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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 8:11 am Post subject: errore nell'installazione dallo stage 1 [RISOLTO] |
Volevo postare l'errore che ho in fase d'installazione(quando do il comando scripts/ ma non riesco a montare il floppy,mi da il seguente errore bash: mount : command not found
ciao e buona giornata

Last edited by demone on Wed Oct 01, 2003 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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hellraiser Guru

Joined: 14 Jun 2003 Posts: 431 Location: Pescara [Italy]
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 8:31 am Post subject: |
si perke nello stage 1 mi pare non vi sia presento il mount...
se vuoi montare il floppy, fallo prima di dare il "chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash" _________________ Io non sono nessuno è come me!
"Open Source is a good idea..." |
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 8:43 am Post subject: |
Come posso fare per postarvi il mio make.conf e l'errore del scripts/  |
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bubble27 Guru

Joined: 07 Aug 2003 Posts: 365 Location: Campobasso
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 8:47 am Post subject: |
A me si monta il floppy con
# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/qui_scegli_una_dir_ (io la montai provvisoriamente in cdrom)
cmq x demone hai editato /etc/make.conf ????
ciao Gentooaglia |
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hellraiser Guru

Joined: 14 Jun 2003 Posts: 431 Location: Pescara [Italy]
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 8:52 am Post subject: |
lui intende dire che il comando di mount non gli funge dopo aver scompatto il dello stage1...
infatti li non c è il mount...
 _________________ Io non sono nessuno è come me!
"Open Source is a good idea..." |
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bubble27 Guru

Joined: 07 Aug 2003 Posts: 365 Location: Campobasso
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 9:05 am Post subject: |
hellraiser wrote: | lui intende dire che il comando di mount non gli funge dopo aver scompatto il dello stage1...
infatti li non c è il mount...
scusa hell ma se nn ha il mount come fa a montare la partiizone di root, boot etc.... ???
x demone, quando scompatti lo stage1 ti trovi già in chroot ??? |
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 9:08 am Post subject: |
sto facendo l'installazione e settato il modello del processore nel make.conf |
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bubble27 Guru

Joined: 07 Aug 2003 Posts: 365 Location: Campobasso
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 9:27 am Post subject: |
demone wrote: | sto facendo l'installazione e settato il modello del processore nel make.conf |
Quindi prima nn l'avevi fatto ??????
no Aplitur aiaiaiaiiaiaiaiiaiai
ciao Gentooaglia |
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 9:34 am Post subject: |
questo lo fatto in fase d'installazione,come dice la guida di gentoo,cmq lo avevo fatto gia prima!non e che lo sto facendo ora!se riusci a postare l'errore e il make.conf potreste capire meglio |
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bsolar Bodhisattva

Joined: 12 Jan 2003 Posts: 2764
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:24 am Post subject: |
bubble27 wrote: | scusa hell ma se nn ha il mount come fa a montare la partiizone di root, boot etc.... ???
x demone, quando scompatti lo stage1 ti trovi già in chroot ??? |
Lo stage1 non comprende system, infatti 'emerge system' deve essere eseguito dopo il bootstrap. Per questo il chroot si deve eseguire solo a partizioni montate e stage estratto, all'interno del chroot mancherebbero le utility per poterlo fare.
È quindi importante seguire i comandi della guida nel giusto ordine. _________________ I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. |
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bubble27 Guru

Joined: 07 Aug 2003 Posts: 365 Location: Campobasso
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:29 am Post subject: |
bsolar wrote: | bubble27 wrote: | scusa hell ma se nn ha il mount come fa a montare la partiizone di root, boot etc.... ???
x demone, quando scompatti lo stage1 ti trovi già in chroot ??? |
Lo stage1 non comprende system, infatti 'emerge system' deve essere eseguito dopo il bootstrap. Per questo il chroot si deve eseguire solo a partizioni montate e stage estratto, all'interno del chroot mancherebbero le utility per poterlo fare.
È quindi importante seguire i comandi della guida nel giusto ordine. |
Quindi ho un pizzico di ragione ????? |
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neon l33t

