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Union FS with NFS?
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Joined: 29 May 2004
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Location: San Jose, CA

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:30 pm    Post subject: Union FS with NFS? Reply with quote

I have a problem with unionfs 2.5.11 (I updated to the latest available), a really old kernel and NFS V3.

unionfs is causing a trap #17. A subsequent google search showed the problem is in unionfs itself. Its calling kernel routines with NULL pointers causing the kernel to go kaboom. Its not a nice thing to code NULL pointers in kernel code, I get that, but even though there was a lot of changes made to eliminate the NULL pointers, I greped and there are still some left and apparently they are still causing my config to fail.

aufs is not possible because only the oldest aufs supports a kernel that old and I can't upgrade kernels, its an embedded kernel and the upgrade would take me (a hardware engineer) too damn long to make work (if I could get it working at all).

Does anyone have unionfs running over NFS?

Any suggestions or ideas?

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Joined: 11 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:41 pm    Post subject: what are you trying to acheive ? Reply with quote

why the requirement for the unionfs ? perhaps there is another way to achieve what you need even if it is a bit more cumbersome.. i.e. mount /here then umount and mount /there then rsync from /here to /there

if you have access to /proc/config.gz it might be easier to compile a new kernel on another system ?
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Joined: 29 May 2004
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Location: San Jose, CA

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:22 pm    Post subject: Re: what are you trying to acheive ? Reply with quote

thegeezer wrote:
why the requirement for the unionfs ? perhaps there is another way to achieve what you need even if it is a bit more cumbersome.. i.e. mount /here then umount and mount /there then rsync from /here to /there

if you have access to /proc/config.gz it might be easier to compile a new kernel on another system ?

Thanks for responding.

Your first suggestion is what I was contemplating when I found out about unionfs and the fact that we were already using it. It works well with physical disks. It works perfectly (does exactly what I want) until it crashes.

I can compile a new kernel, but I can't easily move all the special code developed for this embedded application to the new kernel, since I'm not really a kernel guy and have no idea where the specialty code is. Its more work than I have time for.
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