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g400 + kernels (SOLVED)
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Joined: 29 Sep 2003
Posts: 14

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 7:48 pm    Post subject: g400 + kernels (SOLVED) Reply with quote

this is unbelievable. i just was composing a message about the problem and i think i accidently solved it. so i'm posting the message because it was a three weeks of stupid fun.

if this error message appears when trying to insmod the kernel modules for the free matrox driver, you need to emerge gentoo-sources 2.4.19-r10 instead of 2.4.20-r7. recompile (i got lazy and used genkernel) fix the /usr/src/linux link and recompile the driver. after that ./update works fine (or did for me).

i spent way too long trying to get it to work with the newer kernel.

mga_core.o: unresolved symbol pte_offset
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_attach
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mga_remove_proc_entry
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_quick_set_frame
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_remove_observer
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mga_get_clk
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_init_client
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mga_create_proc_entry
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mga_disable_irq
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_set_buffers
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_detach
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_add_observer
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_desactivate
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_get_format
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_set_mode
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_activate
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_set_source
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mga_alloc_buffer
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mga_free_buffer
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_get_input
mgagrab.o: unresolved symbol mga_enable_irq
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mga_rvmalloc
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_grab_image
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mga_get_card
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mga_display_size
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_set_keymode
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_set_window
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_attach
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mga_release_card
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_register_bh
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_preview_enable
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgabes_set_colorkey
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mga_display_pitch
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol pte_offset
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_deattach
mgacap.o: unresolved symbol mga_rvfree
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_attach
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_set_grabsubimage
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_remove_proc_entry
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_deactivate
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_get_card
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_set_ongrab
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_get_stamp
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_i2c_control
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_release_card
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_init_client
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_create_proc_entry
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_disable_irq
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_detach
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_notify
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_set_source
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_activate
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_grab_needed
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_set_grabsize
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_set_audioinput
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mgagrab_init_videoformat
mgavideo.o: unresolved symbol mga_enable_irq
zr36060.o: unresolved symbol mga_rvmalloc
zr36060.o: unresolved symbol pte_offset
zr36060.o: unresolved symbol mga_rvfree
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_exec_commands
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_attach
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_lcode
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_get_byte
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_send_bitstream_irq
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_push_writeb
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_get_active
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_get_dir
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_hardptr
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_set_active
i33.o: unresolved symbol mga_get_card
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_current_put
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_stall_transfer
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_push_readb
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_and_or_miscctl
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_set_source_addr
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_attach
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_set_transfer_limit
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_start_transfer
i33.o: unresolved symbol mga_release_card
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_buffer_free
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_init_client
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_init
i33.o: unresolved symbol mga_disable_irq
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_get_miscctl
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_decoder
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_detach
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_callback
i33.o: unresolved symbol mga_card_unlock
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgabus_set_source
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_current_get
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_current_flush
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_reset
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_current_buffer
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_ioctl
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_current_last
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_recv_bitstream
i33.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_done
i33.o: unresolved symbol mga_card_lock
i33.o: unresolved symbol mga_enable_irq
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_get_transfer
i33.o: unresolved symbol mgacodec_is_stalled
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgacap_open
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_mmap_bufs
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgacap_close
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgacap_get_pending
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_set_active
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mga_get_card
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgacap_ioctl
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgacap_get_depth
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol i33_lock
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mga_display_size
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mga_set_defaults
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_get_freq
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgacap_get_unit
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mga_release_card
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_set_norm
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_decoder
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_unlock
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_set_freq
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol zr36060_ioctl
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_set_color
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_lock
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_audio
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_get_norm
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgavideo_grab_needed
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol mgacap_mmap
mgajpg.o: unresolved symbol i33_unlock
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