lo-jay l33t

Joined: 27 Feb 2005 Posts: 862
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:09 pm Post subject: kvpnc sends mppe into LOOP ? |
i try to connect to a mppe server.
i do have all the relevant stuff compiled INTO the kernel.
still kvpnc comes up with this error:
Code: |
debug: Loading module "ppp-compress-18" has failed, trying "ppp_mppe"...
error: Loading module "ppp-compress-18" and "ppp_mppe" has failed: stop.
debug: Disconnect requested |
does that mean i have to configure everything as modules ( which i would not like )???
thanks for any insights !
did recompile kernel w./ module config, but now kvpnc sends me into
a loop!
Code: | debug: pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd
debug: Support for GRE found (compiled into kernel or kernel module already loaded).
debug: pppd peer script: /etc/ppp/peers/kvpnc.crypto_
debug: pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd
debug: Trying to connect to server "crypto_ ._" with user "user_ "...
debug: Setting DNS_UPDATE "NO".
debug: "pppd" started.
debug: Disconnect requested
debug: Disconnect requested, status connecting
debug: Killing process while connecting. |
ideas? _________________ lo-jay
The mechanic "One of 'em Dodge Chargers - let him go by."
The driver "Not today!"
taken from "Two Lane Blacktop" |