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Apache LocationMatch Matches as Variables
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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

Joined: 04 Jun 2004
Posts: 108
Location: Sampa - SP - Brasil

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:19 pm    Post subject: Apache LocationMatch Matches as Variables Reply with quote


I work at a software development company and we use subversion with LDAP authentication (through Apache) and as we have several different projects, we also have several different repositories.

The thing is: we wanted to protect those repositories, so we created the following basic rule:

Only who is in the LDAP group svn_[REPOSITORY_NAME] can access [REPOSITORY_NAME]

As the SVN authz file doesn't know about Apache auth groups, I intended to do this in the Apache configuration.

Further more, as we have several different projects and we should create even more projects we wanted to do this dynamic by using the LocationMatch directive.

So, in theory (supposing you can use LocationMatch matched patterns as variables inside this directive), the configuration would be something like:

<LocationMatch "/svn/(a-z)/(.*)">
   SVNPath /var/svn/$1
   require group $1

My question is: can we use matched patterns inside the LocationMatch directive like in this example? If it's not, can you guys gimme some pointers on how to achieve this kind of access control?

By the way, we want all our authorization data to be in the LDAP.

Thanks in advantage.

Linux user #297942
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