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Joined: 10 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:59 am    Post subject: Kernel Compileing Questions Reply with quote

I plan on using the gentoo-source kernel and I will use genkernel to compile it. I have a few questions I was wondering if anyone could answer, please:

1). I have a dual core system. Will it automatically detect it and set the Symmetric multi-processing support?
2). Will it automatically compile the NTFS-3G driver with it?
3). Will it compile the necessary driver/module to be able to start a virtual machine for Virtual Box?
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moved from Installing Gentoo to Kernel & Hardware.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Genkernel is kind of pointless if you ask me. Just emerge gentoo-sources, run make menuconfig, configure everything to your liking, and do:

make all modules_install install

Then just set the kernel in grub.conf to "/vmlinuz". Next time you update the kernel, it automatically backs up the previous one and creates a symlink to it: vmlinuz.old. Add a second grub entry for that and you can easily revert to the last working kernel if something breaks.

Anyway, by itself, genkernel will just go with the current config, but often you have to adjust things anyway since options get added, dropped, and renamed as the kernel progresses. The solution: tell genkernel you want to do a menuconfig via a command line option. Wow, what a timesaver. If you're using a boot splash theme, genkernel is moderately convenient, but you can just use the tools that come with splashutils yourself, since genkernel basically just acts a front-end to those too.
Thomas S. Howard
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:24 am    Post subject: Re: Kernel Compileing Questions Reply with quote

dman777 wrote:
2). Will it automatically compile the NTFS-3G driver with it?
3). Will it compile the necessary driver/module to be able to start a virtual machine for Virtual Box?

This has nothing to do with the kernel - these are standalone packages that are not included in the kernel, so just emerge them by hand.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you sure? Someone told me I need to enable FUSE in the kernel to use NTFS-3G. If this is true, would it be enabled automatically in genkernel?

I know if I don't use genkernel I'm going to forget something because I'm not that experienced with it. What should I do?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know if I don't use genkernel I'm going to forget something because I'm not that experienced with it. What should I do?
Configure, build, install, configure, build, install ... experience is not sold in Wal-Mart.

FUSE is filesystem in userspace, you need it if you want to use external drivers.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can enable fuse in the kernel when you compile your kernel. If its compiled in or was compiled as a module with your kernel, when you emerge fuse it will tell you its skipping the kernel part because its already built in.
Billy DeVincentis
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:28 pm    Post subject: Re: Kernel Compileing Questions Reply with quote

dman777 wrote:
1). I have a dual core system. Will it automatically detect it and set the Symmetric multi-processing support?
no, you need to use genkernel with the --menuconfig option (or you can edit the /etc/genkernel.conf file to have on default the menu or to not launch a make mproper and so other) to select the correct processor type, genkernel will only insert a generical configuration to easy refine it, the simmetric multiprocessing support is added by default but is an intel pentium II o something so, I not remember esactly. Do a look to the genkernel documentation.
dman777 wrote:
2). Will it automatically compile the NTFS-3G driver with it?
3). Will it compile the necessary driver/module to be able to start a virtual machine for Virtual Box?
no, but you can use sys-kernel/module-rebuild
In fact I like to use genkernel because there is nothing to learn in repeating the same operations every time I must recompile the kernel. Better simply launch a
module-rebuild populate ; genkernel kernel ; module-rebuild rebuild
as I start to use a new kernel version or a
genkernel --noclean kernel ; module-rebuild rebuild
as I need only to change the configuration, obliviously my genkernel is configured to start automatically the menuconfig.

ntfs-3g has his own version of fuse module included (needed to work with old kernels) so if you are not compiled it and is not the standalone fuse installed will be added automatically to the modules.
If you are using a kernel version >= 2.6.21 is better to use the kernel fuse builtin IMHO.
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Joined: 22 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dman, you are a bit new to this so let me give you some newbie advice with regards to genkernel. For starters here is the command to build a kernel and initramfs. This assumes that you will use the lovely gentoo framebuffer splash and uvesafb. Packages that must be emerged prior to this are splashutils (media/gfx), splash-themes-gentoo (media/gfx), genkernel, gentoo-sources, klibc (dev/libs), and v86d. There is a read up on the uvesafb at and the fbsplash at and

genkernel --menuconfig --install kernel --splash=livecd-2007.0 initrd

Prior to running this in terminal but after emerging above packages be sure to set the symlink to your newest gentoo sources by running eselect kernel list and then eselect kernel set (the number shown in previous command)

This will now give you a kernel config menu
This website will give you some help in choosing things

press esc twice and enter and your kernel will build

after its done in /boot you will find kernel, initramfs, and system map, rename them like in my grub entry below (remove the genkernel part) and you then must emerge things like nvidia-drivers, ati-drivers, vmware modules and fuse.

title Gentoo X86 2.6.24-gentoo-r3
root (hd1,2)
kernel /boot/kernel-2.6.24-gentoo-r3 pci=nommconf root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ramdisk_size=8192 real_root=/dev/sda3 quiet splash=silent,fadein,fadeout,theme:livecd-2007.0 video=uvesafb:1024x768-32,mtrr:3,ywrap console=tty1
initrd /boot/initramfs-2.6.24-gentoo-r3
Billy DeVincentis
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