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Joined: 02 Jan 2007
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Location: Hampshire UK

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:23 pm    Post subject: Vanilla, Gentoo Sources, and 'Hardned' Reply with quote

Well - just the first two actually..
Given that I am still having trouble getting the SATA sda1 partition recognised as a root device, I would ask.. what are the essential differences between a vanilla kernel, and the one optimised for Gentoo?

Are these differences likely to be important if I try to 'borrow' a kernel .config file from a distro known to work?

I have taken in all the advice in KC13: I have tried all the tricks there are including wiping out all old configurations and doing
cd /usr/src/linux
genkernel all
.. which of course gives a kernel that has 'everything'.
Clearly the code at least gets started, but is behaving as if there is no kernel support for the drives, which is a bit strange, because it would have had to have accessed the drive even to come up with the error messages. :?
Its a bit disheartening to have the Gentoo bootloader come up with a Gentoo bootsplash, which then succeeds in launching every distro on the drive except for Gentoo! :(
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


The vanillia kernel is just as Linus intended. gentoo-sources has a few patches that are headed for the next kernel release and others like framebuffer splash.

Genkernel is the source of your problems. Its not made SATA support properly for a while. You need to help it by using its --menuconfig option and checking the SATA settings for yourself.

You cannot just lift a kernel config from another 'similar' kernel - it would have to be the same version and patch set to ensure that there were no options missing from the .config file. Running make oldconfig will fix that buut it will ask you to set all the options that are missing.

Your best course of action is to configure your own kernel from scratch. Reading all the help items as you go. If you don't want to invest that time in learning just now, Use genkernel and set your SATA options manually. Post your lspci output if you don't know what to set.


Computer users fall into two groups:-
those that do backups
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Joined: 02 Jan 2007
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Location: Hampshire UK

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks so much Neddy

I had messed with lifting a .config from another distro.
I did all this from within the safety of a chrooted environment operated from one of the working distros.
The screech of complaints from genkernel were enough to convince me it was a bad idea.

I did then invest in configuring the kernel manually. I trawled the KDE KInfoCenter and lspci and the motherboard manual to nail down the chipsets identification. I took care to remove the /etc/kernels first, and also any copies and backups of .config I could find in /usr/src/linux. I still used genkernel because it also makes the intramfs-genkernel-2.6.22-gentoo-r9

I then used
genkernel --no-menuconfig --symlink --install all

Yippee! It seemed to work, and compiled in about a third of the time without error messages. It ran mrproper by itself and bootup can now happen. It looked a bit rough until I gave it a vga setting, but who cares. I can now think about emerge the dreaded X and maybe what speedy desktop will suit this fella. :)
Living with: Ubuntu, Sidux and Gentoo :)
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