robbat2 Developer

Joined: 19 Feb 2003 Posts: 82
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 10:05 pm Post subject: [gentoo-announce] MySQL 4 and Apache 2 leaving ~arch |
Sometime this weekend (likely Friday or Saturday) Donny (woodchip) and I (robbat2) will move these two packages to non-arch-masked status. So you will no longer get the older versions by default. Yes, old versions will still be available; we're not going to delete Apache1 nor MySQL3 ebuilds. They will be kept available for those who still want them.
In the case of MySQL4, you should run revdep-rebuild after your upgrade, so that your libmysqlclient-dependant packages are linked with the new library. Please `emerge gentoolkit' to obtain the revdep-rebuild program.
In the case of Apache2, be aware that several of what *were* third-party DSO modules, are now included with Apache itself. This means that you don't need to install mod_gzip, mod_ssl, mod_auth_ldap, mod_dav from /usr/portage/net-www anymore. Also, the whole `ebuild /var/db/pkg/cat/pkg/pkg.ebuild config' dance is not required for thirdy-party modules anymore, due to a simpler default configuration file schema. However you will have to re-merge others mod_* that you were using, and should use the apache2 USE flag when doing so. Eg mod_php.
Thank you to everybody who has provided testing and feedback with respect to these upgrades. |