gogor n00b

Joined: 21 Jun 2002 Posts: 11
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 10:06 am Post subject: accelarated X on ibook |
hi guys,
i just wanted to know if anybody here has suceeded in using accelerated X, with an ibook. More specifically i would like to ear from someone who did it on the latest ibook, the one that comes with a raedon 16 MB. I just wasn't able to get it to work. I was not even able to build the radeon frame buffer as a module as it wouldn't insert in the running kernel, i had to build it directly in the kernel, i don't know if this could explain why drm fail to load on my machine. I'm thinking about giving a shot at the gatos ATI drivers
but i'll have to compile it by hand has the gentoo package is a binary x86 only version...
Gogor |