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net.eth0 failed to start
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Joined: 19 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:10 am    Post subject: net.eth0 failed to start Reply with quote

i used networkmanager and gnome-nettool in kde4 to connect the internet.
At first, the network wors fine , but when kde is blocked ,i used reboot , and when i want to connect the internet, there's a problem

i used
/etc/init.d/net.eth0 start

and it appered

* Bringing up interface eth0
 *   Changing MAC address of eth0 ... [ ok ]
 *     changed to 88:ae:1d:2c:30:9b
 *   dhcp ...
 *     Running dhcpcd ... [ !! ]
 [ !! ]
 *   You are using a bash array for config_eth0.
 *   This feature will be removed in the future.
 *   Please see net.example for the correct format for config_eth0.
dhcpcd[3889]: version 5.2.12 starting
dhcpcd[3889]: eth0: waiting for carrier
dhcpcd[3889]: eth0: carrier acquired
dhcpcd[3889]: eth0: rebinding lease of
dhcpcd[3889]: eth0: broadcasting for a lease
dhcpcd[3889]: timed out
dhcpcd[3889]: allowing 8 seconds for IPv4LL timeout
dhcpcd[3889]: timed out
* ERROR: net.eth0 failed to start

I'm a newer for gentoo, would anyone help me? thanks[/code]
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

and there is the contents in /etc/conf.d/net

#Generated by NetworkManager
###### Global Configuration ######

###### Connection Configuration ######
config_eth0=( "dhcp" )
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Is eth0 wired or wireless ?

Whatever, you still have a current lease on
Thats odd for several reasons. First, it means it has worked in the past.
It looks like you have a vaid lease, the dhcp server is refusing to renew it then it breaks instead of offering you a new IP address. is a public IP. Its not wrong for you to connect you system directly to the big bad internet but its very rare.

Your /etc/conf.d/net file contains the old depreciated syntax but as the warning says
This feature will be removed in the future.

config_eth0=( "dhcp" )
should be

Why do you need to set the mac address on eth0?

Something to try ... read man dhcpcd and work out how to dell dhcpcd to drop your lease.
Of course, the lease may have expired by the time you read this, so it may all justwork.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have tried many ways to edit the files about network, at last I think I have found the reasons.

The problem happens at


dhcpcd[3889]: eth0: rebinding lease of

If I didn't understand it badly , it says the IP couldn't be released . This process is about DHCP.

So when I used the command "dhcpcd", the IP is changed. So the net.eth0 could be started.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tron1984 wrote:
I have tried many ways to edit the files about network, at last I think I have found the reasons.

The problem happens at


dhcpcd[3889]: eth0: rebinding lease of

If I didn't understand it badly , it says the IP couldn't be released . This process is about DHCP.

So when I used the command "dhcpcd", the IP is changed. So the net.eth0 could be started.

Thanks very much.

And please forgive my poor Eniglish.

The IP may be the last IP when I forced the system to reboot because of the crashed kde desktop environment, and after that I encoutered the problem.

And to learn linux I must think properly when there's a problem.
Why do you need to set the mac address on eth0?

It's generated by networkmanager. I didn't do it. Also the ifconfig_eth0
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


"rebinding" means your system has found a dhcp lease that is still current accoring to your system clock and has asked the dhcp server to reuse the lease.
Both your system and the server are supposed to do that. The dhcp server should just say 'yes'.

A few thinks can go wrong here. If the server needed to reallocate the IP you hold a lease on, it should say you can't have that IP address, ask for a new one.
That should work too.

If you have a problem with your clock, your system may think you have a valid lease but if your clock is slow, the dhcp server may not agree.
Does the date command return the correct time and date?
As you won't have ntp running yet (your network is not up) your clock needs to be close enough to the ouside world for lease expiry to work.
Run dhcpcd by hand and tell it to drop any leases it may hold.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon wrote:

"rebinding" means your system has found a dhcp lease that is still current accoring to your system clock and has asked the dhcp server to reuse the lease.
Both your system and the server are supposed to do that. The dhcp server should just say 'yes'.

A few thinks can go wrong here. If the server needed to reallocate the IP you hold a lease on, it should say you can't have that IP address, ask for a new one.
That should work too.

If you have a problem with your clock, your system may think you have a valid lease but if your clock is slow, the dhcp server may not agree.
Does the date command return the correct time and date?
As you won't have ntp running yet (your network is not up) your clock needs to be close enough to the ouside world for lease expiry to work.
Run dhcpcd by hand and tell it to drop any leases it may hold.

Thanks a lot.

But I cann't understand your words about the date becaue of my poor Eniglish . And indeed, my date time is not correct. I'm trying to make it correct.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Do you dual boot with windows or not ?


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeddySeagoon ,

Actually ,I triple boot with Windows 7 ,gentoo and arch linux.

I have used date and hwclock, but everytime I boot ,the time will change itself.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Windows and *NIX disagree on how real time clocks should be set. Windows is wrong but you can set *NIX to be equally wrong so the two live together - almost.
You do loose a little bit of *NIX functionality that Windows doesn't have but thats the price for booting both systems on the same hardware.

For easy living with windows, set the BIOS time to your local time from your wristwatch. Windows demands this.
Boot Windows and fix the time in Windows if its wrong.

Boot Gentoo (arch will do something similar)
In /etc/timezone put localtime
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/localtime to /etc/localtime
edit /etc/conf.d/hwclock
Follow the comments at the top of the file - your hardware clock is not set to UTC.
and fix
# If you do not want to set the hardware clock to the current system
# time (software clock)  during shutdown, set this to NO
Only Windows must reset the BIOS clock. (uncomment it too).
further down the same file.
This should make your time correct in both Gentoo and Windows.
Reboot Gentoo to make sure it stays right.

Fixing arch is left as an exercise to the reader.

I mentioned a slight loss of functionality ... you need to boot Windows to update your BIOS time when daylight saving time begins/ends.

Having monotonic time in *NIX is essentail for normal operation. A lot of things depend on time always increasing.
Having (reasonably) correct time is essential for initial interaction with the outside world.


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