Joined: 04 Aug 2003 Posts: 759 Location: Catania, Italy, Europe
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:37 am Post subject: |
bubble27 wrote: | Quindi ho un pizzico di ragione ????? |
mi spiace ma hellraiser ha detto bene... quando chrootti perdi alcune utils come mount...
DEMONE: ricapitoliamo... devi salvare l'output dell'errore su un file, uscire con :
dalla chroot (così riprendi i comandi come mount) montare il floppy e copiare i file dalla part /mnt/gentoo dentro quella in cui hai montato il floppy _________________ Io credo che le tecnologie siano moralmente neutrali fino a quando non le utilizziamo - William Gibson
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:41 am Post subject: |
Forse mi spiego male io!!!!
seguo la guida all'installazione di gentoo passo passo ok
fino al boostrap,li ricevo un errore ,siccome vorrei postarlo insieme al make.conf,ho provato a montare il floppy per copiarci su il make.conf e l'errore,ma mi dice mount :command not foud,come posso fare per postarvi questi due file!tutto chiaro ora!
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fedeliallalinea Administrator

Joined: 08 Mar 2003 Posts: 31555 Location: here
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 10:50 am Post subject: |
demone wrote: | Forse mi spiego male io!!!!
seguo la guida all'installazione di gentoo passo passo ok
fino al boostrap,li ricevo un errore ,siccome vorrei postarlo insieme al make.conf,ho provato a montare il floppy per copiarci su il make.conf e l'errore,ma mi dice mount :command not foud,come posso fare per postarvi questi due file!tutto chiaro ora!
Tu nell'ambiente chroot salvi il make.conf e il tuo output d'errore da
qualche parte (es.: in /root). Una volta che hai i file copiati passi alla
console 2 (dove non hai fatto chroot) e li monti il floppy (va perche' usa
il mount del livecd)
Code: | # mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy |
Poi fai
Una volta che sei qui per copiare i file sul dischetto fai
Code: | # cp /mnt/gentoo/root/make.conf .
# cp /mnt/gentoo/root/nome_file_errore_bootstrap .
# cd
# umount /mnt/floppy |
_________________ Questions are guaranteed in life; Answers aren't. |
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bubble27 Guru

