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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
Posts: 3
Location: Goldsboro, NC

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 7:48 am    Post subject: Looking @ Gentoo W/LOTs O "Q's" ... Reply with quote

Fist off and foremost, I am TOTALY code illiterate, know nothing of it, and have never been able to learn Linux code out side of "kill all". (I do know HTML a little, and am "trying" to learn a LITTLE php).

I really hate supporting Microsoft though, and have tried Mandrake 9, and RH8 with little success. (I can get the them to talk to the internet through my Win98 box, but no file exchange etc - haven't a clue how to fire up Samba or Apache - I assume they are the progs I need for my Win boxs to talk to the Linux machine - as a server/file storage box).

I want to make my Win98 box the firewall/server/Internet Connection Sharing box. I have never been able to get Linux working in this possition, but all the hype I hear about it, that's the best thing I could do for my home network.

I have 2 WinXP boxs using the internet through a hub, to the Win98 box hooked to cable internet. I use Internet Connection Sharing and liked how it set up, hate how everyone and their dog can dink with it and get into it.

I really liked what little Linux I played with, and enjoy being out of the Microsoft loop when I'm on my computer. I do some work that I have to have a windows box for (Flash, GoLive, PhotoShop(Never got good w/gimp), and NASCAR 2003 online league.

I'm a little aprihensive that Gentoo is not gui enough for the beginner like me.

Any help? Advice? Suggestions? etc...

Thanks for your help already,
Justin Steiger
webmaster of many, ruler of none. (Oh my god I'm so in over my head some one please help me).
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Joined: 17 Nov 2002
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Location: Hamburg, Germany

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fist off and foremost, I am TOTALY code illiterate, know nothing of it,

Hmm, if you want to try gentoo you dont have to be able to code - But be willing to learn and modify configuration text files by hand.
gentoo will almost never assume you wanted to do something and adjust things for that. That basically a good thing, it wont misinterpret you.

haven't a clue how to fire up Samba or Apache

Basically Samba makes your linux box visible in the network-neighborhood of win-machines.
Apache gives you a webserver. so you can make webpages and files available at http://your.machines.ip

I want to make my Win98 box the firewall/server/Internet Connection Sharing box. I have never been able to get Linux working in this possition, but all the hype I hear about it, that's the best thing I could do for my home network.

yeah, right. If you dont need the machine for day to day work and you are prepaired for a, say 1 week install to get everything to work with a *lot* of manual reading and questioning here in the forums then give it a try - you might fail the first time, but you'll learn a lot.
Suggested reading:
1)The x86 gentoo install guide
2)The x86 gentoo install guide
look up in the forums if anything is unclear.
If the system should olny be a server, not a desktop, and be remote controlled from one of the XP boxes with your browser:
emerge webmin

and read
3)iptables home

if you want a gui on that machine, take a look at the other guides at
the gentoo docs
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Joined: 16 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would first recommend getting Gentoo installed. Follow the Installation Guide and ask questions when you run into problems in the "Installing Gentoo" forum and/or the #gentoo IRC channel.

Once you have Gentoo installed, then you can work on getting the box configured as a firewall/server/ICS box.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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Location: Goldsboro, NC

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Rubs chin in thought*

Sounds like this distro might be a little more than this newbie can handle just yet. As simple as I know setting a computer up to share it's connection is, this job might be better left to a more bells and whistles version of Linux.

Off I go to find some complicated simpleness.
JustinS :roll:
Justin Steiger
webmaster of many, ruler of none. (Oh my god I'm so in over my head some one please help me).
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