/06/21 16:34:34| comm_select: timeout 951
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:35| eventRun: RUN ID 847
2007/06/21 16:34:35| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 845
2007/06/21 16:34:35| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:35| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:35| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:35| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:35| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:35| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:36| eventRun: RUN ID 848
2007/06/21 16:34:36| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 847
2007/06/21 16:34:36| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:36| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:36| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:36| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:36| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:36| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:37| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:37| eventRun: RUN ID 849
2007/06/21 16:34:37| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 848
2007/06/21 16:34:37| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:37| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:37| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:37| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:37| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:37| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:38| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:38| comm_select: timeout 1
2007/06/21 16:34:38| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:38| eventRun: RUN ID 850
2007/06/21 16:34:38| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 849
2007/06/21 16:34:38| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:38| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:38| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:38| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:38| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:38| comm_select: timeout 1000
2007/06/21 16:34:39| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:39| comm_select: timeout 0
2007/06/21 16:34:39| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:39| eventRun: RUN ID 851
2007/06/21 16:34:39| eventRun: Running 'MaintainSwapSpace', id 850
2007/06/21 16:34:39| storeMaintainSwapSpace: f=0.000000, max_scan=100, max_remove=10
2007/06/21 16:34:39| cbdataFree: 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:39| cbdataFree: Freeing 0x80590618
2007/06/21 16:34:39| storeUfsDirMaintain: /var/cache/squid removed 0/10 f=0.000 max_scan=100
2007/06/21 16:34:39| eventAdd: Adding 'MaintainSwapSpace', in 1.000000 seconds
2007/06/21 16:34:39| comm_select: timeout 48
2007/06/21 16:34:39| comm_select: time out
2007/06/21 16:34:39| comm_select: timeout 0
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Joined: 01 Nov 2005
Posts: 289
Location: de

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

auch wenn das log noch so lang ist, fehlt doch der anfang oder?
aktivier mal den "full debug"-modus und poste nochmal ein log, aber bitte nicht komplett einfügen, sondern entweder in auszügen oder irgendwo hochladen.
achja, hast du squid nun auf gentoo oder ubuntu zu laufen?
achja, beim ersten google-hit stieß ich noch auf die empfehlung überall die mtu-werte zu überprüfen.
mfg borsdel
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