Joined: 07 Aug 2003 Posts: 365 Location: Campobasso
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:01 am Post subject: |
neon_it wrote: | bubble27 wrote: | Quindi ho un pizzico di ragione ????? |
mi spiace ma hellraiser ha detto bene... quando chrootti perdi alcune utils come mount...
DEMONE: ricapitoliamo... devi salvare l'output dell'errore su un file, uscire con :
dalla chroot (così riprendi i comandi come mount) montare il floppy e copiare i file dalla part /mnt/gentoo dentro quella in cui hai montato il floppy |
in chroot lo so ... ma prima di chroottare DEVI averle altrimenti come fai a montare le partizioni di root, boot, etc......??? se è così demone potrebbe (innanzitutto cambiare passwd così dispone anche delle altre console) in una console stare in chroot e nelle altre potrebbe continuare ad usare i comandi messi a disposizione (la maggior parte) dal livecd !!!! |
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:23 am Post subject: |
Finalmente vi posto il make.conf e l'output delle errore del bootstrap
Make .conf
# Copyright 2000-2002 Daniel Robbins, Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Contains local system settings for Portage system
# Please review 'man make.conf' for more information.
# Build-time functionality
# ========================
# The USE variable is used to enable optional build-time functionality. For
# example, quite a few packages have optional X, gtk or GNOME functionality
# that can only be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Gentoo Linux has a
# very extensive set of USE variables described in our USE variable HOWTO at
# The available list of use flags with descriptions is in your portage tree.
# Use 'less' to view them: --> less /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc <--
# Example:
#USE="X gtk gnome -alsa"
# Host Setting
# ============
# If you are using a Pentium Pro or greater processor, leave this line as-is;
# otherwise, change to i586, i486 or i386 as appropriate. All modern systems
# (even Athlons) should use "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
# Host and optimization settings
# ==============================
# For optimal performance, enable a CFLAGS setting appropriate for your CPU
# -mcpu=<cpu-type> means optimize code for the particular type of CPU without
# breaking compatibility with other CPUs.
# -march=<cpu-type> means to take full advantage of the ABI and instructions
# for the particular CPU; this will break compatibility with older CPUs (for
# example, -march=athlon-xp code will not run on a regular Athlon, and
-march=i686 code will not run on a Pentium Classic.
# CPU types supported in gcc-3.2 and higher: athlon-xp, athlon-mp, athlon-4,
# athlon-tbird, athlon, k6, k6-2, k6-3, i386, i486, i586 (Pentium), i686
# (PentiumPro), pentium, pentium-mmx, pentiumpro, pentium2 (Celeron), pentium3,
# and pentium4. Note that Gentoo Linux 1.4 and higher include at least gcc-3.2.
# CPU types supported in gcc-2.95*: k6, i386, i486, i586 (Pentium), i686
# (Pentium Pro), pentium, pentiumpro Gentoo Linux 1.2 and below use gcc-2.95*
# Decent examples:
#CFLAGS="-mcpu=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe"
#CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=i686 -funroll-loops -pipe"
# If you set a CFLAGS above, then this line will set your default C++ flags to
# the same settings. If you don't set CFLAGS above, then comment this line out.
# Advanced Masking
# ================
# Gentoo is using a new masking system to allow for easier stability testing
# on packages. KEYWORDS are used in ebuilds to mask and unmask packages based
# on the platform they are set for. A special form has been added that
# indicates packages and revisions that are expected to work, but have not yet
# been approved for the stable set. '~arch' is a superset of 'arch' which
# includes the unstable, in testing, packages. Users of the 'x86' architecture
# would add '~x86' to ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to enable unstable/testing packages.
# '~ppc', '~sparc', '~sparc64' are the unstable KEYWORDS for their respective
# Portage Directories
# ===================
# Each of these settings controls an aspect of portage's storage and file
# system usage. If you change any of these, be sure it is available when
# you try to use portage. *** DO NOT INCLUDE A TRAILING "/" ***
# PORTAGE_TMPDIR is the location portage will use for compilations and
# temporary storage of data. This can get VERY large depending upon
# the application being installed.
# PORTDIR is the location of the portage tree. This is the repository
# for all profile information as well as all ebuilds. This directory
# itself can reach 200M. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND that you change this.
# DISTDIR is where all of the source code tarballs will be placed for
# emerges. The source code is maintained here unless you delete
# it. The entire repository of tarballs for gentoo is 9G. This is
# considerably more than any user will ever download. 2-3G is
# a large DISTDIR.
