razer l33t

Joined: 08 Oct 2004 Posts: 893 Location: Paris - France
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:59 pm Post subject: Dutsh App translating : mailpictures |
Hi all,
I'm working on a small gtk-perl application, for sending files as email attachement directly from nautilus
You can take a look here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/mailpictures
I need some guys for dutsh translating.
You can work directly on the perl module by downloading this file, and send me back once translated : razerraz-AT-free.fr
It also can be a corporative work here translating the following.
Thanks a lot for your help
Code: | package Locale_nl;
############################## MailPictures v0.93 - Locale_nl.pm ################################
# #
# Guillaume Tissier (razerraz-AT-free.fr) #
# #
use constant TRUE => 1 ;
use constant FALSE => 0 ;
## ------------------------------------- Dutsh -------------------------------------------- ##
%guitext = (
"winapp" => "Email My Pictures",
"resizebtnlbl" => "Resize images",
"hqresbtn" => "High Quality : 1024 pixels width",
"mqresbtn" => "Medium Quality : 800 pixels width",
"lqresbtn" => "Low Quality : 640 pixels width",
"ctresbtn" => "Use custom width",
"mailframe" => "<b>Send to :</b>",
"folderframe" => "Folder",
"optframe" => "<b>General settings</b>",
"jpgbtnlbl" => "Change JPEG compression",
"zipbtnlbl" => "Create Zip archive with the pictures",
"zipnamelbl" => "Name of the archive :",
"svgbtnlbl" => "Save actual settings",
"getsizebtn" => "Estimate the size of attachment",
"hidediaglbl" => "Always use the actual settings for pictures",
"zipdiaglbl" => "Create zip archive for several data files",
"filesnbrlbl" => "Minimal number of data files for zip :",
"sizelbl" => "",
"progress_win" => "MailPictures Processing",
"progress_label"=> "Processing, please wait");
%launchdialog = (
"launchdialog" => "Email My Pictures",
"launchlbl" => "There are at least one picture in your selection.\n"
."Do you want to open the main window for reducing size ?\n",
"conflbl" => "The actual settings are :",
"resolbl" => "Pictures width :",
"resosetlbl" => "Unchanged",
"jpglbl" => "Jpeg compression :",
"jpgsetlbl" => "Unchanged",
"ziplbl" => "Create zip archive :",
"hidebtn" => "Always use the actual settings",
"launchbtn1" => "Open main window",
"launchbtn2" => "Use actual settings");
%zipdialog = (
"zipdialog" => "Send files by email",
"zipmainlbl" => "You have selected several data files to send.\n"
."Generaly, creating an archive is a good choice in this case\n"
."An archive is a simple file who can contain all the files you\n"
."have selected.\n\n"
."You can already set the archive name if you choose to create one.",
"zipquestlbl" => "Do you want to create an archive with the files ?",
"ziphidebtn" => "Don't show this message again, never create archive");
%gtkmsg = (
"resizemsg" => "Resizing : ",
"copymsg" => "Copying files to : ",
"zipcreate" => "Creating archive : ",
"mailerload" => "Loading mail program...",
"foldermove" => "Moving Images to folder");
%errmsg = (
"imlib" => "Problem with Imlib Perl library, check your settings !",
"uri" => "Problem with URI Perl library, check your settings !",
"gtk" => "Gtk2 or Glade 2 perl library was not found on your system !",
"emptysel" => "You don't have selected any file to proceed !",
"nomailer" => "Mail client selected was not found, check your settings !",
"warnsize" => "Error : the total size of your selection takes more than 15 Mo.\n"
."You can't send an email with this selection as attachment\n\n"
."Please select less files and try again\n");
sub guitext {
return (%guitext);
sub launchdialog {
return (%launchdialog);
sub zipdialog {
return (%zipdialog);
sub gtkmsg {
return (%gtkmsg);
sub errmsg {
return (%errmsg);
1; |