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Joined: 21 Sep 2003
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Location: Oxnard, CA

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 9:52 pm    Post subject: cant use cdrom device Reply with quote

Hello. I recently installed Gentoo on my machine. When it boots up it sees my cd-rw as hdc and my dvd as hdd. When I go into /dev there is no hdc or hdd, it only goes up to hdb9. In the fstab it says the cdrom is pointing to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 and the dvd is /dev/cdroms/cdrom1. I cant mount them, it says wrong block. Any ideas? Im also running slack 9 and it sees both devices and they work ok with cd-rw as hdc and the dvd as hdd as well. Thanks for the help.
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Joined: 03 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 10:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if this will help, but did you enable support for them in the kernel?
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Joined: 21 Sep 2003
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Location: Oxnard, CA

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 3:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How would I check that? I installed it using the gaming sources.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 3:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tez218 wrote:
How would I check that? I installed it using the gaming sources.

You need to make sure your kernel has certain options enabled. Easiest way to recompile the kernel is using genkernel. It basically automates the make steps into a single command. If you've never done this before, just make sure to do the backups and configure the boot loader to boot backed up kernel as a failsafe. Then you always have a fallback.

First, backup /boot/kernel* /boot/initrd* and /boot/System*. *.old is good to use so that you can edit grub or lilo to boot them as the failsafe kernel setting. type 'ls -l /boot/' to see which ones are you kernel and which if any are just symlinks. It'd be bad to find that you only backed up the symlink that would then actuall just point back to the new kernel, especially if that kernel had a problem booting.

if you do not have genkernel, run
emerge -u genkernel

Then run
genkernel --config

to start the process of building your kernel. '--config' will cause genkernel to start menuconfig, a TUI (console) system to configure the kernel. Look for IDE/ATAPI config options. Enable - down-arrow down to the line and then hit the space bar to enable - the options you need, 'M' means it will be compiled as a module that you'd have to add in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.4 (assuming 2.4 kernel, change to yours if not), '*' means that the option will be added into the built kernel (making your kernel a little bigger). Check all the sections to make sure everything you need is there: netowrk card, sound card, generic scsi support for ATAPI CDRW, etc.

If you find that you missed an option when you reboot, fear not. Re-running genkernel --config will start menuconfig up with the options you set last time, then just add what's missing. Note you shouldn't select too many misc options, or de-select ones that look like they don't apply to your system, unless you have read the help section for them and know what change will result. This especially applies to network related options and seemingly 'old' hardware support. Those always get me in trouble :)

Once genkernel is done the kernel will be in your /boot directory. If its named differently than your old one was make sure grub or lilo knows about it.

Remember to setup grub or lilo with the ability to boot from your backup kernel BEFORE you reboot to try out the new kernel, just in case. Otherwise you may have to break out the boot CD, mount/chroot you install and/or boot partitions then copy over your backed up kernel over top of the newer one to get back to a working kernel. Shouldn't happen, but no need to take chances. Easiest way is to copy the existing lines for your gentoo install and alter the important lines of the second copy to match the backup kernel/initrd/ you made (depending in grub or lilo; I use grub so I'd have to change the kernel and initrd lines, for example).

I stress backup up a bit here, but I actually haven't had a kernel bomb on me in quite some time. Even when I did it was because I changed too many options like removing anything I thought was not needed without knowing exactly what I was removing. Best bet is to just add what you need, make sure the hardware you know about it selected, and do the backup and boot loader setup beforehand to have a failsafe for anything that might have been missed.

Oh yeah... Did I mention that you should make a backup? ;-)
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