# PKGDIR is the location of binary packages that you can have created
# with '--buildpkg' or '-b' while emerging a package. This can get
# upto several hundred megs, or even a few gigs.
# PORTDIR_OVERLAY is a directory where local ebuilds may be stored without
# concern that they will be deleted by rsync updates. Default is not
# defined.
# Fetching files
# ==============
# If you need to set a proxy for wget or lukemftp, add the appropriate "export
# ftp_proxy=<proxy>" and "export http_proxy=<proxy>" lines to /etc/profile if
# all users on your system should use them.
# Portage uses wget by default. Here are some settings for some alternate
# downloaders -- note that you need to merge these programs first before they
# will be available.
# Lukemftp (BSD ftp):
#FETCHCOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -o \${DISTDIR}/\${FILE} \${URI}"
#RESUMECOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -R -o \${DISTDIR}/\${FILE} \${URI}"
# Prozilla (turbo downloader)
#FETCHCOMMAND='/usr/bin/proz --no-getch -s ${URI} -P ${DISTDIR}'
# Advanced Features
# =================
# MAKEOPTS provides extra options that may be passed to 'make' when a
# program is compiled. Presently the only use is for specifying
# the number of parallel makes (-j) to perform. The suggested number
# for parallel makes is CPUs+1.
# AUTOCLEAN enables portage to automatically clean out older or overlapping
# packages from the system after every successful merge. This is the
# same as running 'emerge -c' after every merge. Set with: "yes" or "no".
# FEATURES are settings that affect the functionality of portage. Most of
# these settings are for developer use, but some are available to non-
# developers as well. 'buildpkg' is an always-on setting for the emerge
# flag of the same name. It causes binary packages to be created of all
# packages that are merged.
#FEATURES="sandbox ccache buildpkg"
# RSYNC_RETRIES sets the number of times portage will attempt to retrieve
# a current portage tree before it exits with an error. This allows
# for a more successful retrieval without user intervention most times.
output errore
[32;01mGentoo Linux; [34;01m[0m
Copyright 2001-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL
Starting Bootstrap of base system ...
Using >=sys-apps/baselayout-1.7.9-r1
Using >=sys-apps/portage-2.0.25
Using >=sys-devel/binutils-
Using >=sys-devel/gcc-3.2
Using >=sys-libs/glibc-2.2.5
Using >=sys-apps/texinfo-4.2-r1
Using sys-libs/zlib
Using >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2.20020112a
Configuring environment...
exporting PROXY=!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
exporting HTTP_PROXY=!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
exporting FTP_PROXY=!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them. |
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:25 am Post subject: |
Io sto dietro ad un Smootwall puoi essere questo il problema!?
Last edited by demone on Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total |
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:26 am Post subject: |
Finalmente vi posto il make.conf e l'output delle errore del bootstrap
Make .conf
# Copyright 2000-2002 Daniel Robbins, Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Contains local system settings for Portage system
# Please review 'man make.conf' for more information.
# Build-time functionality
# ========================
# The USE variable is used to enable optional build-time functionality. For
# example, quite a few packages have optional X, gtk or GNOME functionality
# that can only be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Gentoo Linux has a
# very extensive set of USE variables described in our USE variable HOWTO at
# The available list of use flags with descriptions is in your portage tree.
# Use 'less' to view them: --> less /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc <--
# Example:
#USE="X gtk gnome -alsa"
# Host Setting
# ============
# If you are using a Pentium Pro or greater processor, leave this line as-is;
# otherwise, change to i586, i486 or i386 as appropriate. All modern systems
# (even Athlons) should use "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
# Host and optimization settings
# ==============================
# For optimal performance, enable a CFLAGS setting appropriate for your CPU
# -mcpu=<cpu-type> means optimize code for the particular type of CPU without
# breaking compatibility with other CPUs.
# -march=<cpu-type> means to take full advantage of the ABI and instructions
# for the particular CPU; this will break compatibility with older CPUs (for
# example, -march=athlon-xp code will not run on a regular Athlon, and
-march=i686 code will not run on a Pentium Classic.
# CPU types supported in gcc-3.2 and higher: athlon-xp, athlon-mp, athlon-4,
# athlon-tbird, athlon, k6, k6-2, k6-3, i386, i486, i586 (Pentium), i686
# (PentiumPro), pentium, pentium-mmx, pentiumpro, pentium2 (Celeron), pentium3,
# and pentium4. Note that Gentoo Linux 1.4 and higher include at least gcc-3.2.
# CPU types supported in gcc-2.95*: k6, i386, i486, i586 (Pentium), i686
# (Pentium Pro), pentium, pentiumpro Gentoo Linux 1.2 and below use gcc-2.95*
# Decent examples:
#CFLAGS="-mcpu=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe"
#CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=i686 -funroll-loops -pipe"
# If you set a CFLAGS above, then this line will set your default C++ flags to
# the same settings. If you don't set CFLAGS above, then comment this line out.
# Advanced Masking
# ================
# Gentoo is using a new masking system to allow for easier stability testing
# on packages. KEYWORDS are used in ebuilds to mask and unmask packages based
# on the platform they are set for. A special form has been added that
# indicates packages and revisions that are expected to work, but have not yet
# been approved for the stable set. '~arch' is a superset of 'arch' which
# includes the unstable, in testing, packages. Users of the 'x86' architecture
# would add '~x86' to ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to enable unstable/testing packages.
# '~ppc', '~sparc', '~sparc64' are the unstable KEYWORDS for their respective
# Portage Directories
# ===================
# Each of these settings controls an aspect of portage's storage and file
# system usage. If you change any of these, be sure it is available when
# you try to use portage. *** DO NOT INCLUDE A TRAILING "/" ***
# PORTAGE_TMPDIR is the location portage will use for compilations and
# temporary storage of data. This can get VERY large depending upon
# the application being installed.
# PORTDIR is the location of the portage tree. This is the repository
# for all profile information as well as all ebuilds. This directory
# itself can reach 200M. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND that you change this.
# DISTDIR is where all of the source code tarballs will be placed for
# emerges. The source code is maintained here unless you delete
# it. The entire repository of tarballs for gentoo is 9G. This is
# considerably more than any user will ever download. 2-3G is
# a large DISTDIR.
# PKGDIR is the location of binary packages that you can have created
# with '--buildpkg' or '-b' while emerging a package. This can get
# upto several hundred megs, or even a few gigs.
# PORTDIR_OVERLAY is a directory where local ebuilds may be stored without
# concern that they will be deleted by rsync updates. Default is not
# defined.
# Fetching files
# ==============
# If you need to set a proxy for wget or lukemftp, add the appropriate "export
# ftp_proxy=<proxy>" and "export http_proxy=<proxy>" lines to /etc/profile if
# all users on your system should use them.
# Portage uses wget by default. Here are some settings for some alternate
# downloaders -- note that you need to merge these programs first before they
# will be available.
# Lukemftp (BSD ftp):
#FETCHCOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -o \${DISTDIR}/\${FILE} \${URI}"
#RESUMECOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -R -o \${DISTDIR}/\${FILE} \${URI}"
# Prozilla (turbo downloader)
#FETCHCOMMAND='/usr/bin/proz --no-getch -s ${URI} -P ${DISTDIR}'
# Advanced Features
# =================
# MAKEOPTS provides extra options that may be passed to 'make' when a
# program is compiled. Presently the only use is for specifying
# the number of parallel makes (-j) to perform. The suggested number
# for parallel makes is CPUs+1.
# AUTOCLEAN enables portage to automatically clean out older or overlapping
# packages from the system after every successful merge. This is the
# same as running 'emerge -c' after every merge. Set with: "yes" or "no".
# FEATURES are settings that affect the functionality of portage. Most of
# these settings are for developer use, but some are available to non-
# developers as well. 'buildpkg' is an always-on setting for the emerge
# flag of the same name. It causes binary packages to be created of all
# packages that are merged.
#FEATURES="sandbox ccache buildpkg"
# RSYNC_RETRIES sets the number of times portage will attempt to retrieve
# a current portage tree before it exits with an error. This allows
# for a more successful retrieval without user intervention most times.
output errore
[32;01mGentoo Linux; [34;01m[0m
Copyright 2001-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL
Starting Bootstrap of base system ...
Using >=sys-apps/baselayout-1.7.9-r1
Using >=sys-apps/portage-2.0.25
Using >=sys-devel/binutils-
Using >=sys-devel/gcc-3.2
Using >=sys-libs/glibc-2.2.5
Using >=sys-apps/texinfo-4.2-r1
Using sys-libs/zlib
Using >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2.20020112a
Configuring environment...
exporting PROXY=!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
exporting HTTP_PROXY=!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
exporting FTP_PROXY=!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
!!! Invalid token (not "=") will
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them. |
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hellraiser Guru

Joined: 14 Jun 2003 Posts: 431 Location: Pescara [Italy]
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:47 am Post subject: |
bubble27 wrote: | hellraiser wrote: | lui intende dire che il comando di mount non gli funge dopo aver scompatto il dello stage1...
infatti li non c è il mount...
scusa hell ma se nn ha il mount come fa a montare la partiizone di root, boot etc.... ???
x demone, quando scompatti lo stage1 ti trovi già in chroot ??? |
io intendo dopo il chroot...
prima del chroot dato che stai con il livecd, hai tutti i comandi...compreso il "mount"
 _________________ Io non sono nessuno è come me!
"Open Source is a good idea..." |
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bubble27 Guru

Joined: 07 Aug 2003 Posts: 365 Location: Campobasso
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:47 am Post subject: |
#CFLAGS="-mcpu=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe"
#CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=i686 -funroll-loops -pipe"
questa ancora nn l'hai settata ???? decommenta in base alla cpu che hai !!!
cmq x l'errore potrebbe essere anche essere quello che dici tu, controlla i vari firewall !! |
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shev Bodhisattva

Joined: 03 Feb 2003 Posts: 4084 Location: Italy
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:55 am Post subject: |
demone wrote: |
# example, -march=athlon-xp code will not run on a regular Athlon, and
-march=i686 code will not run on a Pentium Classic.
Ma questa linea è spezzata così o è stata formattata solo in output? Mi spiego meglio: nel tuo make.conf la riga "-march etc" inizia così o fa parte della riga precedente? Nel caso fosse una nuova riga aggiungi il # davanti, l'errore:
!!! Parse error in /etc/make.conf.
!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.
è dovuto proprio a questo.
Per i proxy hai per caso installato tu qualcosa/esportato variabili/smanettato? Inoltre sei sicuro che il tuo make.conf sia tutto qui (non dovrebbe esserci anche la parte relativa ai proxy?)? _________________ Se per vivere ti dicono "siediti e stai zitto" tu alzati e muori combattendo |
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hellraiser Guru

Joined: 14 Jun 2003 Posts: 431 Location: Pescara [Italy]
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:06 pm Post subject: |
infatti dovrebbe esserci anke la parte del proxy...dato ke l'errore riguarda proprio quello...posta bene /etc/make.conf
 _________________ Io non sono nessuno è come me!
"Open Source is a good idea..." |
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:37 pm Post subject: |
In base ha cio ke mi avete suggerito a configurato il make.conf ma il problema persiste!
# Copyright 2000-2002 Daniel Robbins, Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Contains local system settings for Portage system
# Please review 'man make.conf' for more information.
# Build-time functionality
# ========================
# The USE variable is used to enable optional build-time functionality. For
# example, quite a few packages have optional X, gtk or GNOME functionality
# that can only be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Gentoo Linux has a
# very extensive set of USE variables described in our USE variable HOWTO at
# The available list of use flags with descriptions is in your portage tree.
# Use 'less' to view them: --> less /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc <--
# Example:
#USE="X gtk gnome -alsa"
# Host Setting
# ============
# If you are using a Pentium Pro or greater processor, leave this line as-is;
# otherwise, change to i586, i486 or i386 as appropriate. All modern systems
# (even Athlons) should use "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
# Host and optimization settings
# ==============================
# For optimal performance, enable a CFLAGS setting appropriate for your CPU
# -mcpu=<cpu-type> means optimize code for the particular type of CPU without
# breaking compatibility with other CPUs.
# -march=<cpu-type> means to take full advantage of the ABI and instructions
# for the particular CPU; this will break compatibility with older CPUs (for
# example, -march=athlon-xp code will not run on a regular Athlon, and
-march=i686 code will not run on a Pentium Classic.
# CPU types supported in gcc-3.2 and higher: athlon-xp, athlon-mp, athlon-4,
# athlon-tbird, athlon, k6, k6-2, k6-3, i386, i486, i586 (Pentium), i686
# (PentiumPro), pentium, pentium-mmx, pentiumpro, pentium2 (Celeron), pentium3,
# and pentium4. Note that Gentoo Linux 1.4 and higher include at least gcc-3.2.
# CPU types supported in gcc-2.95*: k6, i386, i486, i586 (Pentium), i686
# (Pentium Pro), pentium, pentiumpro Gentoo Linux 1.2 and below use gcc-2.95*
# Decent examples:
CFLAGS="-mcpu=i686 -O3 -pipe"
CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=i686 -funroll-loops -pipe"
# If you set a CFLAGS above, then this line will set your default C++ flags to
# the same settings. If you don't set CFLAGS above, then comment this line out.
# Advanced Masking
# ================
# Gentoo is using a new masking system to allow for easier stability testing
# on packages. KEYWORDS are used in ebuilds to mask and unmask packages based
# on the platform they are set for. A special form has been added that
# indicates packages and revisions that are expected to work, but have not yet
# been approved for the stable set. '~arch' is a superset of 'arch' which
# includes the unstable, in testing, packages. Users of the 'x86' architecture
# would add '~x86' to ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to enable unstable/testing packages.
# '~ppc', '~sparc', '~sparc64' are the unstable KEYWORDS for their respective
# Portage Directories
# ===================
# Each of these settings controls an aspect of portage's storage and file
# system usage. If you change any of these, be sure it is available when
# you try to use portage. *** DO NOT INCLUDE A TRAILING "/" ***
# PORTAGE_TMPDIR is the location portage will use for compilations and
# temporary storage of data. This can get VERY large depending upon
# the application being installed.
# PORTDIR is the location of the portage tree. This is the repository
# for all profile information as well as all ebuilds. This directory
# itself can reach 200M. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND that you change this.
# DISTDIR is where all of the source code tarballs will be placed for
# emerges. The source code is maintained here unless you delete
# it. The entire repository of tarballs for gentoo is 9G. This is
# considerably more than any user will ever download. 2-3G is
# a large DISTDIR.
# PKGDIR is the location of binary packages that you can have created
# with '--buildpkg' or '-b' while emerging a package. This can get
# upto several hundred megs, or even a few gigs.
# PORTDIR_OVERLAY is a directory where local ebuilds may be stored without
# concern that they will be deleted by rsync updates. Default is not
# defined.
# Fetching files
# ==============
# If you need to set a proxy for wget or lukemftp, add the appropriate "export
# ftp_proxy=<proxy>" and "export http_proxy=<proxy>" lines to /etc/profile if
# all users on your system should use them.
# Portage uses wget by default. Here are some settings for some alternate
# downloaders -- note that you need to merge these programs first before they
# will be available.
# Lukemftp (BSD ftp):
#FETCHCOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -o \${DISTDIR}/\${FILE} \${URI}"
#RESUMECOMMAND="/usr/bin/lukemftp -s -a -R -o \${DISTDIR}/\${FILE} \${URI}"
# Prozilla (turbo downloader)
#FETCHCOMMAND='/usr/bin/proz --no-getch -s ${URI} -P ${DISTDIR}'
# Advanced Features
# =================
# MAKEOPTS provides extra options that may be passed to 'make' when a
# program is compiled. Presently the only use is for specifying
# the number of parallel makes (-j) to perform. The suggested number
# for parallel makes is CPUs+1.
# AUTOCLEAN enables portage to automatically clean out older or overlapping
# packages from the system after every successful merge. This is the
# same as running 'emerge -c' after every merge. Set with: "yes" or "no".
# FEATURES are settings that affect the functionality of portage. Most of
# these settings are for developer use, but some are available to non-
# developers as well. 'buildpkg' is an always-on setting for the emerge
# flag of the same name. It causes binary packages to be created of all
# packages that are merged.
#FEATURES="sandbox ccache buildpkg"
# RSYNC_RETRIES sets the number of times portage will attempt to retrieve
# a current portage tree before it exits with an error. This allows
# for a more successful retrieval without user intervention most times.
Il firewall e settato di dafault e non ho fatto smanettamenti sulle variabili,cqm io la mia debian riesco ad aggiornala tranquillamente |
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neon l33t

Joined: 04 Aug 2003 Posts: 759 Location: Catania, Italy, Europe
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:55 pm Post subject: |
CFLAGS ne basta uno... e dovrebbe essere ottimizzato in base al tuo processore, nella guida dovrebbe spiegarlo...
per editare il make.conf cosa usi?
Code: | # nano -w /etc/make.conf |
usi l'opzione "-w"?
qualcuno sa dirmi perchè usano questo editor osceno al posto di vi nell'installazione? _________________ Io credo che le tecnologie siano moralmente neutrali fino a quando non le utilizziamo - William Gibson
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demone n00b

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Posts: 74 Location: Naples
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 1:02 pm Post subject: |
Si faccio cosi # nano -w /etc/make.conf per editare il file ho setta una sola CFLAGS ora ma ho lo stesso problema |
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